chapter 37

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*i woke up early the next morning and my face felt dry. i rubbed my eyes and laid in joey's bed, not wanting to get out of bed or wake him up. a few minutes later, he moves around and wakes up. he looks over at me and with his soft morning voice, he asks me a question.*

joey- good morning baby. how are you feeling?

ivy- i'm okay and really hungry

joey- we can go out and get some breakfast at my favorite breakfast restaurant here if you want

ivy- can we? i want to see more of north carolina. i just need to get ready first

joey- there's no rush. we'll walk there for some fresh air, it's not far from my house

ivy- okay. you can get ready first love

joey- you don't want to?

ivy- i always get ready first, it's your turn

*i smile softly as he gets out of bed, pulling me up with him. i stand up and hug him tight. he hugs back and plays with my hair. i close my eyes, taking in the moment and lay my head on his chest. he kisses the top of my head and lets go. i do the same and look up at him. i pucker my lips, giving him a hint that i want a kiss. he giggles and softly kisses me. i kiss back and smile.*

ivy- go get ready, i don't want to waste any time

joey- you never waste time baby. take a deep breath and try to stop bringing yourself down

ivy- okay okay i'm sorry

joey- it's okay. it'll take time

*i lay back down as he walks into the shower with his clothes in his hands and i grab my phone. going on my sisters contact. i click on the call button and listen to it ring. once the voice operator starts talking, my sister's voicemail of her voice starts playing. i listen and close my eyes, imagining the day she recorded this. i pull up my text messages and text her even though i know she won't respond.*

- text messages -

june 16,2019 - last messages

skylar- i'm going to check on jack at his house. he was texting me weird things. i think he was drinking. i'll be home soon. be safe little sis, i love you <3

ivy- please be careful. you're all i have. i love you more <33

august 17,2019 - present day

ivy- hi skylar. it's been a long 2 months without you. i'm currently living with joey and his family in north carolina. dad is somehow alive and was at our house one day. the police told joey's mom it wasn't safe to stay there so they offered me to move in with them. i miss you. a lot. it's been the hardest 2 months. you were and still are my bestfriend. joey is treating me so well. i know you always worried about me. i'm also starting school here for my senior year of high school. i'll be going with joey. anyway, i thought i would give you a life update even though i have your phone and you can't read this. i miss you big sister and i love you with everything.

- end of text messages -

*i hit the send button and put my phone down. i wipe my eyes incase i had any tears and i quickly make joey's bed for him just as he walks out.*


*ivy turns around and looks at me with a smile. i smile back and kiss her cheek. she giggles and holds onto both of my hands. she kisses my nose and walks into the bathroom to get ready.*

joey- wait come backk

ivy- are you okay?

joey- yeah i just wanted one more kiss

*she open the bathroom door and kiss my cheek again. i pout and she gets the message that i wanted one on my lips. she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me softly. i hold her waist gently and kiss back. she smiles against my lips, causing me to smile back.*

joey- you can get ready now?

ivy- are you sure?

joey- i'm positive. i'm going to go check on everyone else

ivy- okay i'll be out soon

*we smile at each other and she shuts the bathroom door. i walk downstairs and see my family watching something on tv. i sit down next to my mom quickly and start trying to figure out what is happening. she puts her arm around my shoulders and i look up at her, seeing a worried yet relieved look.*

joey- mom is everything okay?

jen- i'll tell you in a second joey

joey- why is he on the news?

bella- joey stop and we will tell you when they stop talking about it

*i sit there tapping my leg, worrying and looking at all of them while listening to the tv. my dad and ivy's dad were seen together driving through the multiple states from california and were now being put in jail. yes, i was happy they both got caught but worried on why they put on tv. the news reporter stops talking about the case and my mom shuts off the tv. i look at sophia and she's trembling in fear. i hold her against me, trying to calm her down while my mom and bella look at me.*

joey- can one of you tell me what is happening!?

bella- come on soph, let's go upstairs

*sophia gets up and goes upstairs with bella and my mom faces me. i turn towards her waiting for an explanation. she glances at the top of the stairs to see if ivy if there and she is.*

jen- ivy, will you come down here and sit with us sweetie? it's important.

ivy- yeah what's happening? sophia looked really scared when i walked out of joey's room

*she walks downstairs quickly, sitting next to me and holding my hand in hers. i intertwine our fingers and we both look at my mom. she takes a deep breath as her eyes tear up.*

jen- you guys can't freak out. ivy, your dad was on the news and joey, so was yours. they were seen together driving from what seemed to be california and they were heading this way. they got arrested on the highway when they were seen by a few cops were put in one of the worst prisons so they can't escape.

ivy- w-why were they together?

jen- i'm not sure. but they aren't safe and it seems they have been working together or been friends and are trying to get revenge on someone

joey- what did they do that was so wrong? im lost

jen- well, they are both murderers. they aren't safe and never will be. they are also selling illegal things like drugs.

*ivy's breath hitches and she gets up, walking outside into the backyard. my mom lets me go check on her and i run outside to her. i wrap my arms around her and sit down on the step next to her. she sobs into my shoulder and slightly shakes.*

joey- what's freaking you out baby?

ivy- m-my mom was k-killed. w-what if he killed h-her?!

joey- i don't know baby. you don't deserve this and neither did she. your sister didn't either.

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