Hinata jumped in the way to shield Naruto. I ran towards them, but before I could even get close, Neji was in front of Hinata and had been stabbed by the wood. “Neji!” I screamed. As I sped up. Naruto and I caught him as he began falling. His forehead protector fell off, revealing the Caged Bird seal on his forehead. Blood poured from the corners of his mouth as he smiled weakly.
I sat in front of him as tears poured down my face. “Why are you willing to throw away your life for me?” Naruto asked him in shock. “Because… you told me that I’m a genius.” Neji said as he smiled again. Hinata sat next to me, silently crying.
“Naruto, Hinata-sama is willing to die for you. That’s why...your life...is not only..one… Apparently...my life, too...was..one of...yours. (Y/n)’s too...is one...of them.” He said to Naruto. “(Y/n)... I...love you.” He said. “I love you too.” I choked out between sobs. “Take...care of...our...child.” He said. I nodded before leaning forward and kissing him one last time.
I leaned back with tears in my eyes and watched as his cursed seal disappeared.*Flashback*
“I-I’m sorry if I’m i-interrupting.” I said quickly with a bow as my face flushed from embarrassment. “It’s alright (Y/n). You may stand up.” I stood up to see the older man smiling gently at me. I smiled back at him and bowed as he left the room before I turned to look at Neji.
“A-Are you alright N-Neji-kun?” I asked with my face still hot. He smiled gently at me and nodded. “How about you?” He asked as his eyes darted to my arm. “I-It’s a lot better now. Th-Thanks.” I said with a small smile. He nodded and gestured to the seat next to him on the hospital bed.
“(Y/n), do you remember when you asked why I wear bandages on my forehead?” He asked as he glanced over at me. I nodded and turned to look at him. I realized that he wasn’t wearing his forehead protector and that he had a mark on his forehead. He then went on to explain to me about his caged bird seal and that he was hiding it.
I smiled and my body moved on its own, making me stand up from beside him to stand in front of him. I leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead, right on the seal, causing both of us to turn 50 shades of pink. We smiled and looked down. Finally, I felt like I had enough courage to tell him.
“N-Neji-kun.” I stuttered out, causing him to look up. “I-I l-like you.” I said shyly looking up to meet his soft lavender eyes. A small smile grew on his lips as we slowly leaned closer to each other. Just as our lips were about to touch, a voice rang out from the door. “Hey Neji.” The brunette girl said, causing the two of us to pull away quickly.
“(Y/n), I want to ask you something.” He said getting my attention. “What is it?” I asked. “(Y/n), I love you more than anything and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He asked as he got down on one knee. Without hesitation, I nodded and jumped on him, giving him a kiss. Carefully, he slipped a beautiful ring onto my finger.
A few weeks later, we were walking through Konoha’s streets,“I hope this goes well. It would be horrible to have a war right now.” I said worriedly. “It’ll be fine. Don’t stress so much.” Neji said reassuringly as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed me on the forehead.
I rested my hand on the middle of his back and leaned my head against his shoulder.
“How are we going to tell them?” I asked looking at him with a bit of excitement. He smiled and thought for a moment before looking back to me. “We could gather them all at the barbeque place and tell them then.” He suggested. I smiled and nodded happily. That night, all of our friends gathered at the barbeque place.
Everyone began talking as I looked down at the new ring on my left hand. It had a thin silver band with a medium sized round diamond in the middle. “Are you ready?” A voice asked. I smiled at Neji and nodded as I took hold of his hand.
“So what did you guys want to tell us?” Sakura asked curiously. I looked at Neji who nodded. I nodded back and we stood up, smiling at each other as we each held the other’s hand tightly.
“We’re getting married.” I said happily as they started clapping. Shikamaru and Sakura laughed. “About time you two.” Sakura said. I smiled as Ino, Hinata, Sakura, Shizune, and Tsunade crushed me in a hug.
Hinata then hugged Neji while Lee and the others congratulated us. “There’s one more thing too.” I said, getting a confused look from everyone including Neji. I looked Neji dead in the eyes and smirked, confusing them even more while he seemed to be slowly figuring it out along with Shikamaru.
“I’m pregnant.” I said smiling at Neji.
He hugged me tightly and I could see the tears in his and Hinata’s eyes. Lady Tsunade and Shizune smiled while the girls squealed, except for Tenten who glared daggers at me and the boys laughed.
