Chapter 15: Training

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Bruce/Batman POV


"Come on, slow poke!" Sarah said childishly tugging on my arm. She was overexcited. "Calm down, Sarah." I warned with a tiny smirk. Her eyes were extra bright yellow.

"So what are we starting with?" She asked grabbing some blades, "These first?" I took the bat-er-rangs from her hand and placed them back into their container and lead her to a white training room. I doubt she knew I had it in the Cave. Alfred exited, telling us he was going to bring back takeout breakfast. I gestured to the white floor and she sat criss-cross. "What's this training about?" She asked, eyes still bright yellow. "We'll continue to explore your powers. You may still have something...improving." She sent a look of confusion."Like your eyes, reflexes, and healing ability kicked in a couple days ago." I say sitting in front of her.

"So, you're saying, I may have even more powers?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yes. After all, you're powers have just developed, even though you've been having those headaches for months." I explain. She nods and we continue the session as her eyes turns back to hazel. "So, how will we 'find' these 'possible' powers?" She quotes. "Have you had any other symptoms? Besides headaches?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Okay, we'll have to see as we go along." I stood and helped her up.

"So what are we doin now?" She asked. "I want to see how much you can fight, well, fighting a human." I answered. "Come on! You'll whoop my ass in a fight, Bruce!" She laughed. "I'll take it easy on you." I smirked. She shrugged and started to fight me. I blocked her hits and tripped her and she fell on her back.

I offered her my hand but she refused it and got up. We started to fight again, and I got a bit more challenging for her. Sweat appeared on both of our for heads after a while.

After she was pushed into a wall, she put her hair in the ponytail I usually saw her in, then she removed her shirt to reveal a black sport bra. She got in fighting position again. She just won't give up. I thought briefly shaking my head. She swung and I blocked both of her blows and jumped over her swipe of her foot, hoping to trip me. "Too slow," I say as she took a short breath then got back in the game. She lifted her foot near my head and I moved out of the way and grabbed her leg and slammed her to the ground behind me. She winced as her back hit the ground once more. She stood very out of breath. "Have more stealth in your hits. Speed and accuracy." I inform and she puts her hands on her hips. "Let's try again." She says getting in fighting position again.

Alfred POV

As I was on my way to get the food, I ran into and old friend of mines and Bruce's. "Ah, Mr. Pennyworth!" He said as he saw me. "Mr. Fox! How are you Lucius?" I say. "I heard what happened to the manor, I'm so sorry Alfred." He frowns. "Oh, it is perfectly fine. The manor is going to be fixed in no time. So, we'll be good." I explain. He nods and finally asks, "So where's Bruce? Does he have you out here shopping again?" I laugh and answer, "He's, you know where, training Sarah, and I insisted of getting them some breakfast."

"Oh, Ms. White, is it? She's the one everyone's talking about now, isn't she?" Lucius asked. "Yes, that is the one, Fox. I don't know what their next move is, with Joker, Dent, and everyone else running rapid through Gotham somewhere." I say. He sighs, "No one ever knows what sick tricks they have up their sleeves." I nod and start to think of all the things Sarah has been through, involving the Joker, even from the start.

"Why does he want her?" Lucius asks as we start to walk down the street after I parked the car. "I'm not extremely sure." I answer, honestly. "I'm tired of them terrorizing Gotham." Fox spits tightly. "I agree, Fox. It's shameful and pathetic. Taking innocent lives for their own amusement. It's sickening." I add also tightly. "Why isn't Bruce doing anything?" Lucius asked. "He can't fight all of them, Lucius. It's so many of them. Joker, Dent, Harley, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Mr. Freeze. Plus their minions." I say snapping Fox into reality. He nods as we continue to speak. I looked at the skyscrapers and thought what the hell we were going to do if we couldn't fight call of them.

"Well if you need anything, you know I am here for you. I'll be visiting soon, so expect me. Even if the manor isn't in very good condition. Bruce might need something, and I want to see Ms. White, Alfred." Fox warns, snapping me out of my thoughts and starting to end the encounter. I nod and say, "See you then." We had made our way back to where we left the car and I didn't even know it. He waved goodbye as he rejoined his group and I pulled off. Now I really was on my way to get the food.

Sarah POV

I struggled to get off of the ground as Bruce knocked me over again. This session was useless, even though he did give good fighting advice. In a period of time while we were fighting, Bruce took his shirt off as well, and I have to say, I liked when he did. But I couldn't think about that, I had to keep my head in the game. I swung, and went my hardest but it was nothing compared to Bruce.

Alfred appeared with a large white bag in his hands. I lowered my head, dodging Bruce's easy swing and then we stopped. "Where have you been?" Bruce asked. "I ran into Mr. Fox. That's where I've been." Alfred sassed back. I kinda chuckled at Alfred's tone. "Who's Mr. Fox?" I asked, taking a gulp of fresh water from my water bottle. "Let's just say, he helped me become Batman." Bruce answered looking through the bag that was still held in Alfred's hand.

I rolled my eyes as I saw Bruce debating on which box to take, even though they were probably all the same, and I took the entire thing. We headed up into the manor again and we went into a living room and I placed the bag on the coffee table and we went to wash our hands. I dried mines after Bruce and Alfred left from drying theirs. I sat on the couch, bouncing a little until I completely stopped. I handed Alfred a box first, then handed Bruce one, who had a towel wrapped around his neck. I took mine and opened it. I gave a prayer and grabbed a plastic fork and knife that came with the takeout breakfast.

"So, about this Lucius Fox. He-" I started but Bruce finished, "Gave me everything related to Batman, including suit and car." I nodded, then Alfred said, "He said he was going to visit soon. And he said he wanted to see Sarah." I took a sip of my orange juice after I almost choked on a piece of sausage when Alfred said my name. "Why?"

Alfred shrugged his shoulders but Bruce took a guess. "You have gotten attention drawn to you, you know with everything. He probably wants to see your output on everything." I nodded and we continued to eat in silence.

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