Chapter 19

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Sarah POV

I woke up, and with no surprise, Bruce wasn't there. I sat up and rubbed my head. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. "Good morning, Alfred." I say as I see him mixing batter. "Good morning, Ms. White. Breakfast isn't quite ready. You woke up earlier than I thought." He says with a genuine smile. I chuckle and nod. I went to the sink and washed my hands. I dried my hands and took the bowl of batter from Alfred. He looked at me confusedly, but then he smiled. I put the bowl back down and searched through the spice cabinet. "Let me, Alfred. Do you know where Bruce is?" I say, putting my hand out for his black apron. He rolled his eyes with a smirk and untied his apron and handed it to me.

"No, Ms. White. I thought he was with you, but he might be in the cave. I'll fetch him for you." He says, properly placing his hand behind his back. "Oh, no need, Alfred. Take a break, relax. I just wanted to make sure he was here." I say putting on the apron and letting Alfred tie the strings around my waist. "Thank you, now go relax. Please, for me." I laugh, gently shoving him out the kitchen door. I went back to the bowl and sprinkled some cinnamon on the batter and stirred through the process. I heard the door open. "Alfred, I said go relax and take a break." I automatically say, continuing to mix.

"It's not Alfred." A raspy voice said. I rolled my eyes. "Why are you in the suit Bruce?" I asked. He hands were placed on my hips and he replied, "Who said I had the suit on?" I turned around to look at him and he was wearing a white T-shirt and gray sweats. I smiled and looked over to the side, "Why are you doing that Batman voice then?" "What Batman voice?" He laughed, back to Bruce. "Stop messing with my mind." I smile. "I wanted to see your reactions." He laughed then lowered to kiss me. I felt something crawling down my fist and I pulled away. Only then did I notice I held the whisk in my hand and batter drooped from it and down my hand. Bruce wiped his face and laughed and I placed my hands on his cheek purposely getting batter on him, and I pulled him down to kiss me again.

"Okay, now if you're not going to help me, get out." I say pulling away and getting some oxygen. He laughed then went to the sink. He washed his hands then wiped his face with a paper towel. "Then, I'll help." He claimed walking back over to me. "Yeah right." I smirk rolling my eyes and placing the whisk back in the bowl. I rinsed my hands again and when the batter was gone, I went to the refrigerator. I took out the egg carton and another bowl. Then, I started the stove and tilted the bowl of mixed batter above it. The pancake's shape formed lopsided. Bruce's hand was again on my waist and he laughed. "Nice pancake." "Oh shut up." I laugh.

Bruce helped me set the table and then Alfred finally joined us. "Smells delicious, Ms. White." He says sitting down. I laughed and nodded, "But not as good as yours, Alfred. I tried." We started to eat and I started conversation. "So, find anything about Joker?" Bruce shook his head. "No, they're really keeping a low profile." I nodded and continued to eat. "Not to start anything, but what if I was bate-" I started but Bruce automatically refused. "Oh, come on, why not? I'm going to end up going out there anyways." I say with a tiny fake smile, trying not to start another big argument. Bruce was silent and left me and Alfred lingering.

"We can't fight all of them, that's why I say no." He says as he finishes his plate. We all finished around the same time, so I picked up all the platters. I tried not to show my aggravation, so I hurried and left the room. I've learned how I could be when I was upset. I started the water and placed the plates in the sink. I grabbed the sponge and dishwater liquid and got to work.

Bruce POV

"Bruce, you need to give this a chance. You both can handle yourselves, and after all, she can heal herself, and you-" Alfred says and I say, "And everyone one else. That's the risk here. That's what she's not seeing." "She sees Joker, Dent and their allies plotting to destroy Gotham. And because of her. All she wants to do is prevent that, Bruce." Alfred says wisely and perspectively. I sigh and nod. I went into the kitchen again to see Sarah aggressively washing the dishes. "You know that's Alfred's job, Sarah." I say as I watch her. Her hair was now in a bun and her hands were foamy. She gripped the edge of the sink and sighed, "You don't have to explain your decision again, Bruce."

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