Chapter 9

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Month Later

Bruce POV

I was driving on the freeway when my phone rang. I answered to Alfred, "I'm on my way back, Alfred." I say automatically. "I didn't call you for that, sir. There has suddenly been multiple signs of Joker, Harley, Catwoman, and-" Alfred continued but I immediately press on the gas pedal when Alfred said Joker.

I cut lanes multiple times until I got to the exit I needed. I shifted gears and hit the gas pedal again. I pulled up in the driveway. As the car came to a stop in a jerk, I slam the door shut and run in the mansion. I met Alfred in the TV room. I sat on the couch and removed my tie. "What did they say about the Joker?" I say, eagerly.

Alfred answered, "They've been-" But the TV messed up and went gray out of nowhere. Then suddenly a face popped the screen. It was the Joker.

He gave a serious speech which he thought was amusing.

"Sorry for the, interruption, but who has ever seen this pretty little face ?" He says, grabbing a chin that previously wasn't on the screen. My eyes widen as I saw it was Sarah White. "That's why we haven't heard anything from her." Alfred states the obvious. I hush him as the Joker starts to speak again.

Sarah looked normal, like the last time I saw her. She had tape on her mouth and her hazel eyes held anger and fright. "Say hello, beautiful." Joker emphasized then continued after he licked his lips, "See, the thing is, wherever the vigilante is, he needs to come out of his, um, hiding. Come on, what are you waiting for. You have until midnight, or else, ya' know." He takes out a small knife and cuts her cheek, just a little though. He laughed and said, " Oh and, or, Gotham will have something, uh, city-breaking. She's waiting, Batman." The TV went back to normal.

Rage started to fill up in me again. "Alfred," I said shooting my look at him, "Get my suit ready."

Alfred and I went back into the Cave at about 6pm. I still had a couple hours so as Alfred got my suit ready, I practiced fighting. I grabbed some bat-er-rangs and threw them at the obstacles approaching me. I fought until it was going on 11 o'clock. "Is my suit ready?" I asked, wiping my sweaty forehead with a towel. I flipped it over my shoulder. And waked over to the computer where my water bottle was. I grabbed it and took a couple gulps of the fresh water.

"Yes, sir. But I will need these." Alfred says, pulling the bat-er-rangs out of the obstacles. He put them in my golden utility belt along with a couple other things. I sat in the chair, thinking of what could happen. If I would be too late. "Don't worry, Bruce. You'll be fine." Alfred says, lying a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not me I'm worried about."

I put on my suit and checked my utility belt one more time. "Do you even know where he is?" Alfred asks. "I'll find out." I answer starting to head for the armored car, the Batmobile. "Good luck sir." Alfred said as I get in the car. "Lock up, Alfred. Everything. I want nothing getting in or out. They wanted a fight. Well now they've got it."

Sarah POV

I sat on a dirty floor with tape on my mouth, not allowing me to speak. Three women enter the room. The one that took me weeks before, and two more. "My name is Harley, that's Cat, and that's Ivy. Mistah J needs you." The one in red and black informs. The one in green leaves with burgundy red hair, Ivy, grabbed my arm and forced me to stand. They escorted me out of the room and then outside.

The sky, I haven't seen the sky in weeks. It was dark and black. The man in purple leaned against an old car. He looked at his watch and looked at me. He smiled and walked over to me. "Ah, right on time, Ms. White. Shall we get in position?" He pushes my back and makes me jerk forward. He grabbed my waist painfully and pulled me closer to him. Harley and Ivy stood behind us and Cat leaned on the side of the building. Joker looked at his watch again. "Five, four, three, two," I closed my eyes as he counted down. A deep voice finished, "One."

I opened my eyes as the Joker looked from his watch and smiled. "Look who actually showed up." He laughed. The man in black was silent. There clowns everywhere, plus the three girls and the Joker. "You know of her, don't you?" Joker asked. He pushed my back again and threw me on the ground. I struggled to sit up because my wrists were tied still.

The man in black walked closer then stopped. "What do you want?" Joker laughed and answered, "What do you think, Batman?" He was silent again and then Catwoman answered, "Gotham." Harley laughed and Ivy smiled. Joker looked back at Batman with his maniacal, evil smile. I looked back at him and waited for an answer. "That's not going to happen." Batman finally answers. Joker walked then bent down next to me. " Are you sure?" He smiled at him again. My eyes pleaded for him to help me.

After he didn't say anything, Joker snapped his finger. Ivy walked from behind us and raised her hands. Her eyes turned white and vines were tangled around him. Luckily, he cut through them with his metal gauntlets. "Poison Ivy." He says, knowingly. She smiles as Harley, Cat, and the clowns joined. the Joker grabbed my arm and pulled me up. He held onto my arm tightly and pulled me away from the group with him.

I looked back to see Batman fighting all of them. I thought it was hopeless. I was threw into a truck, and gone.

Bruce POV

I took out most of the clowns and I was left to fight the City Sirens. Ivy and Catwoman lied on the floor, defeated, but Harley put up a fight. "Where did he take her?" I yell angrily slamming Harley into the brick wall by the neck. She grabbed my hand, trying to get it away from her throat.

"Where did he take her?!" I yell again. Ivy struggled trying to get up, so she just sort of sat up. "Just tell him. He will already be too late anyways." "Fine," Harley started, still trying to get out of my grip, "He's going to take her uptown to Arkham City." Then she gave me the details. I let her go and disappear.

I was on my way to Arkham City.

Was Ivy right? Was I going to be too late?

It was about a 30 minute drive to Arkham but in my car, it would only take 10.

Okay, so next chapter is when it gets really good, hopefully, so keep reading! Next update soon! Hope you enjoy the rest of the story.


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