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"What do you mean Nick Fury is your grandpa!?" Peter questioned being equally as confused as I was pacing around the room impatiently.
"I mean exactly what you just said" I said his inability to stay still driving me crazy.
"Okay okay. I'm sorry it's just a lot to process all at once" he said
"YOU THINK!? IMAGINE HOW I FEEL PARKER!" I yelled furiously glaring at him.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said approaching me and grabbing my hand.
"What do you need to me to do?" He asked softly.
"I need you to get me out of here before Nick Fury gets here. I'm sure by now Stark has told him what's happening" I said getting up from the scanning machine that Bruce Banner has placed me in.

 I'm sure by now Stark has told him what's happening" I said getting up from the scanning machine that Bruce Banner has placed me in

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"Okay okay. Let's go" he said while I wrapped my arm around his shoulders for support.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y open the door please" Peter asked after his access card was denied.
"I'm sorry Mr. Parker but I've been authorized to keep both you and Ms. Jones in the room for now" she said.
"On whose order?" Peter asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"Mine" A familiar voice stated.
"Go to fucking hell!" I said glaring at the person in front of me gripping Peter's shoulder tighter. He scanned my features worriedly.
"Please sweetheart let me exp—"  he said before I interrupted him.
"Don't even say another word to me. How can you be so cynical to stand right in front of me and expect me to listen to you. You don't deserve that, not after you KILLED MY FATHER!" I screamed angrily.
"I didn't kill him, don't say that!" He said sternly.
"Oh yeah? So where the fuck where you when he begged you to bring back up? Or did you simply disregard his call for help like you always disregarded him in your life?" I said letting go of Peter and approaching the pathetic excuse of a grandfather.
"By the time my executive intel staff  confirmed your father's suspicions and we sent backup it was too late" he said guilt obvious in his voice.
"So my screams and sounds bullets weren't proof enough?!" I yelled sobbing while forcefully grabbing his face to look at me.
"I'm so sorry please forgive me" He said tears running down his face.
"You lost that chance when my father took his last breath because of you. Don't you ever and I fucking mean this shit.... talk to me EVER again. You're not my grandfather, because the one that I knew would have never done what he did to me" I said as he fell to his knees and cried silently.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y let the kids go" Stark said as he walk equally as shock by the news.
Peter quickly grabbed me and we walked out. As soon as we were far enough my knees buckled underneath me with my quiet sobs
Peter caught my fall and hugged my tighter to me wrapping his arms around me and stroking my hair.
"I know I know MJ. Just cry it's okay I'm here. I'm here" he said as we both sat against a wall while I was cradle against Peter sobbing like a baby.
"Peter please don't die. Please don't get killed" I begged while tears ran down my face.
"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." He said softly against my ear caressing my face with his thumb.
After another hour of crying we got up and walked silently while Peter held onto my hand stroking it gently.
"Lets get you home okay" he said softly.
"I don't wanna go home. Not like this. My mom will just get worried" I said.
"Okay I'll let Aunt May that you'll stay over. She won't mind. Don't worry she is really busy tonight and is working until late for another charity event that's tomorrow" he said when he noticed that my posture tensed.
"Thank you. Specially since I've been an ass to you" I said sincerely.
"I haven't been the best friend either. I've deserved what I've gotten so far" he smiled.
"Maybe or maybe not" I shrugged.
"I guess I was just hurt by your rejection" I said quietly.
"MJ I care about you, I really do and I hope you know that" he said.
"I do" I said looking away from him.
"I never ever wanted to hurt you" he said.
"You didn't. It's okay" I said
"I still need to apologize. You are strong MJ, one of the strongest people I know. And I'm sorry if I ever said otherwise" he said grabbing my hand and tugging it so I could look at it.
"Thank you" I said.
I won't be able to update every Friday from now on! I'm sorry!
It is FRIDAY! You know what that means.... NEW chapter! I really hope you enjoy it.
Anyways gorgeous family,
Please don't forget to,
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