Chapter 32: I'll Wait For You (2nd Ending)

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     I raced towards Neji, my speed increasing as I got closer and closer. I stood in front of Neji and turned to look at him with a smile. “(Y/n)!” He shouted as the wood pierced my body.
     I felt a warm liquid trickle from the corners of my mouth. I felt my knees become weak and fell. Neji caught me and rested my head on his lap. “(Y-Y/n).” He choked out quietly.

Neji’s PoV
     I braced myself for the impact, but it never came. I turned around and saw (Y/n) turn and smile at me. “(Y/n)!” I yelled to her as the wooden spikes pierced her body, causing blood to pour from the corners of her mouth. I caught her as she fell and rested her head on my lap.
     I choked her name out through the tears that formed an unmoving lump in my throat. My eyes stung as my tears fell, landing on her face. Naruto and Hinata ran over, both with tears in their eyes. “I love you.” She choked out, tears rolled down her face from her own eyes. “I-I l-love y-you t-too.” I held my sobs and screams down as well as I could but a few sobs still managed to slip out.
     Time seemed to stop as she placed her hand on my face. I nuzzled into it. “Medic! Medic! We need a medic over here!” Naruto shouted. “It’s alright Naru-chan...I won’t make it.” (Y/n) smiled as she coughed up some blood. “Take care of Neji.” She said, barely able to talk still.
     She wiped away some of my tears, accidentally smearing blood on my face in the process. “I’ll wait for you.” She told us. As she closed her eyes. Time froze again as we all looked at her. “(Y/n)!” I shouted as I cried loudly. I placed my forehead against hers and sobbed loudly.
     The tears that fell from my eyes made it look like she was crying still. I kissed her one last time. “Goodbye (Y/n) and thank you.” I said as I rested her on the ground and stood up. Now I was pissed.
     Hiashi looked over at (Y/n)’s body and glared at me which I responded to by sending him my own glare. His look softened and he continued to fight as I wiped the non-stop tears from my eyes. “You bastard.” I growled angrily.
     Just as I was about to run towards the monster, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a shimmering girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes smiling at me. I touched her hand that rested on my shoulder and gently brought it up to my face to kiss it. “I-I l-l-love y-y-you.” I choked out. She walked towards me and gently removed my forehead protector before placing a gentle loving kiss on my forehead.
     I closed my eyes with a smile and she was gone when I opened them. “Neji-niisan, was that?” Hinata asked as she and Naruto looked at me sadly. “Yeah. That was (Y/n).” I said sadly. Naruto give me a shocked look as I visibly grimaced at the large amount of pain in my chest that brought tears with it and covered me with a blanket of sadness and grief.
     “So this is what heartbreak feels like.”
     My thoughts were interrupted as the wooden spikes once again began raining down on us, killing everyone in their way. I used my Eight Trigrams Rotation to defend against the gigantic thorns.

*Timeskip 10 years*
     “Uncle Neji!” Himawari yelled running up to me. I turned around with a smile and picked my niece up, placing the cheerful 8 year old on my lap. I turned back around to face my desk.
     Himawari pointed at the picture of (Y/n) and me. “Uncle, who’s that?” She asked pointing at the smiling young woman in the picture. I smiled sadly and pointed at my late fiance who was holding her pregnant stomach.
     I looked into Himawari’s curious blue eyes. “That’s (Y/n). She would’ve been your aunt.” I told her sadly as I looked at the smiling face of the woman that I fell in love with.
     Himawari’s eyes widened and a big smile appeared on her face. “She was so pretty!” She exclaimed, giving me a close eyed smile.
     I nodded in agreement with a small smile on my face. I picked up (Y/n)’s bloodstained forehead protector and ran my thumb over the shinobi kanji that was carved into the metal plate. “What happened to her Uncle Neji?” She asked curiously.
     I sighed and sat her down on my bed as I went to get a few photo albums and two boxes. I then went on to tell her (Y/n)’s story.
     I closed the last photo album and set it next to her on the bed. She had dried tears on her cheeks but she soon smiled and jumped off of my bed. “Can we go see her?” She asked excitedly.
     I nodded. “Let your mother know though.” I said as she ran down the hallway to find Hinata. I walked down the stairs and got my shoes on. Soon, Hinata and Himawari came down the hall and put their shoes on.
     “Are you joining us Hinata-sama?” I asked my cousin. She nodded. I opened the door and the three of us walked to the cemetery.
     We walked over to where (Y/n)’s grave was and near where mine will be. “I’ll see you soon (Y/n).” I thought to myself as a gentle wind blew through my hair.

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