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Michelle pov
After I texted Ned I called my nurse for assistance and got ready for my therapy. I felt a little more optimistic today, because it was my second day and I knew that it couldn't be worse then my first. I knew what to expect. Unfortunately fate had others plans and hit me with a 'HA! bitch you thought'.
My therapy session was worst than I thought. I went from humor to frustration to angrily yelling at my therapist to breaking down in tears.
"I can't–I can't–do i–it!" I said through tears.
"Yes you can you just have to push through. I promise it gets better." He encouraged.
"I can't. I PHYSICALLY CANT DO SHIT! Don't you get it!?" I yelled angrily as more tears freely ran down my face.
"That's what therapy is for Michelle, so you can push yourself to physically do the things you can't. But you won't be able to do it if you don't try" he said kneeling down beside me.
"What do you think I'm doing? Relaxing on the floor because it's comfortable? I AM TRYING!" I said frustratedly.
"Just try–" he began.
"It hurts!" I said desperately covering face with my hands.
"I know. No one said therapy was gonna be easy"he encouraged
"No one said it was gonna be a bipolar disaster" I said through tears.
"Come on I'll help you up" He offerEd laughing lightly.
"I can't–I rea–ally can't" As I felt an overwhelming feeling to start sobbing.
"Good morning, how are things going here?" Asked a sweet and serine voice.
"Ms.Potts. We are making slow progress. How are you today?" Asked the therapist kindly.
I still had my hands over my face sitting in the floor.
"I'm alright Macklein. I see we've come across a rough patch" she said I'm assuming pointing at me.
"It takes a lot of will power and patience. She has a lot of will power but she lacks patience" he said.
"MJ honey are you okay? Do you want to call it a day and rest up?" Pepper asked softly her voice was hovering over me.
"My life is a mess. I got a lot of things to do. I'm missing school. I can't go out. I can't see my friends. I can't keep the Decathlon team on track being away all the time. I'm a huge disappointment. And I can't even get up myself. How am I suppose to be captain if I can't even do that?" I said my voice muffled. My hands were soaked and admitting my insecurities made me feel even more vulnerable.
"I wouldn't be where I am today Miss Jones, if I myself didn't fall down, sat down, cried, and complain about making the impossible possible. But after a while of being on the floor it starts to get uncomfortable and there is nothing left to do but to get up" she said sweetly.
"I think I'll stay down here a little longer" I said honestly.
"And you can take my hand when you're ready" she said squeezing my shoulder lovingly.
"Ned is here to see you" she whispered softly before getting up and walking away.
"MJ YOUR FAVORITE IS BACK!" Ned yelled through the door cheerfully before abruptly stopping.
"She's alright" the therapist said and I looked up and found not only one pair of eyes looking down at me but two. Ned and beside him none other than Peter Parker himself.
My instincts wanted me to hug him and showed him I cared but my pride refused with every fiber. How dare he show up after 3 weeks...almost a month of giving two craps about me.
One thing was for sure, I refused to let him see me so broken and hopeless.
"I'm okay Ned I'm just a little agitated and overwhelmed" I said wiping my face roughly not meeting Parker's gaze. He doesn't deserve my acknowledgement, if he ignored me for almost a month so can I.
"When you told me therapy was overwhelming I didn't expect it to be so literal" Ned said sincerely.
"Please help me up" I asked looking up at my therapist.
"Tomorrow will be better Michelle." He encouraged grabbing my left arm and gently putting his arm around my waist to lift me up as gently as possible without hurting my leg.
"Wanna give it another try?" He encouraged one last time.
"I rather not" I said sincerely.
"Perseverance will take you far Michelle. See you tomorrow. Same time" he said as he placed me in my crutches.
"Thank you see you tomorrow" I call out after him while he was walking out the door.
"Perseverance my ass, this shit is fucking hard" I exclaimed angrily once he was out.
"MJ I didn't know you were having such a hard time with therapy. If I would of known, I would of come more often. I'm so sor—" Ned began.
"Do not even dare finish that word Ned Leeds, or so help me I will get up and break my other leg trying to strangle you" I said glaring at him and going pass Parker ignoring his presence.
