chapter 14

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*we arrived to my house and i carried ivy's bag to my room for her. when we go to my room, she sat down on my bed and looked around the room.*

ivy- your room is so nice.

joey- thanks babe.

ivy- it feels a lot better to be here rather than just seeing it on the screen.

*i laugh softly and lay down next to her. she starts running her hand through my hair. i puckers my lips and i see her smile as she leans in. i felt her lips on mine as i kiss her softly.*

joey- do you want to meet my family princess?

ivy- sure.

joey- okay let's go downstairs.

*i stand up and grab onto her hands, pulling her up with me. i smile at her as she giggles and holds onto my hand. i intertwine our fingers and start leading her downstairs. i could tell she was nervous by how quiet she got when we sat down on the couch. she rests her legs over mine. i put my hands over her legs and run my thumb over her right leg. my mom calls my siblings into the room and ivy scoots closer to me once they start coming downstairs. i kiss her forehead softly, letting her know it's going to be okay.*

jen- sophia, kashius, bella, this is joey's girlfriend ivy.

bella- it's nice to meet you. i'm bella.

ivy- hi, i'm ivy.

sophia- oh my gosh! hi! joey talks so much about you. you're so pretty!

jen- soph calm down.

sophia- i'm sorry i'm just excited.

ivy- it's nice to meet you sophia.

kashius- hi, i kashius

ivy- hey little dude.

jen- she's going to be staying with us for a week or two.

sophia- yessss.

bella- it's going to be so fun.

kashius- yay!

*i laugh softly and see ivy smile. she looks over at me and blushes. once my family talk to her for a while, she whispers in my ear if we could go upstairs. i nod my head and she walks upstairs before me. i walk into my room behind her and she walks right into my arms.*

joey- are you feeling okay love?

ivy- yeah baby i'm fine. i just miss my sister and your family seems so nice. i never really had one.

joey- you deserve so much better than what you've gotten.

ivy- that's just how life wants to work out for me i guess.

joey- but i'm here forever.

ivy- hopefully your forever is as long as mine.

joey- what do you mean?

ivy- forever isn't always forever. people have different time lengths of that word.

joey- has someone's forever not lastest?

ivy- yeah..

joey- if you don't mind me asking, who was it?

ivy- my parents..

joey- i'm so sorry baby.

*i wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. she buries her face in my chest and hugs back.*

ivy- it's okay..

joey- no it's not..

ivy- i know but i've learned to live with it.


*meeting joey's family was so eye opening and nerve-racking. i'm always paranoid that people won't like me for who i am. after i had been talking to his family for awhile, i was getting really overwhelmed and needed to step away.*

ivy- can we go to sleep baby?

joey- yeah of course, are you tired?

ivy- very.

joey- do you want one of my hoodies?

ivy- yes please.

*he hands me a hoodie and i walk into his closet, change into pajama shorts, and put his hoodie over my head. it fits like a dress on me but i honestly don't care. it's comfy and i have him. i walk back to his bed and see him laying in bed in grey sweats. he knows i love him wearing this. i lay down next to him and as i do, he looks down at me and smiles. i smile back and lay my head on his chest, rubbing stomach gently. i feel him relax some more from me doing that and i giggle.*

joey- what's so funny princess?

ivy- nothing you're just cute.

joey- you're cuter.

ivy- you're cutest. i win.

joey- finee. only because i love you.

ivy- i love you too.

joey- i love you more.

ivy- i love you most.

joey- i love you mostest.

ivy- darn.

*we both laugh softly and i start to close my eyes. joey starts playing with my hair. i can feel myself starting to fall asleep so i slowly lean up and kiss joey softly.*

joey- goodnight princess.

ivy- goodnight baby.

*soon after, i fall asleep. knowing i'm safe in his arms and the only thing i need to worry about is my sister.*

- the next morning -

*i wake up around 10am and rub my eyes before standing up to stretch. i look at the bed and don't see joey. he's probably downstairs or in the shower. i brush out my hair, wash my face in the bathroom, get dressed into black leggings and a light blue oversized hoodie, which was actually mine and not joey's for once. i braid my hair into one big braid and pull out some baby hairs so i don't look bald. i stand up and put on some socks so no one sees my feet and i walk downstairs. i don't see anyone when all the sudden, i feel someone come up behind me and pick me up.*

this didn't get to 1000 words but that's only because i wanted to leave you on a cliffhanger😌🖤

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