chapter 5

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*i see my sister and jake outside where joey and i wanted to hang out. he looks at me and i look back at him.*

joey- do you still want to be out here? we could go to the back.
ivy- can we go to the back of the ship? i... i just don't want to be hit again.
joey- yeah, of course. let's go.

*we walk to the back and lay out in the sun next to each other. i lay my head on his chest and he puts his arm around me. i didn't want this to end. we hung out the rest of the day and exchanged the rings and necklaces. i went to sleep in my room that night and fell asleep before skylar came back with jake.*

      *1 week later*
the last day

*i wake up and realize it's the last day of the cruise. joey and i have been hanging out everyday since the day we met. it's going to be hard not seeing him everyday, knowing he's in north carolina while i'm in california and the time difference is 3 hours. i get ready and pack my bags. i wear black nike sweats with a plain blue hoodie and my black vans. i hear a knock on the door and i open it. i see joey standing there and both of our faces fell, from being upset that we won't see each other for who knows how long. i immediately wrap my arms around him. he doesn't hesitate to do the same. i lay my head on his chest while we hug for a few minutes.*

joey- good morning cutie.
ivy- good morning.
joey- how are you feeling.
ivy- upset, you?
joey- the same as you.
ivy- when is your flight?
joey- i leave in about 30 minutes. what about you?
ivy- 1 hour.
joey- so we have about 25 minutes to hang out.
ivy- let's go get breakfast?
joey- yeah.
ivy- okay, come on.

*i take his hand and walk to where the ship was holding breakfast. we got a table and ordered some fruit and eggs. we ate quickly so that we could still have time to hang out after. i offered to pay the bill but joey wouldn't let me, the usual. we walk back to his room since his family was eating breakfast. i lay down on his bed with him and wrap my arms around his torso. he wraps his arms around my arms and pulls my body closer to him. i keep my head on his chest and look up at him.*

joey- what are you thinking about love?
ivy- i'm just going to miss you a lot.
joey- so am i but, at least we can text and facetime.
ivy- yeah but it won't be the same.
joey- i know i know.

*he kisses my head softly and stood up. i look at him and sit up. he grabs both of my hands and pulls me up. i keep looking at him, knowing he has to leave. i wrap my arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go. he hugs me back with the same energy for a long time.*

ivy- do you have to go now?
joey- yeah but let me walk you to your room, okay?
ivy- okay.

*he takes me back to my room and we say our final goodbyes. except joey wouldn't let me say goodbye, he only let me say see you later. at least i won't lose contact with him. i lay down and look outside for the next 30 minutes before i had to leave. i walk off the boat following my sister and jake. we get in a taxi and go to the airport. the whole car ride, i rested my head on my hand and looked out the window. i felt skylar rest her hand on my shoulder so i turned my head and looked at her.*

skylar- are you okay?
ivy- i'm fine..
skylar- no you're not. what happened?
ivy- joey and i got so close and spent everyday together. now i have no one to hang out with.
skylar- you and i can.
ivy- but you hang out with jake all the time.
skylar- we can have a day where it's just us okay? black friday is soon.
ivy- are you sure?
skylar- yes i promise.
ivy- okay.
skylar- we are at the airport come on.

*i get out of the car and check my phone. i see a text from joey and smile even though i didn't even read it yet. i grab my suitcase from the trunk and follow my sister and jake into the airport. while we wait in lines for security i check my phone to read the text from joey.*

text messages-
j - joey i - ivy

j- hey love, im taking off right now. i'll text you when i land even though you'll still be on the plane. i miss you already :( love you best friend❤️

ivy- hey cutie ;)! i'm in line for security right now but i'll make sure to text you when i take off and land. i miss and love you more :(❤️

*i put my phone in the basket and walk through the machine before my sister and her boyfriend. i turn around and put my shoes on when i hear the alarm go off. i look up and see my sister made it go off. i laugh at her as she gets checked. she looks at me and rolls her eyes as a smile appears on her face. she walks over to me and i laugh harder at her.*

skylar- oh shush, you act like that's never happened to you.
ivy- uh yeah because it hasn't?
skylar- it will one day.
ivy- yeah yeah. can we get starbucks?
skylar- yeah just wait for jake.
ivy- okay.

*i grab my suitcase and hand my sisters to her. jake grabs his and we go to starbucks. i order a hot chocolate and pay for it. i grab it and walk over to the gate with my sister and jake. we sit there for about 5 minutes before getting in line and starting to board. i put my hot chocolate in the cup holder and put my suitcase in the container up top. i go to the window seat and buckle in, getting comfortable. as the plane starts to take off, i lay my head back on the seat thinking of joey and fall asleep.*

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