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PLEASE FOLLOW ME ♥️♥️♥️(I will give you a sneak peak if the next chapter of you do)
Michelle pov
Does she know Peter is Spider-Man? Is that why she's so interested in him?
"MJ are you listening?" Peter asked looking at me.
"Huh? Uh–what did you say?" I said looking at him.
"Aunt May is here you want her to drop you off?" He asked standing up Gwen followed behind him.
I'm gonna figure her out.
"Yeah that would be great thanks" I said standing up.
"Bye Ned see you tomorrow hopefully" I said and he waved happily.
We saw May's car parked and her figure leaning against the passenger's door. As soon as she saw us leave Ned's house she smiled brightly
"Hey kiddos" she greeted hugging Peter tightly and then pulling me for a hug.
"How are you sweetie?" She asked softly letting me go gently after our embrace.
"I'm great May and you?" I asked kindly
"Ah you know being the host of charities events is tiring" she explained.
Gwen merged from the shadows
"Oh who is this? Hi sorry I didn't see you" May said greeting her with a handshake.
"It's okay, my name is Gwen Stacey" she said softly
"Oh new girl? Yes yes Peter did mention you over the phone briefly" she said walking towards the driver's seat.
"Let's go kiddos" she said.
Gwen and I went in the back while peter sat up front.
"Gwen honey would you mind giving me your address?" May asked eyes on the road.
She handed Peter her phone with I presume her home address and Peter gave May instructions on how to get there. The car ride was pretty silent other than the occasional small talk that would rise between May and I. Gwen house was absolutely beautiful and big so her parents must have good money.
"Thank you for the ride  Mrs.Parker" She said kindly.
"Call me May" she assure while putting the car in drive.
"See you tomorrow Pete" She said sweetly.
Seriously already giving him nicknames, damn this girl is desperate.
"Bye Gwen" he said waving.
Once we drove away from her house May was the first one to speak.
"Pete? She called you Pete? What was that?" She asked smacking Peter playfully.
"Ow May. I think she just forgot my name" Peter said shrugging.
"You are so incredibly oblivious, I don't even know how you managed to have a girlfriend for 3 months Peter" I said rolling my eyes playfully
"I agree with MJ—" May stated
"When do you not?" Peter interrupted
"Well this Gwen girl is into you and that's obvious" May stated.
"She just met me" he said.
"So...what's there not to like. You're handsome and kind and have a heart worth a million dollars" May said praising Peter. She is so supportive and it's so adorable.
"Peter you can't be that stupid, I'm sure your Spidey senses picked up on Gwen's flirty attitude" I said.
"My sense detects danger MJ" he stated
"No your sense detect movement and a change in behavior, which includes danger, flirting must trigger something?" I asked looking at the road.
"She's right, doesn't your Peter Tingle pick up on flirting" May said.
"Do not call it my Peter Tingle May. And not it doesn't not" he said looking at me.
"I still don't believe you, I don't even have heighten senses like you do and I can tell when a guy flirts with me even before he does" I said.
"Like Elijah Harrison?" Peter asked out of nowhere.
"Harrison was not flirting with me he was being friendly" I stated.
"Okay Gwen wasn't flirting with me she was just being friendly" he repeated mocking me.
"Who is Elijah Harrison?" May asked interested
"This guy I go to school with that Ned is trying to hook me up with" I explained briefly.
"You two hooked up? MJ you're too young" May spoke in concern
"Eww no no nooooooo I did NOT hook up with Harrison, Ned is trying to get me to go on a date with him May" I said shaking my head fiercely.
"Well is he nice?" May asked.
"He is nice but not my type" I said simply.
"What is your type?" May asked.
"Well I don't know. someone is respectful, true to themselves, and just honest I guess " I stated thinking about it.
"Nice answer" May stated smiling to herself.
"Is your mom home?" Peter asked as we neared my house.
"No she volunteered to help impoverish countries in South America get Medical Care that's provided by her hospital that works for Mr.Stark, which I didn't know until now" I said.
"Oh so you're brother is alone?" May asked.
"No he went to a friend's house and is staying there until mom comes back" I said.
"When does she come back?" May asked.
" In about 2 weeks" I stated taking out my keys.
"So you're gonna be here alone?" May asked concerned.
"I've been alone before don't worry May" I stated.
"I know but someone can follow you and notice you're by yourself" May stated.
"I don't think they'll want to mess with me when I have Spidey-boy on speed dial" I stated
"Spidey-boy I like that!" May gasped smiling widely.
"MJ!" Peter whined like a baby.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" I said laughing.
"Peter tingle and Spidey-boy I love it" she said humming to herself.
"Wow MJ you're really boosting up my alter ego" he said looking at me.
"You're very welcome. Thank you May for drooping me off. See you tomorrow loser" I said smiling and opening up the door.
"Anytime sweetie" she said.
"Bye Mj. Call me if you need anything" he said in all seriousness.
"Quicker than your Peter tingle" I said bursting out laughing.
"Oh shut up" he said laughing as well.
I waved as I opened my house door and walked in. After I was safely home May put her car in drive and drove off with a smiling Peter at her side.
This might be the dumbest shit I've ever said, but boy I love seeing Peter's adorable and dorky smile, it makes my heart full.
I made sure all my doors and windows  we're safely locked before grabbing a bat and making my way to my room.
It is FRIDAY! You know what that means.... NEW chapter! I really hope you enjoy it.
Anyways gorgeous family,
Please don't forget to,
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