Chapter 15: Neji and (Y/n)

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    Tenten smiled down at me. “How are you feeling (Y/n)?” She asked. “O-Ok I g-guess.” I said with a small smile. “Good. Well, I’ll be going now. Bye.” She said as she waved with a close eyed smile and left. “Me too. C’ya later.” Kiba said as he waved and left too, leaving Neji and I with Hinata.
    “H-Here (Y/n)-chan. This is for your cuts.” Hinata said quietly as she held out a small jar. “I-It’s ointment that I m-made to help heal c-cuts faster.” She said. I smiled and she put it on the nightstand. “Thanks Hinata.” I said softly with a smile. She nodded shyly.
     “I-I’m going to g-go n-now. G-Get b-better s-soon (Y/n)-chan. G-Goodbye Neji-niisan.” She said shyly as she turned to leave. Now only Neji and I were left.
     “A-Are you ok Neji-kun?” I asked noticing his unusually distant look. He nodded. “I’m not the one you should be worried about. I didn’t have to be hospitalized.” He said playfully with a teasing smirk. I smirked back at him before moving over so that he could sit on my bed.
    He sat down and grabbed my hand gently, causing my face to heat up. He must’ve seen my reaction because he smirked and began rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb. Suddenly, the room felt very cold which made me start shivering. Neji gave me a concerned look.
    “Are you alright?” He asked, concern tainting his voice. I nodded. “I-I’m j-j-just c-cold.” I said as I shivered violently. He smirked with a shade of pink tinting his cheeks. “Here. I’ll keep you warm.” He said as he laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. My face felt like it was on fire as I slowly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Neji’s PoV
    I smiled over at (Y/n) as she slept in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and pulled the blanket over us. Now that I thought about it, it was pretty cold in the hospital room. I tried to get up to go turn the heat up, only for the (h/c) haired girl to pull me back down onto the bed with a death grip around my waist. I sighed and laid back down to continue holding her. I fought for a while to keep my eyes open, but eventually gave up and gave in to sleep.
     I woke up the next day to see that I was still holding (Y/n) and that she was still asleep. I smiled lightly and closed my eyes, only to hear a gasp and a loud thud. I rolled over to see Hinata red faced and laying on the floor with a nosebleed.
     I sighed and rolled my eyes before turning back to my other side and met a pair of (e/c) eyes. She was probably woken up when Hinata passed out.
     “Good morning.” She said groggily. “Good morning.” I said with a smile as I kissed her forehead. “What happened?” She asked.  “Hinata-sama passed out on the floor.” I told her. She nodded. That afternoon, she was discharged from the hospital. I walked her back to her apartment.

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