chapter 55

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{ time skip: friday }

*i haven't been sick since monday and i'm glad that i finally caught up with all my work. i kept my straight a's and joey has been too. the whole time i was sick, he stayed with me unless it was dinner or he had practice. i couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and today i finally get to see him play at a game. him and i walk into school holding hands and serena comes up to me.*

serena- ivy, can we please talk..?

ivy- uh yeah sure

serena- i'm really sorry for getting mad at you last week. i should've trusted you and joey.

joey- wait charles did something already?

serena- it got heated and things happened. now he won't talk to me

ivy- that dick

joey- agreed. but i'm sorry he did that serena. he didn't used to be like that

serena- do you mind if i ask what he used to be like..?

joey- i don't mind. he was with someone our freshman year and long story short, she played him then he started to do the same

serena- that's really fucked up. can i teach him a lesson?

ivy- what's your lesson?

serena- show him what he's missing

joey- go for it. it's your choice

serena- thank you guys. and again i'm sorry to both of you for not believing the truth

ivy- it's okay don't worry

*she hugs me and i hug back, knowing that i have my best friend back. she walks away and i look at joey with a smile on my face. he smiles back and connects his lips with mine. i kiss back, keeping my smile on my face. he intertwines our fingers as he pulls away and we walk over to our lockers.*

ivy- soo are you excited about tonight?

joey- yes and no

ivy- want to talk about it baby?

joey- i'm excites to play because i love football and you'll be watching. i'm just nervous because almost all the students go plus my family will be there. i have to do good or i'm going to be stressed out

ivy- hey.. look at me. if you don't have a good first game then you have plenty others to make up for it and for the record, i can never be disappointed in you when you play sports even if you are disappointed with yourself

joey- what would i do without you?

ivy- probably just to school and football. oh and stress

*he laughs while slightly shanking his head before he kisses my cheek, causing me to blush.  while he teases me, i grab my history and math textbook out of my locker and shut it. i kiss him to shut him up and he immediately kisses back. i giggle against his lips and throw my head back as i laugh.*

joey- are you ready to go to history ma lady?

ivy- yes sir

*i keep laughing while we walk to class but force myself to stop when we walk inside and go to our seats.*

joey- youre really happy today baby, i love it

ivy- it's only because i have the best boyfriend in the world

joey- ha very funny

ivy- i'm just telling the truth

mr. andrew- joey and ivy, please stop talking. do the worksheet

*ivy and i both nod and start working on the packet he gave us. this class never really talks mostly just a 15 minute lecture in the morning then working on packets for an hour. ivy lays her head on my shoulder and continues writing down the answers. i kiss the top of her head before leaning my head on hers and finishing my packet. she finishes a few minutes after me and we sit there messing with each other's hands. i keep trying to hold her hands but she takes one of them and plays with my fingers. i gently kiss her cheek a few times right before we are interrupted by the bell.*

joey- woo math class next!

ivy- you're excited for class?! what is this world?

joey- you're in my class so obviously i'm excited

*she blushes and turns away from me as she starts walking out the door. i laugh and hold onto her hand when i catch up to her. she smiles and we walk to class, slightly swinging our hands.*

{ time skip: after school }

ivy- i'm excited to see my boy playyy

joey- and i'm nervous to playyy

*she pouts and wraps her arms around my neck. i hug her torso and pick her up, making her wrap her legs around me.*

ivy- you have nothing to be nervous about love

joey- are you sure?

ivy- i don't think you would've gotten put on the varsity team if you weren't good enough

joey- i love you so much, you know that?

ivy- i love you more

*she hops out of my grip and looks up at me. she kisses me, causing me to kiss back. we pull away after a few minutes and she sits down on my bed.*

ivy- go get ready baby. ill be right here

joey- okay. i love you

ivy- i love you too

*i walk into the bathroom and put on all my football gear. i run my hands through my hair and look at myself in the mirror. ivy knocks on the door a few minutes later and talks in a soft voice.*

ivy- baby, is everything okay?

joey- yeah. the nerves are just getting to me

*i let her in and she cups my face. i look into her eyes and she has a look of worry and hope in her eyes.*

ivy- you're going to do amazing no matter what anyone says i promise you.

joey- i just don't want things to go to my head and mess up

ivy- you're overthinking right now and you're letting it get to your head. drink some water and have a granola bar. you should be good after that

joey- thank you for everything you do

ivy- i wouldn't want to do this with anyone else

*i kiss her forehead and jog downstairs to go eat a protein bar. but as i turn my head to smile at her, she was already smiling and looking at me.*

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