Chapter 20: No Longer a Redhead

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Bruce POV

Sarah came back to the manor and placed the keys on a coffee table. "You were gone a long time." I say. "Oh, I guess we didn't know." She said with a shrug of her shoulders and she places her hands in her back pockets. "How'd it go?" I ask sternly. "Great..." She answered, slightly dreamily then straightened up, "Fine." I stood from the couch, "You hesitated." She rolled her eyes and let a breath out. I passed her and into the kitchen. "Bruce, what's wrong?" She sighed as she followed. I didn't answer, I just continued to walk. We made it to the kitchen and grabbed a glass cup out of the cabinet. "See, don't do that, Bruce." She warned, getting very serious."Do what?" I asked roguishly, pouring cold water into the glass. "Ignore me. Especially when I need an answer." She answered. I continued to not look at her and put 3 ice cubes into the glass.

"Nothing, Sarah." I reply sharply. I watched her from the corner of my eye. She nodded her head and put her hands up in a surrendering position, "Have all the space you want." "We're going on patrol tonight." I inform then walked out of the kitchen. I headed to my room and we parted at the steps. She turned into the study room, and I then knew she was heading for the Cave. I ran into Alfred at the top of the staircase and startled him. "Sorry, Alfred." I apologize, patting his shoulder as I pass him. "When shall you be ready, Master Wayne?" He asked properly. "In about another hour. And they said they'll be picking me up." I answered with a smile and his eyebrow raised. "Bruce Wayne being picked up and not being dropped off in his own luxurious limo by his own butler?" He said placing his hand on his chest in shock. He smiled and I rolled my eyes with a grin. "Yeah, yeah."

Alfred began to say something but I hurried and slipped into my master bedroom.


I came out of the room with a black dress shirt and pants. My two top buttons were unbuttoned and my hair was sleekly brushed back as usual. I went back downstairs and Alfred awaited near the door. As I started to speak to him, Sarah appeared with a white sports bra on with gray sweats pulled up into shorts. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her stomach and forehead was sweaty. She wiped her face with the towel as she approached. "Oh, Ms. White! Why aren't you dressed?" Alfred said, looking at her shockingly. "What are you talking about?" She asked, then Alfred glanced at me then back at Sarah. "Oh, I thought you were going."

She shook her head, making sure her expression said she didn't care. There was a knock at the door and Alfred answered. I smiled as I saw two lovely women, one in a tight silver dress with long black hair and the other in a sleek pink dress with long, obviously dyed, blond hair and they both had a lot of makeup on. I grabbed their waist to pull them into the house. "Alfred, you know Michelle and Johanna. Michelle, Johanna, this is Sarah, Sarah this is Michelle and Johanna." Sarah glanced at me. She swung her towel over her shoulder and started to turn around. "Enjoy your night, Mr. Wayne." She said then walked down the hall without another word. "Master Wayne, I believe she is upset." Alfred stated a bit worriedly, as the girls exited the house."I know." I say sternly, a bit of Batman appearing. Then I walked out the front door.

Sarah POV

I went back to the Cave and went into the training room again. I placed a mirror on the wall in front of me, criss crossed on the floor and prepared; I placed my hands on my knees, closed my eyes, and took deep breaths. This was originally supposed to be me and Bruce's training session, but I carried it out by myself. I opened my eyes and stared into the glass mirror and thought. The encounter of the player Bruce made my blood boil. The fact that he didn't tell me he was going somewhere and rubbed the beautiful women in my face.

I finally witnessed my own transformation of my eyes and powers. My eyes began to fade into red from anger and the spot on my hand became larger until it covered my entire hand. I felt the energy rushing through my body and before they shot out of my palms, I tensed my muscles and it felt as if I was trying to push something extremely heavy. I managed to keep my eyes pried open, even through the excruciating pain. My heart raced and sweat popped from my forehead again. My eyes turned a dark gray and it was downright scary to me.

My fist clenched and my nails buried into my palms. My eyes slowly and hesitantly started making progress from black to hazel. "Ms. White!" Alfred yelled and my progress was interrupted. My energy dissolved in my body, my eyes quickly went to hazel, my focus stopped and my concentration went to Alfred, who was staring at me worriedly. "What is it Alfred?" I ask, breathing heavily. "Ms. White, are you okay?" He asked, helping me up and handing me a towel and water bottle. "Yes, Alfred. I'm fine. That was just a little training." I answer. The inside of my body felt like it was burning like hell.

I wiped my face and exited the room. "Not that, Sarah. I mean with Bruce." He says as he follows me. "Look, Alfred. He's a grown man and he should be free to play women like the millionaire playboy he is. It's fine. He's just quote on quote 'protecting' me, nothing more."

Alfred didn't reply and I took a gulp of my water. We head upstairs in awkward silence and I went to take a shower.


Alfred POV

Bruce returned from his event and he waved goodbye through the door. When he closed it, he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Would you like me to reheat dinner, Master Bruce?" I asked as he saw me. He placed his hand up, refusing. "No thank you, Alfred. I'm going to get in the shower then get suited up for patrol tonight." He said, starting to walk down the hall. As I turned to go to the Cave, he said, "And give Sarah her suit and everything that goes along with it." I nodded and turned the corner. I went into the study room to see Sarah roaming the bookshelves. "Heading to the Cave?" She asked, continuing her business and not looking at me. "Yes indeed," I answer playing the foul notes on the old grand piano to reveal the secret elevator. She entered with me and it was a silent ride descending stories underneath the manor.

"Sarah, Bruce has something for you. He wanted me to give it to you before your patrol tonight." I inform and press a button on the keyboard. A container appeared and I took a white box out of it and handed it to her. She gently took it and sat in the rolling chair. She slowly opened the top and unwrapped the white paper that surrounded the outfit. She took it out and looked at it. Her expression stayed the same and she placed it into the box. "If he thinks this makes things better, he's got another thing coming." She claims sternly and shook her head looking down at the box. "But he's lucky it's cute. Wait, what is this?" "I'm afraid that is hair dye, Ms. White. Bruce doesn't want them knowing who you are and that beautiful red hair of yours will give yourself away. To the public and Dent." I answered. Her expression was angry, but at the same time, understanding. "Is it permanent?" She asked after a moment. "Of course not, my dear. We'll want to see that redhead soon again after all these shenanigans are over." I chuckled. She nodded, "Well, I'm going to go get it over with then." I smiled, somewhat in relief when she accepted the gift.

Minutes later, Bruce came to the Cave and changed in seconds. "Your turn Ms. White." I smirk and she goes to change.

Sarah came back wearing a tight black leather shirt and pants, dark blue gloves, belt, and mask, and black high heel boots. "Thanks for the costume." She says walking over to the computer next to Bruce, "We should patrol near the cemetery because that's the last place you saw them." Bruce glanced at her new look for a moment then continued, "They're going to go the opposite way and they've already made Gotham PD patrol East so they're going to be East of Downtown Gotham. We're going patrol these three places tonight. If they ask who you are, don't tell them." "I want to take the Batpod." Sarah demanded as they walked towards the black Tumbler. Bruce looked at me and I pressed a button. It opened a secret garage door with the Batpod inside. She smiled as she grabbed the keys from my hand while Bruce got in the Batmobile.

"Alfred, keep me updated." Bruce said over the waterfall before he was lowered into the Tumbler. I nodded and the Tumbler sped off through the tunnel with the Batpod right behind it.

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