Chapter 27: Nothing But A Simple Letter

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Sarah POV

I sat in a chair in one of the many study rooms, thinking. I didn't want to choose the main one because I knew either Alfred, Selina, or Bruce would go that way to get to the cave. I let the sun shine in through the window and I slammed the red pin on the paper frustratedly. I crumbled the piece of paper and threw it in the nearby trashcan near the desk. I restarted and almost had it perfect, but I wanted it to feel more sympathetic and truly honest. I wrote on another sheet of paper and tried to determine if it was perfect or not. I came to a stopping-point, undetermined if it was the one. I stood and exited the room, deciding to get freshened up, maybe giving me more ideas for the right words.

I went to go take a shower and I ran into Alfred. He startled me at first but I let a breath out as I noticed it was him. "Oh, hello, Alfred." I say with a smile and he looked confused. "Sarah, where did you come from?" He asked. "Oh, just one of the study rooms." I answer, trying to avoid telling him which one. I tried to slip out of his range but it didn't work. "Which one Ms. White? I want to know where you are so I can serve you lunch." He claims. "Oh, okay..." I hesitate, but continue, "That one." I pointed to the room at the end of the fancy hallway, to my previous study room. Alfred nodded with a smile and we walked back down a floor together. "What were you doing in there, Sarah? I mean, why wouldn't you use the library?" He asked. I shrugged, "Just wanted to explore more of the house, I guess." I lied. He nodded and I had a feeling he didn't believe me.

"Well I'm going to get freshened up, Alfred." I say when we passed my room and Alfred continued to go to the first floor. As I closed the door behind me, Bruce scared me too. "You scared me." I say as Bruce stood from the bed. He gave a fake smile and replied, "Sorry. Are you okay?" I nodded, trying to be realistic and persuasive. As he opened his mouth to say something, I quickly interrupted, "I was just about to get in the shower." "Where were you?" He asked. "Upstairs." I answer honestly and he looked at me. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save those people, Sarah." He said sadly and truly sympathetic and I sighed, "You just need to get your head back in the game."


"...I have to get in the shower Bruce..." I hesitate, not having the guts to tell him. Not yet.

After I got out the shower, I went to the kitchen instead of the study room. It was becoming very dark and Bruce had already began to eat. I sat next to him and Selina and began to eat. I had no other choice than to stay silent. I wanted to snap on Selina because I kept watching how she took flirtatious glimpses at Bruce, but I didn't. I didn't.....

"Going out tonight? Get the rest of those people in Arkham?" I ask as we finish. Bruce looked over to me, then Selina, then back at me. "Yeah, we'll put Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley, and Freeze in Arkham." He answered. I began to pick up the plates, but Alfred did nothing but take them. I helped clean the kitchen like I used to as Bruce and Selina got dressed for tonight.


"I'm staying." I inform as they look at me. "Probably for the best." Bruce said, putting a couple things in his golden utility belt. "You have no idea." I smile. "We better get going Batman. Wouldn't want Harley getting bored, would we?" Selina smiled, getting on the Batpod. As Batman started to turn around and make his way to the Tumbler, I hesitantly stopped him. He turned to look at me, cape flowing heroically. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him deeply. I wanted him to remember this, me. My embrace got tighter and I made sure I made it was as compassionate as I could make it. I'm so happy he returned the gesture, even if he was Batman right now. I laid my head on his chest, giving him one last hug.

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