Chapter 25

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Hey guys. Happy you've read this far! I've been in kind of a rush to finish the book because it is coming close to the end anyways. I've also been trying to finish quickly because of my future plans + school stuff. Hope you enjoy reading and please continue to vote and comment!

Batman/Bruce POV

When we finally reached the hospital, the last of the black trucks started to disappear. I pulled the red lever again and chased them down. With the technology that Fox upgraded me with, I searched for the van with Sarah in it. I blew a missile at the black van in my way and the truck flew up and over the Tumbler. I continued to do this maneuver until I found Sarah's van.

"Still wild." Selina smirked and I snapped, "Not the time." I could see in the van in a negative filter and I saw Sarah putting up a fight. She kicked one of the many men in the large truck with her and kneed another. I saw she had something over her mouth preventing her from screaming, and her hands were tied behind her back. The man I saw slapped Sarah which caused her to fall and hit her back on the side of the vehicle. The man bent down in front of her and caressed her face, the he showed her something in his hand. His thumb suddenly flicked up into a "thumbs up" position. I immediately knew that was Dent. "I thought you said Dent wasn't here!" I snapped at Selina, flipping a couple more switches and shifting gears.

"That's what he told us!" She said in a worried tone. I saw Dent take a blade out, due to the shape of it, it was a small knife. I flipped a switch that caused side guns to appear outside the Tumblers wheels. I fired at the tires and the truck roughly slowed down a bit. The driver still tried to continue to go because, from what looked like it, Dent gave him orders to. Mistake for them, the truck heavily swerved to its side, causing the body of it to start to roll roughly down the road, crashing parked and upcoming cars as it went. When it came to a stop, Selina and I got out of the Tumbler and ran towards the crash site. We pulled out the goons from the front seat and gave them quick small beatings such as painful punches and headbutts. I opened the back doors of the truck and found many men, some unconscious in the truck. I snatched them out until I saw dark black eyes. I quickly removed the men on top of her and removed the tape from her mouth and cut the tape that glued her hands behind her back. As soon as she was free, she hugged me tightly. We heard a cough and her look shot over outside the truck. Selina leaned on the now horizontal truck doors with a smirk. "Gonna introduce?"

I lead Sarah out the truck carefully and cautiously. "Not now," I finally answered Selina's question then continued, "You need to get that cut cleaned."

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