chapter 20

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ivy- baby, we need to turn here

*he accidentally drives passed the turn and i can tell he'll be upset about it. i rub his shoulder, seeing him go from tense to being relaxed.*

joey- shit i missed it

ivy- it's okay turn at the next one

joey- now we're going to be late because of me

ivy- we got here an hour early love, everything's okay

*he nods and takes the next turn. we find a parking spot, resulting in parking the car and walking to the stadium hand in hand. i hold the tickets in my hand and lay my head on his chest while we stand in line to get in. i smile big, looking up at him. he is looking around and rubs my back softly. i think he forgot he's also meeting them or he's not nervous at all. i stand on my tippy toes and leave a soft kiss on his cheek.*

joey- how much longer for the line baby?

ivy- 10 minutes? we are almost to the front but i'm not sure

joey- my legs are tired

ivy- you sound like me

joey- i spend a lot of time with you

ivy- yes i know, and i love it

joey- me tooooo

*i smile big, moving up in line. 10 minutes later, we get in and find our seats. the basketball team starts warming up. i hold onto joey's hand as both teams walk to their seats and the smile on his face grew. soon later, the game starts and it was already getting heated in the first 5 minutes. so many fouls were called and we were winning so far. after 45 minutes, it was halftime and i stand up to stretch.*

ivy- baby, do you want any food?

joey- maybe some fries

ivy- okay, i'll get fries and a coke

joey- okay baby be quick

ivy- i'll try. the lines are probably long

joey- true, i love you

ivy- i love you more

joey- yeah yeah

*i kiss him softly and giggle as i walk up the stairs to where i have to exit. i walk out and the hallways are packed. i find a place with food that has a short line so i walk into the line and stand there. a guy comes up behind me and starts talking to me. i don't show much interest because, i have joey and because i'm actually not interested. he grabs my waist and i push him off. keep in mind, this guy looks like he could be 38. this is disgusting. i order fries and a large coke. i also signal the cashier that the guy behind me is freaking me out and being weird. i stand against the wall, waiting for my name to be called and the guy comes back up to me. he keeps talking to me and puts him arms on both sides of my head.*

ivy- leave me alone please.

mysterious man- why should i?

ivy- because i have a boyfriend.

*i grab the food and drink off the counter and start heading back to joey. he follows me, not too far behind till he sees me sit down next to joey then he runs away. that was weird.*

*ivy came back and she seemed a little shooken up. i'll ask her after the game because i'm sure she doesn't want to talk about it.*

ivy- hi baby

joey- hi love

ivy- i found a short line so i went in it

joey- of course

ivy- you would've too if you saw the lines

*i giggle and hold the fries for us. she lays her head on my shoulder as the second quarter starts. we eat the fries and watch everyone play. the score is 75-84 right now and we are winning. which, obviously we would because north carolina is the best. ivy scoots closer to me when a guy walks by us and i realize that it's someone i really don't want to see. oh no. what if he talked to her when she was getting our food? shit. i need to tell my mom at home. after another 45 minutes, the game ended and it was time for us to meet the players. ivy stands up, throwing away our trash and i take ahold of her hand. she intertwines our fingers and we walk to the back of the locker rooms, where everyone meets the players.*

ivy- are you excited baby?

joey- yess, are you?

ivy- i don't usually watch sports but yes, because i like seeing you get really happy

joey- awh, so cliche

ivy- i'm cliche with everything

joey- i know, it's cute

*i giggle as everyone else starts to walk in that gets the chance to meet the players. i walk up when it's time to meet them and ivy takes pictures for me. i do the same for her once i'm done and as i take her pictures, she gets a worried look on her face and smiles almost immediately. when she walks back to after she's done, i look at the line and see the man again. this isn't okay. he can't be around us, especially her. this isn't safe at all. i intertwine our fingers and start walking back to the car, making sure she's on the side that is farthest from the line. after 12 minutes, we reach the car and i get in, making sure ivy gets in too. i lock the doors and buckle in, ivy doing the same.*

joey- baby

ivy- yeah?

joey- why did you get a worried look when we were taking pictures?

ivy- it doesn't matter

joey- yeah it does. you got worried when that guy walked in

ivy- i was getting food and he was flirting with me. i ignored him though

joey- okay, i love you

ivy- i love you too

*i pull out of the parking lot and drive onto the freeway to get home. after driving for about 1 hour, i turn in my driveway and park the car. we both get out and walk inside, smelling food that my mom is cooking for dinner.*

ivy- i'm going to shower okay baby?

joey- okay love, ill be down here with my mom

ivy- okay, i'll be right back

joey- i love you

ivy- i love you too

*i leave a small kiss on her forehead before she walks upstairs. i walk over to my mom and give her a worried look. she makes sure ivy won't be able to hear and looks at me.*

jen- joey? what's wrong?

joey- dad.

jen- what do you mean?


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