chapter 49

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*i woke up in joey's arms not wanting to do anything. if i'm this bad with my mom's death date, i can't imagine how i will act on my sisters. i tear up again but close my eyes to try and go back to sleep. i feel soft kisses on my forehead and my cheek being rubbed with someone's thumb. i open my eyes and see joey looking down at me.*

joey- good morning princess

ivy- good morning..

joey- look next to you, please

ivy- i don't feel like moving

joey- for me baby, please

*i give in and turn over, seeing sunflowers laying on the pillow next to me. my heart warms in my chest and i turn back around, wrapping my arms around joey. he immediately hugs back, pulling my body closer to his. i lay my head on his shoulder and he runs his hand all over my back.*

joey- my mom made all of us breakfast so whenever you want to go downstairs we can go

ivy- you can go, i know you're always hungry in the morning..

joey- i'm not going to leave you alone, especially right now

ivy- our lives we getting so good.. why does this always happen..

joey- after today, we will have amazing days for a long time okay?

*i nod and stand up, holding his hand close to me as i walk downstairs. he intertwines our fingers and i sit down at the table, starting to eat. i keep the hoodie on joey's hoodie up as i eat and he rests his hand on my thigh. i lay my head on his shoulder and slowly eat my breakfast. everyone finishes before me since i keep moving my food around with my fork and joey looks at me.*

joey- how many bites did you have?

ivy- 5.. i don't want to eat anymore

joey- we can eat more at lunch yeah?

*i nod and stand up, walking back upstairs. i don't go to my room though, i walk into joey's and lay face down on the bed. i hear him come in and shut the door before laying down next to me. he lifts my face up by putting his finger under my chin. i look at him and i can tell he wants me to be happy so give him a small smile. he sighs and plays with my hair as i lay my head on his chest.*

joey- you don't have to put a smile on your face for me baby. i know it's hard for you

ivy- you don't like seeing me upset though

joey- id rather see you're true emotions than you trying hide them okay?

ivy- i know what you're saying. i'm sorry for always doing that. i love you

joey- i love you too princess and i'm always here. you don't need to apologize for feelings, i told you baby

ivy- i know i know it's just a habit i'm sorry..

*he looks at me with a 'really' look and i giggle, realizing that i apologized again. he smiles, causing me to smile back and hug him tight. he hugs back and i kiss his cheek a bunch.*

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