Chapter 1

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Bruce POV:

I go back to the manor after work with an aching back. I hang my coat on the hook and lock the door behind me. "Good evening, Master Bruce." Alfred greeted.

"Good evening, Alfred." I sigh. I head for the kitchen. "Anything in here for me to eat?" I say opening the kitchen door. Alfred smiles as he follows me. I sigh in relief as I see a buffet of food.

I smile and look back at Alfred. I rub my hands, ready. As I go to the sink to wash my hands, I ask, "Alfred, can I ask you a question?" "Of course, Master Bruce." He answers firmly with his hands behind his back. "Why so much food?" I start to dry my hands off.

"Don't you remember, sir? You have a guest arriving," He paused, looking down at his watch, "Um, about 20 minutes." I turn my head to look at him in total confusion. "Does Reporter Sarah White ring a bell?" He asked walking up to me.

I just then remembered that name. I ran to get freshened up, I only had 20 minutes.

Alfred POV:

A couple minutes after Bruce left the kitchen, there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peephole, seeing who was at the door. I opened the door to a lovely lady in a dark blue dress and simple heels.

"Hello, Mrs. White." I greet, gesturing my hand out. She grabbed it and I helped her up the small step into the mansion. As she looked around, she corrected, "Ms. White, or just Sarah." She looked around in amazement.

"Bruce will be out here in a moment, Ms. White." I say. "No problem, no problem at all." She says, still dozed my the decor of the house. I smile and she finally comes down to Earth and looks at me with a bright smile.

The light bounces off of her red hair with delight. "It smells wonderful..." She paused for a name. "Alfred." I end. "Alfred," She smiles. "Well, thank you." I blush. We hear a door close. "That must be Master Bruce now."

Bruce appeared with his hair still a little wet and buttoning up the last button of his shirt. He smiled as he entered the room. "Master Bruce," I nod. "Alfred." He says. He looks over at Sarah White and smiles. "Well, hello, Mr. Wayne." She says giving out her hand.

"Hi, Ms. White." He says shaking her hand. "Alfred, why don't you get the food taken care of?" He says, glimpsing at me with a smile, but then looks back at Ms. White. I nod and head back for the kitchen.

Bruce POV:

I gesture the way to the dining room with my hand. She smiles and walks past me in the direction I pointed my hand out to. As we reach the dining room I scoot out the chair for her to sit down. "What a gentlemen." She said as she sat down quietly as if she didn't mean for me to hear her. I sat down in the chair across from her.

After I noticed Alfred was taking a long amount of time to serve us the food, I excused my self from the table. As I walked out the dining room calmly, I jogged into the kitchen. "Alfred-" I stopped as I saw Alfred trying to put out a small fire with a rag.

I hurried and grabbed the baking soda and poured all of it on the fire that took place on the stove. "Alfred!" I gasp as the small fire was completely extinguished. "Sorry, Bruce. I can take care of the rest." He said, starting to shove me towards the door. "Are you going to start a fire, again?" I joke. He smiled and pushed me out the door.

I made my way back to the dining room. I caught Sarah looking around in awkwardness. I sat down and smiled, "Sorry for the delay, but there was a little accident in the kitchen." "Like what?" She smiled. "A little fire." I say, embarrassed. She gives a big laugh covering her mouth and looking over to the side.

"Excuse my inappropriate behavior, Mr. Wayne, but that was very funny." She apologized, getting firm again. The smell of food got stronger and stronger. She smiles as Alfred enters the room with two plates, full of food.

"This looks delicious, Alfred, sir." She says as he lays the plate in front of her. "Well, thank you again Ms. White." Alfred said. As Alfred started to leave the room, I gave him a glare. "I'm going to let you tend to your business. Master Wayne, Ms. White." Alfred smiled. He knew that's not what that glare meant.

I stare at Alfred as he turns the corner with a smile on his face. I narrow my eyes and smile at Sarah awkwardly.

Hey readers! Please keep reading! Hope you like it so far!

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