Chapter 24: An Old Ally

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Sarah POV


I stood to grab the remote to turn the television on. "You know I'm going to check out soon." I said as I roamed the channels. I heard Bruce chuckle and I told him I was serious. "I know-" Bruce started, but his words trailed off as we focused our attention on the television. I went back to the medical bed and sat criss crossed. There was breaking news and it had something to do with Poison Ivy and Catwoman. I looked at the clock then immediately looked at Bruce who stared at the TV. "Aren't you going to do something?" I ask and he looked at me. He nodded and stood from the bed. "Get somewhere safe if anything odd happens here, okay? I'll be back." He ordered as he urgently made his way to the door. I briefly kissed him and said, "Finally keeping a promise." He smirked before exiting. I sat back on the bed and continued to watch the news.


When it hit 12, I saw the bat signal. I stared until it disappeared.

Batman POV

Gordon told me the details when I reached the signal. It was only Poison Ivy and Catwoman so I knew it would be quick and easy. They were at the Vauxhall Opera Shell near the bay. So that's where I was headed.


No one knew what they had planned. I secretly entered the large building and searched the dark rooms. I entered the main stage room, only to find myself walking into the ambush of Pamela and Selina. I was grabbed by a thick vine by the neck and pulled back. My face was scratched but I cut through the vines with my gauntlet blades. I cut more of Ivy's vines and I blocked her actual hits. I kicked her into the wall and grabbed Cat's whip before it could reach me. I tripped Ivy as Cat tried to scratch me again. I punched Cat which caused her to slide backwards and I flipped Ivy over my shoulder, slamming her back into the ground. She went limp a bit and I knew I had get Catwoman like that.

While Ivy laid limp, I only had to defeat my old ally but a new enemy, Catwoman.

I was doubled kicked in the chest and tripped by her whip. "Still feisty, I see." She smiled, leaning above me. I kicked her, flipping her over and off of me and giving me a chance to stand. "What happened to you?" I ask, truly pondering. "What do you mean? I didn't change." She snapped angrily. "Yes, you did. When you met Harley, you promised you-" I started but she interrupted, "Don't you dare talk about promises!" She swung repeatedly towards me which was no use for her. I blocked every single one. Her foot got locked in my arm in an attempt to kick me, and I twisted it, making her body flip onto the ground. She groaned but smoothly stood back up. "Out...Of- all...people-" She started, pausing through her words as she fought, "You shouldn't know what- a real... promise-is!" She dodged my hit by doing a back flip and landing in a low position. I blocked her hits once more and swung her whip around her, getting her tangled into it. I swung her and she hit her back against the wall. I pinned her to it and she seemed to give up.

"What happened when you met Harley? You've gone against me. Why?" I demanded. "It wasn't them at first. You hurt me, Bruce." She said sadly and my grip suddenly loosened, but still pinned her to the wall. "What did I ever do to make you want to kill me?" I asked angrily, honestly confused of my past actions. She gave no answer. "I'm sorry for whatever I did, Selina, but-" I started, but her eyes flashed up dramatically when I said her name and suddenly an arm wrapped around my neck. As my arms began to make there way to my attacker's position, they were grabbed my thick thorns, beginning to pierce through my armor.

As hard as I tried, my hands were still forced into an arrested position and the arm squeezed tighter around my neck, starting to officially choke me. Selina's expression changed into concern. Ivy kicked behind my legs, making me plummet to my knees. Another layer of thick vines wrapped around my neck, helping Ivy.

Selina/Catwoman POV

As I heard him start to gasp, I surprisingly panicked. "Stop!" I said suddenly and I was shocked with myself. I never thought I would be doing this, saving Batman. "What the hell are you talking about, Cat? It will be better when he dies anyways. We'll have our share, remember?" Ivy snapped and growled at the end, her grip on the vines getting tighter. "I said stop!" I snapped, kicking her to the side, making her grip loosen and causing the vines to loosen too. I cut some of them with my claws until I was lifted by my ankle by a large plant. I began to cut the vine that attached to my ankle, then, slowly, laser sharp thorns began to grow. "You won't get in my way. I'm getting that power." Ivy warned, looking at me then back down to Batman. He began to stand and I still continued to cut. The thorns reached into my outfit and started to cut my skin & flesh. I groaned in pain but still pushed on. About a minute later, I became free of the grip and my ankle dripped blood. I tried to ignore the pain and I fell back to earth.

I landed catlike, on my hands then on my heels. A sharp pain ran up my left leg from the landing and I groaned as I stood. I ran towards the fighting pair. I wrapped my whip around Ivy's neck and slammed her to the floor. Batman had no irregular expression, which was one of his specialties, but I knew he had to feel something. I was betraying them, and just think of what the effects could be. It was too late to turn back now so what the hell, I'm fighting Poison Ivy anyways.


Batman took her out and she laid completely limp and her powers waned incredibly. I fell and latched onto my bloody ankle. It made a mess of the place, leaving bloody prints from all three of us all over the floor. Batman handcuffed Ivy and he swiftly picked me up. I still grabbed onto my ankle and he made sure he didn't make eye contact.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we walk through a weird, unknown part of the building. "Cave. That ankle isn't anything too severe so no hospital. Police will be here soon to get Ivy and you need to get that ankle fixed. Keep pressure on it." He commanded, still looking forward and his cape flowing behind him. It was kind of difficult to hold onto my ankle because of my position in his arms, but I still managed. I couldn't deny, I still had feelings for the dark knight.


He cleaned and wrapped my ankle tight. "Thank you." I say as he finishes and he simply just nods. I limped, training my self how to walk normally again, to him. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at one of the multiple screens. "Can you run?" He asked sharply, still examining the one screen. "I think so." I say, a bit unsurely then he continued, "Where's Dent?" "I don't know where he is but he sent a couple guys to do something, I don't know what it is because it wasn't our job, but I know they'll be near Central Gotham." I answered and asked, "Why did you ask if I can run?" I looked at the screen as Batman eagerly turned around. "Because you'll need to." He answered, then quickly started to walk towards the Tumbler. Multiple black vans appeared on the screen and I knew those were Dent's people.

"Get in." He ordered and I decided not to protest or ask any questions at the time. "Where were those vans?" I ask as we zoom off and out of the secret tunnel, leading out into the Gotham streets. "Those vans pulled up to Gotham General." He asked, making the car go faster. As soon as he finished, what seemed like the Tumbler, wrung. He pressed a button and immediately we heard rubbish and chaos through the line. "Bruce! Bruce!" A shakey voice yelled worriedly. That must be Sarah so I decided to stay quiet. Large gunshots were heard in the background and screams rang through the vehicle. "Get in the bathroom and stay there. I'm on my way." Batman demanded but not too sternly. And surprisingly the Tumbler continued to speed up. At the pace we were going, I would've thought it couldn't get any faster. He finally pushed forward a red lever and boosters fired out the back and we flew forward. "Are you in the bathroom?" He asked and I forgot he was still on the phone. "Yeah, yeah, Bruce, I found out I can't heal myself and I can hear them getting closer, please, Bruce-" She pled quickly, and her voice told she was in tears. "Sarah, Sarah," Batman started to sooth, letting his Bruce voice out. "It's okay sweetheart, stay silent and keep breathing. I'm almost there, okay. Nothing will happen-" "I'm so scared..." She whispered quietly then became completely silent. "They're i-in the r-room." She stuttered quietly. As soon as Gotham General came in sight, there was chaos and static between the line until it eventually went dead.

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