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I got up and left the cafe leaving Mr.P some tip in his jar on the way out. He is always so generous, and he never charges me for anything so I always leave him a 5 or 10$ bill as tips.
It wasn't that dark outside, the sun was barely out but it was still light enough to walk home. I was scared to walk home alone. I haven't walk home by myself for a while now since Peter always walks with me. It just kinda became a normal thing we did. But I'm mad at him and I'm an independent mature young woman.
Who can't fight for her fucking life but that's beyond the point.
I know nothing is gonna happen. It's been quiet ever since the guy tried to force himself on me.
But I still get the chills thinking about it.
"Well if it isn't the girl who I got my ass kicked for? Long time no see sweetheart?" The hideous voice said behind me.
You've got to be shitting me right now?
Getting that unicorn I asked for my 8th birthday would be great right about now?
"Stay the fuck away you bastard!" I said grabbing my pocket knife.
Hell yes I have a pocket knife, I'm not stupid. You play me once...that it! I'm not playing the fucking game. GAME OVER!
"I was beat to shit by a fucking flying asshole. And all for you... so meaningless. But I deserve a reward for that don't you think sweetheart?" He asked getting closer.
My grip on my pocket knife tighten
"You deserve to be locked up you asshole. Turn around and walk the other way!" I said angrily.
"I'll rather stay" he said taking one long stride and grabbing my waist tightly against his NASTY ASS BONER!
"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled angrily.
"Now I'll take that reward" he said licking my face.
Without a second thought I stabbed him where my hand could reach.
He yelled and fell to the floor in pain.
"I fucking warned you to get the fuck off me!" I said pushing him to the side.
"You fucking bitch" he said grabbing a hold of my ankle and forcefully pulling me down.
"I'm gonna fucking rip you apart" he said hovering on top of me.
I tried kicking my legs up to his balls, but he got a hold of them and held them tightly against the floor.
"Stop" I begged angrily.
"You are so stubborn that I might just kill you with your own knife after I'm done with you!" He said painfully removing the knife from his leg and holding it in his hand.
"Now if you fucking move I'll cut your throat open" he warned and I whimpered feeling the knife cutting the nape of my neck painfully.
"Please stop" I begged.
"Shhhh." He said running his lips done from my cheek to my jaw and down to my neck. I felt his hot breath against my skin. Oh god kill me now!
"Stop" I said squirming under him.
"I SAID STOP MOVING!" He said pressing the knife deeper against my skin.
"Well in that case...." he said smiling evilly.
I closed my eyes and sent a quick prayer asking God to take me at his mercy.
I waited for the pain of the knife cutting through me. Any sort of pain. But I didn't feel anything. I didn't dare open my eyes, I didn't want the last thing that I saw in this world to be a random guy on top of me.
But instead I felt someone lift me up gently.
Am I dead?
"It's okay open your eyes" the voice said.
God? Is that you? I thought
I opened my eyes slowly.
And guess who it was?
Freaking Spider-Man!
In front of me.
"Are you okay Miss? Are you hurt?" He said inspecting me with worried eyes. Well I'm guessing he is worried I can't really tell because he has a mask on.
"Uh-er-I'm-I'm fine I-I just thought I was gonna die" I said my voice cracking and then I realized that I was crying. Tears were falling down my face.
"It's okay. You're okay. Did he hurt you?" He asked again.
"I I I don't know. I don't think so. I-he-he was going to rape–he was going to kill m-me-e. Oh god!" I said putting my hands in my head.
Everything was becoming a reality all at once. Everything that had just happen was setting in.
Okay Michelle breathe. No panic attack. You haven't gotten one of those for over 2 years. Not now. Not in front of stranger.
"Oh my god! He was going to kill me and then rape my dead body. He is so sick. Oh god what the hell was I thinking when I told him to kill me. My mom. My brother. How selfish am I? Leaving them. What a horrible person. I was going to die" I said like a mad man.
"Miss I think you should breathe. You're getting a panic attack" he said grabbing my shoulder.
I jumped at the sudden touch
"DONT TOUCH ME" I said moving away instinctively.
"It's okay I won't hurt you. I won't hurt you. What's your name?" He asked trying to soothe me.
"I don't know. I can't think right now. Give me a minute. I-I just can't process anything. I can't breathe. God I can't breathe. Not this again. Please I don't want it. Help me. Not another one" I begged crying hysterically.
"Hey hey hey. It's okay" he said nearing me carefully.
"Please help me I-I can't-I don't want it. It's hard to breathe." I said looking at him desperately.
"Okay I'm here. You're not alone." He said grabbing my cheeks with his hands and rubbing them slowly.
"Oh God" I said crying harder.
"Shushhh it's okay. It's okay. Close your eyes and focus on my voice." He said softly rubbing my cheeks gently.
"I can't. I can't. I just-I. Dad. Daddy please come back!" I said desperately.
Everything that I've buried for the past 2 years cane out like fucking vomit.
Yes I know. I suck at analogies.
"Please try to focus okay. I don't want you to hyperventilate. Try to relax you're heart rate is too fast" he said worriedly.
"Why did he have to die. He didn't deserve to die. He died because of me. He died saving me. If it wasn't because I was too distracted playing the guitar, he wouldn't have died. It's all my fault. He died trying to keep alive. The walls fell on him and I saw him. I saw the life in his eyes slowly fade away from his eyes. I held his hand and his head on my lap. I saw the greatest man on earth leave me. I couldn't tell him I was sorry. I couldn't tell him goodbye... DAD IM SO SORRY...IM SO SORRY. ITS MY FAULT. ITS MY FAULT. IM SO SORRY.... please forgive me. I destroyed our family. I destroyed mom and Mike. I took you away from them. I shouldn't be here right now." I said sobbing and feeling light headed.
"Michelle I need you to breathe.I need you to breathe. Michelle stop. Look at me. Look at me" he said anxiously grabbing my face.
"I don't know who you are. I can't look at you. I shouldn't—" I said and then everything went black.
I heard the desperate voice call me but I was too far off to to utter a word.
I woke up in my house. I was laying on my living room couch. I looked around me puzzled until my eyes met a similar pair of brown one.
"Oh my god thank god you're awake" Peter said as he saw me shift slowly.
"Wha-what happened? How are you in my house?" I asked sitting up slowly.
"I-I got this call by some random dude from your phone. At first I thought he kidnap yo or something but-ah-er he said that he had found you or something and that I was the last person you had call" he said averting his gaze to the floor.
"Spider-Man called you?" I asked confusedly.
"Spider-Man is it? That's his name? Wow! He called me? No idea. By the time I got to the alley he was gone. I only found you unconscious" he said.
"Yeah he saved my life" I whispered slowly.
"Are you okay? Do you need water? Anything?" He asked as I weakly got up from the couch.
"You should lay down." He said looking me worriedly.
"Oh god. My mom and Mike went on a weekend camp trip" I said.
My eyes were threading to start crying rivers.
What is up with me today?
"Hey. Don't cry. I was so scared? I thought you were hurt" Peter said worriedly.
"So many awful things could of happen and the worst part is that I don't even care. I deserve it all" I said seating down.
"Don't say that Michelle. Don't ever say that. No one deserves what you went through" he said angrily.
"Him raping me and killing me is not the worst I've had to experience. Trust me" I choked out wiping my tears away.
"Michelle" Peter said softly caressing my cheek.
"Can you stay with me tonight Peter?" I asked softly closing my eyes at his touch.
"Of course Michelle. I'm not gonna leave you alone. Not ever" he said kissing my forehead softly and pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Peter" I whispered
"Always" He said kissing my forehead one more time.
Hey guys hope you like the chapter!
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