Suddenly it hit me. Ned came by to pick a drive I told him he accidentally left here when he came by two days ago. Today is a school day. So he isn't here to see me. He is here because Ned needs the drive and the drive is with me. What the hell is in the drive that's so urgent?
"I'll bring you the drive Ned. Let me just go get it" I said. My heart ached terribly.
"I'll go get it if you want" Ned offered
"It's fine my therapist says I lack patience. If I make it to my room without throwing one of these crutches through a glass window. There will be progress" I said walking out the room.
"The moron is back" I exclaimed as soon as I closed my soundproof room.
"Here in this building?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked stunned.
"Yes in this building. He has the audacity  to make eye contact with me after a month of not showing moral support expecting what? For me to greet him with a smile." I said ranting on my anger.
"He seriously needs someone to tell him straight. Does he not have manner? Or a conscious? He has no shame...that MORON" she said encouraging and justifying my anger. She really shouldn't fuel my pride but it feels good to know I'm not the only one. Even though she is a computer program. But she was created to have her own personality and judgment.
"You read my mind F.R.I.D.A.Y" I said looking for the drive. Where the hell is it?
"F.R.I.D.A.Y have you seen a drive, it's black with gold lace, and a star wars shape?" I asked looking around me.
"I can check your camera footage" she offered. I nodded and whispered a soft 'that's fine' while looking around me.
"MJ it's under the bed. It most of fallen while you were sleeping" she said.
"Great. How the hell am I suppose to bend down with a broke leg" I said.
"I'll call your nurse for assistance" she said.
This is what it most be like to be rich.
Soon enough my wonderful nurse came in with a soft smile.
"Everything alright Miss Jones" she asked kindly.
"Yes Rosy. A USB drive fell under my bed and I can't reach it" I said pointing to my leg to emphasize my point.
"Of course" she said kneeling down and swiftly grabbing it and handing it to me.
"Oh um can you actually give it to Ned Leeds. He should be in the therapy room. Tell him it's from me and that I didn't shatter a glass window" I said smiling at her while she gave a confused expression.
"I will deliver your message. Anything else sweetie?" She asked.
"No that's it thank yo—" I began before I was interrupted by Ned walking into my room.
"You were taking too long, thought I'd check up on you" Ned said. I could see Peter leaning against a wall behind my door.
"The Drive fell under my bed and I couldn't  reach it" I said while I handed him the drive. Ned sighted in relief when he got it back and gave a reassuring nod to Peter.
"Was that lady back there your nurse?" Ned asked.
"Yeah she helps me with things that I can't do. Mostly getting out of bed and simply everything things" I said.
"That's cool" Ned said looking excited.
"No it's humiliating" I said putting my crutches aside and holding onto my bed frame for support.
"Do you need help?" Ned asked.
"No I can do it" I said struggling miserably to get settled on my bed.
"I can just hel—" Ned interfered
"I SAID IM FINE!" I snapped harshly.
"I–I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream at you. I–" I apologize realizing what a bitch I was.
"It's okay" Ned said softly.
"Don't give me that look" I said rolling my eyes angrily.
"What look?" Ned asked.
"The look that says 'she's fucked up and I can't help her' look. The 'I feel bad for her' look." I said glaring at him
"Sorry I didn't know my eyes could say all that" Ned said sarcastically.
"You should get to school. Or otherwise you'll be late." I informed him.
"Pete and I don't have classes until after third today. Don't worry" he said.
"You still have school Ned and it takes a long time to get to school from here with this traffic" I said.
"You're right. Let me just do something with this drive first and I'll be on my way"Ned said hugging me carefully and sprinting off to God knows where.
I return to the task at hand. Laying in bed. Easy peasy. It isn't until you break something that you realize how heavy you actually are. I feel like I weight 4000 pounds.
I tried at least 5 times before sighting and groaning in annoyance.
"fuck" I groan angrily.
"MJ don't hurt yourself" I heard a voice say. I look over my shoulder to see Peter at my door. HE DID JUST SPOKE TO ME!
"Trust me I'm not the one doing the hurting" I said coldly while roughly trying to kick myself up to my bed.
"MJ just let me help" Peter voiced sounding imploring and defeated.
