Chapter 12: Gentle Genius

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*Timeskip 1 month*
I walked up the stairs and went to stand with Shikamaru. "Wh-Who do you think will win?" I asked shyly. "Probably Naruto." He responded. I nodded and looked down at Neji and Naruto, hoping that he remembered what I asked him to do. I watched Neji gracefully move right up until Naruto sent an uppercut to his chin making me smirk to myself.
Dosu was killed so I would fight whoever won the match between Gaara and Sasuke. After it was announced that Naruto had won, Neji was taken to be given medical attention. I made my way to the medical area where Neji was to see Hiashi standing with him.
"I-I'm sorry if I'm i-interrupting." I said quickly with a bow as my face flushed from embarrassment. "It's alright (Y/n). You may stand up." I stood up to see the older man smiling gently at me. I smiled back at him and bowed as he left the room before I turned to look at Neji.
"A-Are you alright N-Neji-kun?" I asked with my face still hot. He smiled gently at me and nodded. "How about you?" He asked as his eyes darted to my arm. "I-It's a lot better now. Th-Thanks." I said with a small smile. He nodded and gestured to the seat next to him on the hospital bed.
"(Y/n), do you remember when you asked why I wear bandages on my forehead?" He asked as he glanced over at me. I nodded and turned to look at him. I realized that he wasn't wearing his forehead protector and that he had a mark on his forehead. He then went on to explain to me about his caged bird seal and that he was hiding it.
I smiled and my body moved on its own, making me stand up from beside him to stand in front of him. I leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead, right on the seal, causing both of us to turn 50 shades of pink. We smiled and looked down. Finally, I felt like I had enough courage to tell him.
"N-Neji-kun." I stuttered out, causing him to look up. "I-I l-like you." I said shyly looking up to meet his soft lavender eyes. A small smile grew on his lips as we slowly leaned closer to each other. Just as our lips were about to touch, a voice rang out from the door. "Hey Neji." The brunette girl said, causing the two of us to pull away quickly.

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