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*I'm really trying to expand the amount of followers I have so if you guys wouldn't mind please follow me @breebaqbooks (you guys can click on the chapter and It will show you the title of my book and underneath it my username :p )
Michelle pov
"How did you know I was Spider-man?" Peter asked as we laid in my bed watching Pretty Little Liars.
"It was pretty obvious, at least for me. It would explain your constant absence, your random bruises, your very weird and rare Stark internship, but most importantly why Spideyboy was in Washington D.C at the same time as the decathlon team" I said glancing at him before looking back at the screen.
"Dang Jones you have me all figured out" he said nudging me playfully.
"HA I wish, you are a very complicated puzzle Peter Parker and I get a headache trying to figure you out. Trust me" I said chuckling.
"MJ now that you know, you gotta understand there are risks to knowing my secret identity. If people and I mean 'bad' and 'dangerous' people trace me back to you they will go after you and try to hurt you, so you gotta be really careful. They could use you, Ned or aunt May as targets to get to me and I don't want that. So please promise me you'll call me if you ever think you're in danger?" Peter said desperately.
"I'll call you faster than the speed of your spidey senses" I said smiling softly.
"You know about those too?" He exclaimed laughing.
"Well I'm guessing you have senses just like spiders. I know you're sensitive to sound and light and that you have fast reflexes. What else you got?" I asked curious
"Well I have enhanced strength and I can climb up walls" he said casually.
"Wait you have super strength? Like Captain America?" I asked stunned.
"Not that strong I guess but around there yeah" he said.
"I don't believe you. You Peter Parker can't even do three pull ups" I stated.
"I gotta keep a low profile. I can't draw any attention to myself otherwise people will start speculating, and soon everyone would know" he stated.
"I can't picture you with super strength it's just not you. It's like if a small baby defenseless puppy were given a super strength, just doesn't make sense" I said.
" 'a small baby defenseless puppy'. That doesn't even make sense. MJ you're hurting my ego" he said placing my hand in his chest.I could feel his heart beating fast.
"Well that's the only way I can describe you" I said smirking.
"Well then that's horrible" he said laughing.
"Well get use to it Spidey-boy cuasi I got a lot more where that came from" I said laughing
"I don't like the sound of that" he said shaking his head disapprovingly while chuckling lightly.
2 months later.....

I'm back at school and even though I'm happy to be back, I gotta say I miss being with Pepper and helping her out.
I also got an internship with Pepper, I'm gonna be her second hand assistant. I will help her with small tasks and I couldn't be happier if I'm being honest.
Knowing about Peter's secret identity has brought us closer together. We hang out a lot more and have more deep conversations about life in general.
Oh and I almost forgot to mention that Peter broke up with Bailey the day after the incident at the Tower.
She's no longer part of the Decathlon team, which I'm so extremely grateful about.
So everything seems back to normal.
Today is a little different than my regular school day because a new student is arriving today and I'm gonna show her around.
"Hi I'm here about the new female student, I need her schedule in order to give her the school tour" I explain to our school receptionist
"Oh that's great honey. Her name is Gwen Stacey and her parents have warn us she's a little shy"she said and I smiled.
"Great. I have a feeling we will be great friends" I said chuckling.
"Hope so" she whispered as I walked out of the office.
I was leaning against a wall waiting for the girl to walk into the office when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I briefly turn around with a 'fuck off' look on my face until I saw the very familiar face of none other than Peter Parker.
"Hey loser" I smiled as he walked around to face me.
"Hey MJ what are you doing here so early?" Peter asked
"I'm gonna show the new girl around school" I said.
"That's sweet of you" He said.
"I'm only doing it because I know that when I start applying for college It will look good on my resume" I said.
"There she is" he said pointing at me sarcastically.
"I can be nice you know?" I said defensively.
"Sure you can" He said sarcastically
"I gave you half of my sandwich yesterday and that's nice" I reminded him.
