Chapter 7

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Sarah POV

Right as the Joker put the knife against my cheek from inside my mouth, Bruce busted through the door. There was a pinch in my arm, but I ignored it. The Joker removes the blade from my mouth in shock. As he looked at Bruce, I grabbed his head and kneed him in the face. He put his hand on his bloody nose and smiled. I moved out the way as Bruce swung at him. The Joker dropped the knife after I kneed him, so he couldn't stab Bruce. Bruce punched him and the Joker fell to the ground. Alfred rushed out of his room, cautiously.

I passed his room going to mine in tears. He looked from his door entrance as Bruce ran down the hall after me. I grabbed a suitcase and started packing my things. "What are you doing?" He asked, breathing heavily but pretending nothing happened. "Are you kidding me! What the hell does it look like I'm doing, Bruce?! I'm leaving!" I yelled, zipping up the suitcase and starting to pack one more. "You-" Bruce was cut off by Alfred yelling for us to come to the kitchen.

We ran to the kitchen. There was blood on the floor and there was a breeze coming through the kitchen window. "Great, he's gone." I say, angry and concerned at the same time, with one hand on my hip and the other on my forehead. "That's just wonderful." I say walking back go my room to start packing again. They both followed this time. "You definitely can't leave now, knowing he's out there!" Bruce said pointing his arm out the bedroom door. "Better than being here." I sniffle grabbing clothes from my dresser. "How is that even remotely possible or reasonable?" Bruce argues. I snap.

"It's better because you will be safer ! He's obviously after me , I don't know why but he is . So the farther away you are from me , the safer you are. I couldn't live with myself knowing I put you in danger! I've been through something like this before, remember Bruce?! You know what happened to my friends! That's why I have to to leave and that's how that is remotely possible or reasonable. I'm sorry, I just can't go through that again! Not again. Never again. I'm so stupid! Why would I try again?! I should've knew this would happen to me. Oh I'm so stupid!"

I sat on the edge of the bed, hitting my head with the palm of my hand. "Call Gordon," Bruce demanded. Alfred left the hallway to find a phone.

I cried in my hands as he sat next to me. "It's okay. I can protect myself, trust me on that, Sarah." "I just don't want what happened to happen to you. I couldn't live knowing it would be my fault." I say between sniffles. "You'll be safer here, promise." He comforts. "But I can't promise you'll be safer." I calmly argue back. He grabs my hand and says, "We'll be okay." He comforts. I lay my head on his shoulder. "I know we will." Alfred rushes to the entrance of the room. "Gotham PD should be here any moment now." He informs. I let go of Bruce's hand and go to the entrance of the house where the front door was. I passed the kitchen and choked on the recent memory. I was almost killed by a monster. Sirens were heard outside as Bruce stood next to me with crossed arms.

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