Sakura stood up and began yelling. “What?!?!” She yelled. I smiled as Neji hugged me tightly. We pulled away and I wiped the tears from his eyes. As he wiped some that I didn’t even know I had away.
We smiled at each other for a while until he brought me closer and kissed me. “I love you so much.” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. “I love you too.” I said gently as we sat back down.
*End of Flashback*
A white bird flew overhead and I smiled knowing that he was finally at peace. “Goodbye...Neji.” I whispered.*4 years later*
I held (d/n) hand as we walked to the cemetery. Today was July 3, Neji’s birthday. We stopped in front of his headstone and saw Hinata and Himawari standing there with Boruto.
I smiled at them as I let go of (d/n)’s hand as she ran up to her cousins and her father’s headstone. “Happy birthday Daddy!” She yelled happily as she placed white lilies in the vases on the grave.
“She’s grown up so much.” Hinata said to me. I nodded. “Neji would’ve loved to see her.” She said. “Yeah.” I said as I looked up at the sky. “Happy Birthday Neji. I miss you and I’ll see you soon.” I thought. A gentle breeze blew through my hair and I smiled, knowing that it was a sign that he was watching over us.*Timeskip 50 years*
(D/n) sat next to the bed I was laying on and held my hand, her eyes full of tears. “Please don’t leave me Mom.” She begged with her voice cracking. Her husband stood behind her and rubbed her back.
I smiled weakly at my now grown up daughter, breathing was becoming difficult for me as well as moving. “It’s ok (D/n). I’m ready. Now I’ll finally be able to go to where your father is and see him again.” I said. I looked up and saw Neji waiting for me.
Next to him stood Tsubaki, Hizashi, and my parents. “I’m coming Neji.” was my final thought as I closed my eyes and drew my last breath.*In the Afterlife*
I smiled as I looked around to see my parents, my best friend, and my true love/ teammate. I smiled with teary eyes as I hugged my parents. “Mom, Dad.” I cried as they held me tightly. We pulled away and they rested their hands on my shoulders.
“You made us proud (Y/n).” My mother said as she wiped my tears away. “I missed you guys so much.” I said. I turned to Tsubaki and crushed her in a hug. She still looked 14 and I was the way I was when I was 17, so it wasn’t difficult.
“I’m so sorry Tsubaki.” I cried into her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to.” I said. She smiled at me in a way that said that it was all better.
Finally, I turned to Neji and gave him the tightest hug I’d ever given anyone. I cried and sobbed into his shoulder while he hugged me and soothed me. “I missed you so damn much.” I told him. He didn’t wear his forehead protector nor did he have his cursed mark. He smiled at me as he wiped my tears away.
“I missed you too.” He said, pulling me into another tight hug. We pulled away and wiped the tears from each others’ faces before I began rubbing his cheek with my thumb. “He’s still as breathtaking as always.” I thought. He kissed the palm of my hand before pulling me to him and giving me the longest kiss ever.
“I’m so glad that we’re together again.” He said. “So, is this the young lady that I heard so much about?” An unfamiliar voice inquired. We broke away, still holding hands and turned to see a man who looked a lot like Neji’s uncle. Neji smiled at the man before nodding. “(Y/n), this is my father, Hizashi Hyuuga.” Neji said gesturing to the man.
I bowed deeply to the man and stood up. “It’s an honor to finally meet you Sir.” I said with a smile. “Father, this is (Y/n) (L/n). My fiancé even though she might as well be my wife.” He said. Hizashi smiled. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you (Y/n).” He said.
We looked down at our daughter and smiled. “She’s grown up beautifully.” Neji said. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. “She made me proud.”
I said happily. Just then, our granddaughter walked into the room. “Mom, look at the two birds flying away.” She said pointing out the open window.
“That must be Grandmother and Grandfather.” She said smiling hopefully. We turned around and walked away, happy to finally be in each other’s arms again.

The Quiet Ones (Neji x Shy! Reader)
Fanfiction(Y/n) (L/n) is a Konohagakure kunoichi born in Kirigakure and the best friend of Hinata Hyuuga. She is shy and finds it difficult to talk to people, especially Neji Hyuuga. So what happens when she falls in love with the distant prodigy?