Chapter 18

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Alfred POV

"You don't need to be dead to have a grave." Bruce says angrily walking past her and out of the room. He walked to the computer as she continued to yell at him. "Ms. Wh-" I start but Sarah snapped her gaze upon me and I was silenced. Her look was intimidating with flaming red eyes and her red hair flowing as if a breeze was caught in it.

"So what if there is a grave with my name on it. Doesn't mean they can put me in it!" She yelled, looking back at Bruce. "You don't know what they can do." Bruce replied back tightly, not looking at her and continuing to type. "Uh, Ms. White-" I started again. As she snapped her look at me once more, her hair blew back and her eyes glowed with anger for those few seconds. "What Alfred?" She asked angrily. I gently pointed to her right hand. She looked down at it to see a discoloration in her skin. Bruce walked to her and laid her hand in his. They seemed to turn to a blueish-grayish color. She put her hands behind her back and looked at the floor.

"Are you okay Sarah?" I ask softly. She sighed. "Yes." Bruce took her arms to observe them more. "What's wrong with me?" She asked. "Maybe your energy, powers, is doing this." Bruce said, still observing her hands. "So what next?" Sarah asked crossing her arms. "We need to figure out what to do next before they figure out their next move. They're searching for you but they don't want to come head on to start another panic in the city, so they're at a pause-point." Bruce answers clicking a button on the keyboard the pointing to the screen. "They know to switch their hideout, so we have to patrol all of Gotham. Even Arkham." He showed and pointed to all the sights in Gotham that could be a good place for them to hide. "Your not going to be able to search all of Gotham at once, Bruce." I point out. "We have to try. I'm not letting them take her," He says then looks at Sarah, "And if you come on patrols with me, then we cannot be separated, under all circumstances." She nodded, but I knew she was still upset.

Sarah silently walked into the elevator and left and I started to have a genuine conversation with Bruce. "Take a break. They won't strike any time soon, you said it yourself, they're at a pause-point-" I say but he cut me off, "That's why we have to strike now. But we need to pick each one off one at a time." He answers. I sighed as he didn't understand what I was saying. "Bruce. Sarah is a grown woman, and she has trained with you for weeks now. She can handle herself when the time comes. Right now, she doesn't need Batman, she needs Bruce." And when he was silent, I knew I got to him. I left the cave with something for him to think about.

Bruce POV

I really started thinking about what Alfred said, right now, she doesn't need Batman, she needs Bruce. His wise words echoed in my head and I sighed as I knew he was right. I have been caught up in a lot of Batman work, but I couldn't help but know she was safe and I was her only protection. That was the Batman side of me that always urged to stay serious and overprotective. I know Dent wouldn't strike, so I did have a little time on my hands, but I knew that time could easily be wasted when we could've been figured out where their cordinates were. That was Batman speaking. I took a deep breath and made my way to remove my suit.

I walked upstairs and took another deep breath as I knocked on Sarah's bedroom door. She replied and I swiftly came in. She laid on the king size bed facing the opposite wall. "What do you want, Mr. Wayne?" She asked tightly. "Mad at me?" I smirk as I walked in. "What do you think?" She says, still not facing me. "Sarah, you know I've been like this to protect you." I start and she sighed. She sat up and her eyes were blue, but faded back into hazel. I sat next to her and she said, "I know, I know. You don't want me to get hurt. I've heard it before Bruce." She stood and crossed her arms. She looked out the window and then at the pavement of the driveway. I hug her from behind and look out the window, resting my chin on her shoulder.

She looked at the clock and back out the window. "I don't want to argue anymore, Bruce. I'm tired of it, and I'm always stuck down in that Cave training. It gets stressful and boring sometimes." She said very softly and I could tell she was being really honest. I nodded in agreement. "I just can't have them running around Gotham looking for you. Terrorizing people as they go." I reply, just as gentle. "That's why I wanted to put an end to it." She says in a sigh. I brushed her red hair to the side of her shoulder and gently kissed her neck. My hands wrapped around her waist making her twirl to face me. I placed a hand on her cheek and brushed my thumb against it gently. She smiled as she looked at the ground then her eyes flashed up, locking with mines.

Her eyes were on the edge of being pink, white, or hazel. I don't think she knew how she felt, yet. I just loved her presence, well, when she wasn't arguing with me and wasn't constantly cussing me out. I gently kissed her until she pushed in and wrapped her arms around my neck making it a little more intense. I returned the gesture and I welcomed her taste.

Sarah POV

His body was warm and comforting against mine, and his eyes burned into my soul. After all that I've been through, ever since I got to Gotham, he was there. He was there to comfort me, support me, and protect me. I think I was falling into something deep with this playboy billionaire. I have a thing for Batman, but not all the time. I wanted, craved the Bruce I had beside me now. The Bruce I made love to, and the one I wanted by my side. So many things were hitting me at once and the pressure sunk in.

"What's wrong?" He asked, starting to get concerned. "Nothing." I say, laying my head on his chest. "Sarah, your eyes went from pink to deep blue, what's wrong?" I blushed as he said pink. Curse my eye color and emotion power... -thingy. "Just... everything. But don't worry about it," I sigh, grabbing his hand and tangling our fingers together. He seemed to study my expression, and I rolled off of the bed and went to take a shower. I knew I left him in suspense. I smirked at the thought.

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