chapter 11

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*today is the day i leave. i really don't want to. i don't want to see ivy sad. i'm already going to be sad. i'm leaving my princess and it's going to suck but, i'm going to come see her soon or she will come see me. i don't know yet. my flight is at 1:00pm and it's already 9:00am. ivy just woke up and we can both sense the sadness in each other.*

ivy- i don't want you to leave bub..

joey- i don't want to leave either baby..

ivy- can we just cuddle till we have to leave..?

joey- yeah.. i'll postmate some food..

ivy- okay..

*she laid her head back down on my chest. i ran my hand through her hair as i ordered some ihop on postmates. i put my phone down and wrapped my arm around her waist. i felt her move closer to me. i laid my head on top of her since we were on our sides now. 45 minutes later the doorbell rang. she looked at me and we both stood up. i held her hand as we went downstairs. we ate our bacon and waffles before going back upstairs. we cuddled and talked for 2 more hours. i finished packing up my bag and helped ivy clean up her room, knowing she won't once i leave. i sat down on her bed and she sat in my lap. she curled up into a ball and i saw tears forming in her eyes.*

joey- baby it's okay..

ivy- i know i'm just going to miss you..

joey- i'm going to miss you too..

*she put her head in my chest and started crying. i teared up and held her tighter. i was trying to hold in my tears for her but i couldn't anymore. tears rolled down my cheek as i softly kissed her forehead. i wipe her tears with my thumbs and she wipes mine after. the uber was here to go to the airport. she was coming with me and we stood up. she held my hand tightly as we got into the car. i felt her lay her head on my shoulder as the uber started driving and i laid my head on top of hers lightly, making sure not to hurt her. i ran my thumb over her knuckles and held her hand in both of mine.*

uber driver- you guys are a very cute couple.

joey- thank you sir..

ivy- thank you..

uber driver- long distance i'm guessing?

ivy- yeah..

joey- this is the second time..

uber driver- i get it. i used to be in one.

joey- does it ever get easier? like leaving?

uber driver- it can. but it depends on you guys.

*i nod as he pulls up to the airport. ivy and i slowly get out and i get my suitcase out of the trunk. we walk into the airport hand in hand and i walk towards the security line.*

*we got to the airport and my heart dropped. he was so close to leaving now. i didn't want him to but, he has to. we walked to the security line and i asked someone at airport if i could go to his gate with him. luckily they said yes and i stood in line with joey. he wrapped his arm around me and i laid my head on his chest as we stood there.*

joey- princess.

ivy- yeah?

joey- we'll facetime everyday i promise.

ivy- okay. i was hoping we would.

joey- i love you,

ivy- i love you too.

*we moved up in line and when he walked through the sensor, it beeped and he had to get checked. i stood in front of him and giggled while watching him get patted down. once he was cleared, he walked over and kissed me. i gently kissed back and he got his suitcase. we walked towards his gate and sat down. he had 15 minutes till he boarded and we had small talk. i held his hand close to me and he ran his thumb over my hand. to be honest, it calmed me down but when he leaves, i'm going to be a mess. i just hope he's okay. i want my sister to wake up and come home. im going to be home alone for who knows how long. his flight got called and i stood up slowly. he wrapped both of his arms around me and i immediately did the same thing. tears started filling my eyes and i couldn't hold them in anymore. i started to cry into his chest as we hugged.*

joey- ssh it's going to be okay. i know it's hard.

ivy- i'm just going to miss you a lot baby..

joey- i'm going to miss you too princess..

flight attendant- last call for flight 45, last call for flight 45.

joey- baby look at me.

*i looked up at him as he cupped my face. he slowly leaned in and i connected our lips. i rested my hands on his and after a few seconds, we both pulled away.*

ivy- text me when you land?

joey- of course princess. i'll facetime you when i get home.

ivy- catch up with your family for a little bit bub.

joey- fine, i'll call you an hour after i get home.

ivy- okay.

joey- don't forget you have my jacket.

ivy- i won't. now go get on the plane before you miss it.

joey- okay bye baby.

ivy- it's not a goodbye, it's a see you later.

joey- i'll see you later princess.

ivy- see you later bub.

*i watched him walk onto the plane and i walked to the front of the airport once i couldn't see him anymore. i called an uber and waited outside. once i got home, i paid the uber and walked inside. i locked the front door and shut all the blinds. i walked upstairs to my room and laid down in bed. it was only 3pm and joey lands in one hour. i already miss him. i grab his hoodie and hold it in bed. i put it over my pillow and held onto the pillow so it felt like he was still somewhat there.*

this chapter is so sad sigh

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