"It's not consider a nice gesture if you ate MY sandwich MJ" he said rolling his eyes playfully
"But I gave you half" I stated.
"Okay okay. You win" he said laughing.
I looked pass him to see a shy and small girl walking to the office.
Gwen Stacey.
"Hi Gwen. I'm gonna show you around school. My name is Michelle" I said walking pass Peter to greet her before she walked in the office
"Umm...hi" she whispered softly.
Well they weren't lying when they said she's shy.
"Nice to meet you. Okay well we have similar schedule, same teachers just different times. You wanna start with your first class and then work your way down?" I asked looking at the price of paper in front of me.
When she didn't say anything I looked up from the schedule to see her staring at something in front of her or rather someone.
"Parker this is Gwen, the new girl I was talking to you about. Gwen this is Peter Parker" I said.
Peter stretch out his hand to greet her which Gwen immediately took shaking his hand.
"Hi nice to meet you, my name is Gwen Stacey" she said loud and clear.
'Shy bitch who?'
"Guess you're aren't shy after all" I whispered under my breath softly
Both Gwen and Peter briefly turned their heads in my direction before I raised an eyebrow silently asking them what the fuck they were looking at.
"Pete help me out yeah, don't you have this class? I don't know where it is" I explained tilting the piece of paper slightly his direction.He walked closer to me and gently placed his hand over mine holding the paper in place. The small and insignificant gesture made my heart want to jump outta my chest.
'Stop overthinking everything he's just trying to take a closer look at the schedule MJ'.
He inched his face closer to mine
"Yeah I know where it is. It's on the south side though" his breath against my ear made my skin get goosebumps.
"Well you have her same class and it's after lunch so maybe you guys could walk together" I suggested
"Alri–"Peter attempt to agree with me before Gwen immediately interrupted
"That sounds like a great idea, I'm sure your friend wouldn't mind" she said glancing at Peter with a lustful look that left a bitter taste in my mouth.
"No no of course. I'll take you" he said reassuringly.
"That's Peter Parker for you. Always trying to help" I said patting his back rather harshly
"Ouch" Peter whined looking at me furrowing his eyebrows questioningly.
"What you big baby?" I said.
"That hurt" he said trying rub his back.
"All that muscle is useless then" I whispered in his ear.
"Very funny" he sarcastically nudging my sides, I laughed lightly
"There there loser" I said rubbing his back. I could feel his muscles tensing at the sudden touch
Gwen cleared her throat loudly.
"If you don't mind I'll like you to show me my classes" Gwen said her stare so intense that it almost looked like she was glaring at me.
"Don't worry I have thirty minutes to show you. See you later loser" I said smiling and walking towards Gwen.
"See ya" he said smiling.
After 15 minutes of walking and explaining we finished.
"Our school isn't big you'll get use to it really quickly" I said.
"Thanks. So umm..." Gwen said hesitantly.
"That guy you introduced me to, does he have a girlfriend or something?" She asked looking at me.
No he doesn't, but he isn't single either, not for sure you at least!
"Parker? Uh no he doesn't. He broke up with his girlfriend 2 months ago" I said suddenly not liking her interest in Parker's love life.
"Huh? That's interesting. He's so cute I can't believe he doesn't have a girlfriend. I mean I would pay millions to be with someone like him. He's hot really really hot" she said.
"Yeah he's a nice guy" I said.
"I've only just met him but I feel like we're drawn to each other, like we're meant to be. It's weird but I feel this connection with him" she explained meeting my gaze for reassurance.
"Uh well I have to go to my class that's on the other side of the school. See you later" I said awkwardly handing her the piece of paper that had every class she had.
"See you at lunch?" She asked.
"Yeah sure" I said walking away from her.
I don't like her and that may have to do with the fact that I'm jealous and want to smash her head against a wall.

It is FRIDAY! You know what that means.... NEW chapter! I really hope you enjoy it.
Anyways gorgeous family,
Please don't forget to,
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