Chapter 5: Kabuto

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    After we got back to his team, I said goodbye to them and went to find my team. After a few hours, I finally found them and the gray haired boy from earlier. I glared at him as he walked towards me.
    “Hello I’m Kabuto. And you are Miss…” He said with a smirk as he waited for me to introduce myself. “(Y/n) (L/n).” I said warningly.
    “Back off Kabuto.” Sasuke said as he glared at the shinobi who put his hands up defensively while slowly stepping back. I handed the water bottles back to Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. I immediately noticed the length difference in Sakura’s hair.
    “Sakura-chan, your hair is so much shorter now. W-what happened?” I asked worriedly. “A group of Sound ninja attacked us. The girl grabbed my hair, so I had to cut it.” She explained with a smile at the end. I nodded and we continued organizing our things.
    We decided we should head towards the tower and began making our way through the forest. After a while, I realized that the tower wasn’t getting any closer. “Wait please.” I said as I heard my name being called.
My team stopped and I jumped down from the tree I was in to see Tenten and an unconscious Lee.
    “What happened?” I asked as I ran over. I noticed that he was badly injured and that Tenten was pretty badly scratched up herself. After I patched Lee up, I began helping Tenten.
    “Where’s Neji-kun?” I asked when I was done with her. “He went to go find you.” She said as she pointed to my left. I nodded. “A-Arigato Tenten-san.” I said as I ran off in the direction she pointed in.
    I ran into something hard and fell back on my butt. “Ow.” I said as I held my nose in pain. I looked up to see a Sound ninja team. The one I ran into had most of his face covered by bandages.

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