chapter 1

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i'm your average 16 year old girl, except i don't wear a lot of makeup and i actually try to succeed in life without vaping and drinking. my sister brought me on a trip to florida with her and i'm stuck here on a cruise for 2 weeks. her name is skylar and she's 20, let's not forget that she invited her boyfriend. SO not only am i alone with my sister and no friends, whenever i am with her i'm a third wheel.

skylar - ivy, are you ready?
ivy- i'm about to shower, why?
skylar- we're going to a buffet dinner in 45 minutes.
ivy- and you couldn't have told me sooner for what reason?
skylar- because i was busy with jake.

*jake is her boyfriend. they are rarely apart and since my sister doesn't spend as much time with me anymore, we argue a lot more than we used to.*

ivy- of course

*i mumble under my breath and walk into the bathroom. i turn on the warm water and get in, letting the water hit my skin, warming my body up instantly. i rinse the soap out of my hair and condition it while i wash my body and shave my legs. when i finish, i turn off the water and wrap a towel around me. i brush my long brown hair and blow dry it. by the time i finished curling my hair and getting dressed, my sister bangs on the door.*

ivy- yes?
skylar- are you almost ready? we need to leave in 5 minutes
ivy- yeah i just need to put on shoes.
skylar- okay.

*i walk out of the bathroom and put on my sandals. i was wearing a black skintight dress with my hair curled and some mascara.*

skylar- you're so beautiful ivy.
ivy- i'm not, but thank you. i wish i looked like you.
skylar- everyone is beautiful in their own way.
ivy- i wish boys thought that about me.
skylar- they do and there's one boy who will treat you like you should be. now come on,
let's go eat.

*i nod, following her and jake out of our room on the ship and follow them to the room that dinner is being held in. i sit down with them and see a boy sitting with what looks like it could be his family. he's really cute but i get snapped back to reality when the waiter comes to give us all of our silverware, plates, and cups. i stand up once the waiter leaves and look at my sister.*

ivy- i'm going to go get something to drink, i'll be back soon.
skylar- okay, don't be too long.
ivy- yeah yeah.

*i laugh softly and walks over to wear everyone gets there drinks. i realize the boy is a few people in front of me. i stand there awkwardly trying not to stare and when he walks past me to go back to his table, he winks at me. i feel my face turn red, i quickly get my soda and walk back to skylar and jake. i sit down and look at them.*

ivy- wait, how did you guys get your drinks already?
skylar- you went to the far one.
ivy- of course i did.

*we laugh and decide to get our food. after we finished eating, my sister and jake went to go ask for the check and as they left our table, the cute boy was leaving with his family and we were sitting by the exit. he walks pass me and drops a napkin next to my chair. i make a confused face to myself and wait till he's gone to pick it up. i pick it up and read it quickly, "text me later, my number is 000-000-0000" i smile to myself and leave with skylar and jake, hiding the napkin in the small bag i brought. i changed into my pajamas and sat on our balcony with my phone. i decide to text him and see what happens, i mean what's the worst that could happen? we already know what each other look like and we are on this cruise for 2 weeks. i open up text messages and type in his number and said "hi".* < really ivy? "hi" that's so stupid and he won't know who it is> i think to myself. i then said another text saying, "you dropped the napkin next to me at the buffet, my name is ivy :)"*

text messages-

boy- hi ivy, i'm joey :)

ivy- well hello joey

joey- i thought you were really beautiful and it looked like you didn't really have anyone to hang out with at dinner besides family

ivy- haha yeah it's just my sister, her boyfriend, and me

joey- looks like we are on the same boat kinda, im with my family too but i don't hang out with my sisters because they just want to shop

ivy- hahaha get it, we're on the same boat? no? okay yikes i suck at jokes

joey- i get it haha it made me laugh, i never knew such a cute girl could also be funny

ivy- do you want to hang out? tomorrow?

joey- yeah, or we can watch the movie they are showing tonight in the movie room

ivy- sounds fun! i'd have to ask my sister if i can

joey- just tell me what she says :) i'll be waiting cutie

*i blush and go to skylar*

ivy- sky
skylar- yes ivy?
ivy- can i go watch the movie they are showing tonight? i'm bored and i met a friend at dinner when i was getting my drink.
skylar- who is it?
ivy- his name is joey, please can i go? he invited me.
skylar- fine but you have to be back by 1 at the latest.
ivy- thank you!! i love you

*i put on leggings and a hoodie before fixing my hair. i remembered that i completely forgot to tell joey. i grab my phone and tell him i'll meet him there in 10 minutes. i say bye to skylar and start walking to the movie room in the ship. i find a spot in the back since we planned to meet up 35 minutes before the movie started. i sit down and wait for him. a few minutes later i see a tall figure walk into the room.*

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