Chapter 18: Saved Again...

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    “He lied to her. We had an Earth Scroll.” I thought angrily. As I threw another kunai at the stump. I was now covered in dirt and cuts but I was too angry to care. Suddenly the world started spinning and I began falling to the ground. Then, the world went black.

Neji’s PoV
    I walked over to (Y/n) who was now on her knees on the floor coughing and gasping for air. I knelt down next to her and placed a hand on her back. “Are you alright?” I asked worriedly. She nodded and began to breathe normally.
     She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her forehead against my shoulder. I was felt something soak through my shirt that I assumed was tears. “Thank you.” She said quietly. I closed my eyes and held her tightly, taking in her sweet scent and absorbing her warmth.
     We sat like that for a few minutes before she broke the hug. “I’ll make something for dinner.” I said as I stood up. She nodded and began cleaning the house up a bit while I began cooking Katsu Don. I slowly lowered the breaded piece of pork into the hot oil, getting hit by some of the oil on my wrist in the process. I grabbed my wrist and walked over to the sink to rinse it off.
     “Dammit.” I said a little louder than I had meant to. “Are you ok?” A voice said. I looked up to see (Y/n) walking towards me with a concerned expression on her face. I nodded and turned the water off. “I just got burned is all.” I said as I dried my wrist off.
     “Let me see.” She said, gently taking my wrist in her hands to look at the inch big red spot on my wrist with a slight blush. Suddenly, everywhere her fingers touched felt tingly. She frowned and took the jar of ointment that Hinata gave her out of her pocket along with a piece of gauze and some medical tape.
     I watched as she gently applied the ointment and gauze before taping it to my arm. “Thanks.” I said quietly. She gave me a nod in response and left the room quietly. I finished making dinner and took it out to the table. We ate in silence, having nothing left to say at the moment.
     A loud boom sounded from outside, causing (Y/n) to jump a bit. I stood up and looked out the window across the room. “It’s a thunderstorm.” I said. I looked back to the (s/t) girl to see that she looked paler than usual and had a new look in her eyes. “Fear? Is she afraid of storms?” I mentally asked myself.

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