Chapter 7: Saved!

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Neji’s PoV
    I heard a loud yelp that reminded me of (Y/n)’s voice. Immediately I began running towards the noise. I activated my Byakugan and looked for her, only to see her leaning against a tree, barely alive. I glared and ran faster towards her and jumped into the clearing.
    I found a girl standing not far from (Y/n) and a boy with brown hair standing next to her. I knocked them out and charged at a man whose face was wrapped in bandages. I knocked him out and looked over at (Y/n). She was covered in blood and gashes. “A-Arigato, Neji-kun.” She said before she snuggled into my chest and fell asleep.
    I allowed myself a small smile as I looked down at the sleeping girl in my arms. “What are you doing to me?” I asked as my face heated up.

(Y/n)’s PoV
    I opened my eyes slightly to see the sound ninja being fought by a certain Hyuuga. I smiled weakly. He picked me up and began carrying me. I blushed a deep red before I looked up and thanked him. “A-Arigato, Neji-kun.” I said weakly. I snuggled into his chest and fell into a deep sleep.
    When I woke up, I realized that I was on Naruto’s back. “Naruto-chan.” I said, causing everyone to stop. He put me down and we continued on to the tower. We walked into a room with a riddle on the wall.
    “If ‘Heaven’ does not exist, enrich your knowledge and prepare for the chance. If ‘Earth’ does not exist, run through the fields in search of an advantage. Open the series of Heaven and Earth and the perilous way shall be redressed. This is namely the secret of ‘the one that guides.’” Sakura read.
    Naruto stared blankly at her while Sasuke and I looked at the writing again. “What’s that mean?” Naruto asked. “It probably has to do with the scrolls.” Sakura responded. I nodded as I continued to think about it. “Open the series of Heaven and Earth.     Maybe it means open the heaven and earth scrolls.” I thought to myself.
    “L-Let’s try opening both of the scrolls at the same time.” I said. Sakura and Naruto opened the scrolls and a cloud of smoke appeared. After the smoke cleared, I was able to see that Iruka sensei was now there. “Iruka Sensei!” Naruto yelled. He continued chatting with the young adult who explained what the riddle meant to them while I began walking around the room.

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