Chapter 27: The Bloodily Hidden Truth Part II

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I drew a few kunai with paper bombs on them and threw them at the rogues. They caused large explosions that burned the men. Before the smoke cleared, I threw some shuriken attached to wires and did a backflip to avoid being hit by the ice spears they threw at me.
     I quickly wove hand seals and used a water style jutsu to soak them. After the smoke cleared, I could see that the shuriken hit their targets. I smiled and sent chidori through the wires. I then walked up to the only one that was left and pressed the cold metal of my kunai against his throat. “Who are you?” I asked coldly as I glared down at the man.
     “Mirasaki Haru.” He said nervously. “Why did you come here?” I asked. “W-We were told to eliminate you.” He stuttered as I pressed the blade against his throat more, causing a small bead of blood to sit on the knife. “Were you the ones that killed my parents?” I asked darkly through my teeth.
     “N-No b-but o-our b-boss ordered them to be k-killed b-because th-they h-had i-information a-about h-him.” He stuttered as his face began to pale. “Who do you work for?” I snarled. “K-Kisame H-Hoshi-shig-gaki.” He said. I smirked and slit his throat.
     I stood up and began walking back to Neji, my shirt and face now splattered in blood. We walked into the house and back to the living room. Mei looked at me wide eyed as Neji and I headed upstairs, blood pouring from my shoulder due to a shuriken that I failed to dodge.
     “I’ll get the first aid kit.” Neji said as he walked into the bathroom. I sat on the bed and held my arm where I was stabbed.
     “Lady (Y/n)?” A voice said questionly from the bedroom window. I looked over to see my cousin Shiro and smiled at her.
     “Hello Shiro.” I said happily.
She climbed in the window just as Neji walked into the room. They froze and stared at each other before both of them turned to me.
     “(Y/n), who’s this?” Neji asked pointing to the white haired girl. At the same time, Shiro posed a question to me as well. “Lady (Y/n), who’s he?” She asked as she pointed at my fiance. “Lady (Y/n)?” Neji questioned me.

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