Falling Apart Part 2

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A/N: I got a lot of comments on the previous part asking for a part 2, so here it is! Hope y'all enjoy!

Next: Bullies (Request)
Words: 1723
Warnings: N/A
Important Notes: Same as last time, Leo and you both attend the same school. And it's also your birthday!


"Come on man, don't you want to see her smile?" Percy insisted.

"Of course. That's why I bought her the pendant." Leo retorted from underneath his pile of blankets.

"Seriously." Nico grumbled, yanking the blankets off of his broken hearted friend. He gave a quiet grin at the cries of complaint this elicited. "That's not enough. Especially after everything she's done for you."

"What do you mean?" The brunette grumbled half-heartedly as he searched for the blankets with only one eye slightly peeked open.

"Do you have any idea how far away your house is from her's?" Percy asked, hands on hips in the position a mother would scold her child.

"No. Why?" Leo opened one eye fully and gave a grunt when he realised the blankets were all the way on the other side of the room where Nico had flung them.

"Because it's 45 minutes away."

"Yeah, and? That's not too bad for a drive."

"She walks."
Leo froze at this, astonished. He had never realised that Y/N had to make such a far trek each morning.

"And she continues to do so, every morning, simply to cook you breakfast and make sure you make contact with at least one person every day." Nico informed, backing Percy up.

"That's right." Percy nodded.

"And it's not only that." Nico proceeded to explain the harsh mornings Y/N faces every week day. "She gets up at around 4:20 every morning to get dressed and ready. This only gives her half an hour to do everything so most mornings, she has to skip breakfast. She then makes the 45 minute hike to your place, with all her school books inside a bag on her back. Once she gets to your place, she has to suffer through the making of your breakfast with nothing but coffee to comfort her."

"Then, she has to kick you awake." Percy took over. "Has to coax you out of bed to have the breakfast she had to make, only to have you eat half of it while she starves. She then entertains you for another 40 to 50 minutes before taking the hour long walk to school. On top of this, she's most likely late to class and in trouble with the teacher, not to mention her grades are starting to drop because she's too busy caring for someone who can't even be bothered to roll out of bed and wish her happy birthday. I tell you what, chances are she's done the exact same thing she does every morning. On the one day of the year that's about her, the one day she should be getting the well earned rest she needs, she's chosen to make it all about you and take care of you instead."

"Now look us in the eyes and tell us again that your not willing to even try to make Y/N really smile for her birthday." Percy glared down at the other male.

"I swear to all the gods, Valdez." Nico growled lowly, glowering at the boy. "If you don't get out of that bed, so help me I will drag you kicking and screaming in whatever clothes your wearing in five minutes to that school so you can wish the greatest thing that's ever happened to you a happy birthday. Do you understand me?"

He hated to admit it, but Nico was right: Y/N truly was the greatest thing that ever happened to him. She had been there, before, after and during the time he had been with Calypso. She hadn't been swayed by the amount of time he had spent with Calypso instead of her. All the times he had waved her off to be with Calypso. Every time he ignored Y/N's warning that she was going to break his heart. There wasn't even an "I told you so" when she inevitably did break his heart. She was just there to comfort him. And she had gone to such great lengths to do so.
But even after all this time, he hadn't changed. He was still so selfish and heartless. Maybe that's why Calypso had left him.
It didn't matter if it was. He just wanted to make sure it wasn't the reason Y/N left. She was the only person who had stuck by him through everything. So he would stay by her through everything to.

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