chapter 30

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~ warning: insecurity about body figure/fatigue is mentioned in this chapter. i have this problem and if you do too, it's normal. but if you need to, you can skip the part where it talks about that. it is in joey's pov when they are in the restaurant.*

*after all of us order our food, i lay my head on joey's shoulder and listen to him talk to his family. i look up at him and smile softly since i wasn't in the best mood. luckily he sees and kisses my forehead softly. i intertwine our fingers and he continues talking about things are working out for us and his fans.*

joey- speaking of ivy and me, our five months is in a few days

ivy- it's been a hard but amazing five months

joey- agreed

jen- i want to thank you ivy

ivy- for what?

*i sit up and look at her confused. she gives me a sympathetic look and i look at joey. he just shrugs and we both look back at her*

jen- ever since joey met you, he's been a lot happier. he has a rough past and from only knowing you for not even a year, i know you do too. so thank you for keeping my little boy happy.

joey- mom im not little

ivy- you're welcome jen. he treats me very well. thank you for making him a gentleman.

jen- he wasn't like this before he met you. you've helped him a lot.

*i glance at joey and see his flustered cheeks. i giggle and after a few minutes, our food comes and i let go of joey's hand in order to eat. i cut up my waffle and pour some syrup on over it.*

sophia- don't put too much ivy. you don't want to gain any more weight.

jen- sophia birlem. go in the car now.

ivy- it's fine.. i'll go.

*i stand up, placing the napkin on the table and walk out of the restaurant with my head down. i get in the back seat of the car where joey and i were before and curl up into a ball. i tear up and put my head in my knees.*

joey- nice one sophia. maybe you should gain some respect.

*i hear the car door open and keep my head in my knees as i sniffle. the door shuts and i feel arms wrap around me. i could tell it was joey just by his embrace and i wrap my arms around his neck, crying on his shoulder.*

joey- i don't know why she's being so mean ivy. it's not okay. and if you gain more then who cares.

ivy- i care.. i've always been insecure about that and i just keep it in!

joey- ssh my love. take deep breaths..

*i cry harder into his shoulder and he plays with my hair. i try taking deep breaths but they are more like short breaths that are forced.*

joey- i can bring your food in here so that you  want to eat it

ivy- i d-don't want to e-eat..

joey- ivy. look at me.

*i look up at him with bloodshot eyes and tears rolling down my face. he wipes them with the pads of his thumb and looks into my eyes.*

joey- she's being stupid. don't listen to her. i'm making sure you stay healthy.

*it really pisses me off that sophia had the nerve to say that. my own sister. ivy has never done anything wrong to her so she has no right to say that, especially to her face. i knew she was struggling with her confidence. although she never told me, i know her well enough to know that she is insecure. everyone is.*

ivy- i'm sorry for being a mess..

joey- never apologize for having emotions babygirl.

ivy- do you have headphones we could use on the way to the airport? i don't know if i could handle hearing something else she says to me. as pathetic as it sounds, i'm 16 and i'm crying about what a 13 year old girl told me..

joey- i would probably cry too if someone ever told me that. it's not pathetic ivy. but yes i have headphones we can share

ivy- thank you..

joey- of course. maybe you could try taking a nap before they get in the car? if you feel okay doing that

ivy- it's probably what's best.. i'll try i guess

joey- you don't have to baby, i just don't want her saying anything else and hurting your feelings

ivy- i know where you're coming from and i'm taking your nap into consideration

*she lets out a small giggle to show that she's somewhat okay but i know it's still hurting her. we buckle in and get comfortable with a blanket and pillow. a pillow for me so that i can lean against the side of the car and a blanket for ivy that we will basically be sharing. i run my hands through her hair to help her relax and she holds onto my other hand. i intertwine our fingers and kiss her forehead as she lays her head down on my chest. she falls asleep and 10 minutes later, everyone comes back in.*

bella- joey, is she awake?

joey- no i told her she should
try taking a nap before everyone got back in the car so she didn't hear someone say something.

bella- when she does wake up, can i talk to her?

joey- depends on what you're talking about with her

bella- it's a girl-to-girl conversation. she's a sweet girl and i like her joey. you don't have to worry.

joey- you swear?

bella- i promise you joseph.

joey- fine. you can.

bella- thank you. also mom wants to tell you something.

*i look to the very front of the car and look at my mom. she gives me a frown and i sigh.*

jen- is she doing okay?

joey- no. but i'm talking about what happened in the car if sophia is in the car.

jen- i understand. we will talk when bella talks to ivy.

joey- okay.

*with that, i shut my eyes and plugged in my headphones to block everyone out. i don't want to hear anyone. i worrying about ivy and how she's going to feel when she wakes up. probably the same but i don't know if she's going to be more quiet now due to sophia being stuck up. i hope not because i love seeing my girl smile and laugh, not cry because of my sister.*

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