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PLEASE FOLLOW ME ♥️♥️♥️(I will give you a sneak peak to the next chapter of you do)
Michelle pov
It's been a couple of weeks since Peter and I talked about our 'feelings' for each other and even though he tries to not act cold with me, I've noticed him slowly blocking me out. I don't know what's going on in that stupid head of his but he's been ignoring me, or at least doesn't hang out with me as often as he use to.
I think part of the reason if because he's scared that I might get hurt if someone finds out he is Spider-Man so instead of talking to me like a normal person, he is trying to put space between us to not put me in danger.
I've given up trying to get him to talk to me. At first I thought that he would come around and just forget about it, but now we don't even make eye contact with each other. It feels like we're strangers sitting with each other whenever we hang out and it drives me crazy.
Of course Gwen took this opportunity to get closer to Peter which actually seemed to work since they seem like magnets on steroids; again weird analogy but that how I feel . I know Gwen has a secret and I also know that Peter knows about it.
Whatever her secret is brought them closer together, they became super close overnight. I try not letting it affect me but I get so angry knowing that we kissed and said we like each other just to start at square one. Screw that we are worse than that because we've drifted apart.
Correction HE drifted us apart!
The last time I tried talking to him we got in a huge fight that ended up with me punching him in the face and I've avoided him at all cost to the point that I don't even eat lunch at our table anymore. Let me recap it for you. Get your cup of tea cause you might just want to throw it at his head... or at mine.
"Peter would you please just talk to me?" I begged once Gwen and Ned left to pick up Chinese food.
"MJ can we just not do this right now?" Peter asked getting up and heading to the kitchen.
"When Peter? Avoiding me is not gonna get us any closer to having a conversation" I said getting up from my chair and walking towards him but keeping a good distance between us.
"Well I don't want to talk about it. Let's just forget it and move on. You're constantly breathing down my neck like a clingy freak" he said his voice slightly raising as his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
"Clingy freak!? We kissed and you told me you liked me and then the next day you avoided  me like the plague. How the hell am I suppose to react. I've tried to get you to talk to me, but you've been a stubborn piece of shit!" I said angrily.
"Wasn't avoiding you an obvious hint?" Peter said tapping his foot impatiently.
"A hint to what? That you regretted what happen that night or some shit, because if that's what you're trying to insinuate than just fucking man up and say it Parker" I said glaring at him.
"I just think that dating would be complicated" he said.
"Complicated how?" I asked looking at him.
"You know my secret MJ and if we date and someone figures it out, they won't come after me because it would be too much of a hassle; they would come after you because you're an easy target" he said.
"So what? Because you want to keep me safe you push me away. I'm not a defenseless and weak target" I said defensively at his lack of trust.
"You're just like everybody else MJ and that puts you in great danger" he said more firmly now.
"What about Ned or fucking Gwen huh? They're normal and in danger and I don't see you pushing them away" I stated my fists clenching at their side.
"It's different Ned has known my secret longer and he's been through some shitty things with me. He knows how to handle it. And Gwen she can defend herself" Peter said.
"Gwen seriously Parker? She's half my size and you don't think she's an easy target, if anything you should be worry about her safety not mine you dumbass" I said angrily.
"She can handle herself trust me. If anything I'd feel bad for the bad guys coming after her" he stated proudly.
What the fuck is he on?
"You do realize how fucking ridiculous you sound? She's gonna hurt guys twice her size." I stated digging my nails to the palm of my hands trying to stay calm.
"Don't do that MJ" Peter said his gaze falling and briefly scanning my hands how tight they were.
"Don't tell me what to do. What's her secret huh? I know she has one and I know you know about it" I said sternly.
"I don't know—" he lied quickly
"Bullshit Parker. Tell me why you're so confident that no one is gonna hurt her? What is her power?" I asked but it sounded more of a statement.
"She's like me" he said sighing defeatedly and looking away from me.
"What do you mean like you?" I asked suddenly confused.
"I mean that she was bitten by a radioactive spider just like I was and she can do everything that I do. She's a female version of me. Spider-Woman per say" He said smiling slightly at his statement.
You got to be shitting with me.
"Fuck" I whispered in utter shock under my breath.
"And that's why I don't need to worry about her. She is far more than capable of taking care of herself." He said defending her capability.
"So you push me away because Gwen is better option?" I asked feeling my stomach clench.
"At least Gwen won't get hurt if they try to attack her, but you, you won't even see it coming and I can't be worried about something happening to you 24/7" he said angrily.
"You're not my fucking nanny Peter you don't have to" I yelled angrily.
"I'm not putting you in danger being as defenseless as you are" he stated sternly glaring at me.
He thinks I'm defenseless and weak. Fuck him! I don't have to dela with his shit. He thinks Gwen is stronger and more capable so be it. I'm done trying to prove myself to him all the time. I'm done fighting with others girls to make Peter see I'm worth it.
My blood was boiling and I could feel my hands shaking in anger. You think I'm weak? I will show you the fuck not!
I glared at Peter who was glaring at me just the same and walked towards him and lifted my fist and without hesitation punched him square in the nose. I felt it crack under my fist.
"How's that for weak target?" I said coldly while glaring at him one last time before grabbing my bag and walking towards the door.
"Bad guys can't track me if I'm not friends with Spider-Man in the first place. I'm one less thing you got to worry about Parker. Don't thank me I'm doing myself a favor" I said as coldly as I could manage and walked out the door and to the street.
So how about that cup of tea? Wanna serve me some instead of throw?

It is FRIDAY! You know what that means.... NEW chapter! I really hope you enjoy it.
Anyways gorgeous family,
Please don't forget to,
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