"Just shut up Peter. You don't want to get me started on the issues I have with you" I said angrily glaring at him briefly before turning around. I was about to try again when I felt soft hands go around my waist and lift me up easily before quickly releasing me. It all happen so fast I didn't even have time to react.
I turned around and see Parker looking down.
"I can't–you are just so fucki–ugh" I let our incoherent words not being able to put one sentence together anger clouding my judgment.
"You're an absolute idiot. I thought we were friends. I thought I could count on you. And all you fucking do is IGNORE ME for one month straight. And then you come here and ask if I need help? I NEEDED help Parker. Past tense. I needed my only two friends to be there for me. But you weren't.What the fuck is wrong with you Parker?" I said angrily.
He stood there looking down at the floor flinching at my screaming.
I almost forgot he hates people screaming or just loud noises in general. Well too fucking bad because I'm gonna be extra loud today!
"I felt bad for you Parker. I felt bad and guilty about getting into an accident I had to control over because I saw the pain in your eyes. The yearning for your family. God Parker don't you think I get it? I saw my dad died right in front of me. I know the pain you're not the only one that has lost someone in their life!" I yelled angrily.
"MJ calm dow—" Peter whispered not meeting my gaze
"Don't tell me to calm down Parker! You standing there and not say shit makes me want to fucking punch you" I said feeling my cheeks heat up.
"There's a lot of things you don't know" Peter said looking at me, his stare piercing throw my soul. Neither of us said anything for a while. I broke eye contact first not being able to handle the tension any longer.
" I used to care about whatever secret you and Ned were hiding. Your constant state of paranoia and your guys suspicious behavior. But I don't give a fuck anymore. I'll rather spend my time on something worthwhile. I want you to leave my room Parker. Have a nice life" I said harshly looking at the wall behind him.
"MJ–I'm so sorry" Peter whispered with an overwhelming amount of emotion.
"Don't apologize for something you can't fix Parker" I said.
"I'm sorry for hurting you" he said looking at me with his sorrowful eyes.
"And I'm sorry for hurting you" I said meeting his gaze briefly.
"Peter I got it!" Ned said walking through the door. The tension in the room was suffocating and Ned quickly picked up on it.
"What happened?" Ned asked looking back and forth between Peter and I.
"We gotta get to school or we will be late" Peter said walking away.
"MJ?"Ned asked.
"Ned just go" I said my eyes watering.
"Did you guys just–" Ned began.
"We talked. I yelled. I said want I needed to say and he listened. I now know my boundaries." I said strained.
"Boundaries?" Ned asked confused.
"Whatever secret you guys are keeping is destroying him. I'm not gonna stand by and just watch. I'll rather not be there at all" I said looking at Ned
"I don't know what you're talking about" Ned asked terrified.
"I know Peter is Spider-Man." I stated matter-of-fact.
Ned eyes widen and his face paled.
"You guys are idiots if you thought that I wouldn't figure it out. He doesn't know that I know. I know my boundaries Ned." I stated sadly.
I am not his friend. I can't be his friend. I can't care about him because if I do and I loose him, I'll only loose myself even more.
He refuses to trust me and relay in me for support. He most think that I will expose his secret to the world. That I will sabotage his hard work as the young super hero.
Which only makes me realize how little he most think of me. How insignificant I am in his life. He doesn't need me. I'll be one less thing he'll have to worry about.
"Stop looking at me like I've grown two heads. I won't tell anyone Ned. No one will not Peter is Spider-Man. Not from me." I said.
"MJ you gotta be really careful" Ned said.
"The secret is safer with me than you two losers." I said.
"Mj? What happened between you and Pete?" Ned asked softly.
"I can't be friends with him anymore" I told.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because when I care too much people leave" I said.

It is FRIDAY! You know what that means.... NEW chapter! I really hope you enjoy it.
Also I'll be going on vacation for over a week and I don't know how good the WiFi will be so I might not be able to update until I come back(🤞🏼)
SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME is like 2 weeks away and I'm so excited, don't forget to buy your tickets. I'll probably do a Q&A soon as well.
Anyways gorgeous family,
Please don't forget to,
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