Chapter 21

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Third Person POV

The Tumbler sped down the street way pass the speed limit, but the Batpod had no trouble keeping up. They went to another area in Gotham that Sarah had never been before.

There was a gunshot that echoed down the barren street and the Tumbler and Batpod sped up.

"Where did that come from?" Sarah asked urgently as they exited their vehicles. Batman didn't say anything but grabbed her waist instead and his grapnel gun pulled them to the top of a 16 story building. At the top of the building, there were about 15 goons in clown masks. There was a man laying limp on the graveled roof. There was a gunshot in his leg and the clown pointed the silver gun to his head. "Really think that's a good idea?" The deep raspy voice suddenly asked, startling the clowns.

"Ha! Batman! You weren't supposed to show til later!" The main clown laughed, no longer pointing the gun to the head of his victim. Batman and Sarah stood silently. "Joker's been wondering where you've been, and what's her name? Um, Sally? Something like that." After a moment the clown finally spoke again. "Nice sidekick, Batman." The clown said, smoothly outlining Sarah's curves with his hands. Sarah snorted but remained silent and let Batman do the talking.

"Where's the Joker?" Batman finally asked sternly. "Taking care of business, that's why he left me in charge-" The muscular clown claimed but the locked door to go into the building bust open. "I beg to differ," A voice came through the door, with more clowns coming with it. Batman knew that voice immediately. A man with a frightening brown mask covering his entire head appeared through the crowd.. "Ah, Batman! How are you? How's that lovely redhead, Sarah I've been hearing about lately?" Scarecrow asked. "What is the Joker paying you?" Batman asked. "Joker and Dent, to be technical-" Scarecrow started but he was interrupted by a roar, "What is he paying you for Sarah?!"

"That's none of your concern. Now, are you going to introduce?" He claimed walking closer to them, and titling his head to motion he was staring at Sarah. Sarah backed away once, but stood her ground. "Say, sweety, what's your name?" Sarah gave no answer. "Mmph, well, sweetheart, let me ask you another question. Do you have a fear? Well, everyone has a fear so let me rephrase, can I show you your biggest fear?" He asked with one hand behind his back and the other raised to his chin. Scarecrow stopped as Batman took a step forward. The Scarecrow in his business outfit looked at his watch after there was silence followed by his questions. "See, the thing is, I don't have time for no-answers, so, I have somewhere, elsewhere to be." He briefly nodded to one of the clowns then disappeared in the crowd. The clown cocked the gun in his hand and pointed it at them. Batman took a step in front of Sarah.

Batman dodged the bullet as the clown pulled the trigger and all the rest of the goons rushed towards them.

Sarah elbowed one in the ribs and kneed him in the face, breaking the plastic clown mask. She pointed another's arm in the air as he pulled the trigger of his gun. She twisted his arm as she flipped him over her shoulder and the goon went limp. As she did this task, she managed to slip his loaded gun into her hand.


Batman punched a large clown in the face then in the stomach, making the thug fall onto his back. He dodged a punch from behind him and snatched the gun out of another's hands, breaking it at the same time. Batman flipped the man over, making him twist, turning to a couple more clowns. He turned his head as he heard another gunshot to see Sarah with a gun in her hand. He kick the goon in his chest in order to make his way to Sarah. She dropped the gun before he could give her the orders to, and even though he couldn't see her eyes, he knew she felt at least uneasy about having that gun in her possession.

As the thugs laid limp on the floor, they saved the large clown since he was the only one who seemed like he wasn't afraid to speak. Batman put him in cuffs and he and Sarah stood in front of him. "Where is the Joker?" Batman asked once again. The clown spitted out blood before answering, "He's not in Gotham. I'll tell you that." He laughed and Batman's eyes flicked at him with impatience and anger. "Then where?" Batman roared. He wasn't going to let Joker, or Dent, or anyone, kill Sarah.

The clown laughed at Batman's anger and Batman bent down next to him. He punched his face twice, leaving large bruises on the clown's jaw. "Okay, okay," The clown finally said after his last small beating, "I really don't know where he his, or any of his explosives but-" "Explosives?" Batman interrupted. "Yeah! Yeah, he placed them all over Gotham, but I don't know where!" The clown was on the edge of crying, "But I do know Joker's somewhere in Arkham, meeting with someone. I swear that's all I know!" Batman was about to hit the clown again, just in case there was any extra information the goon didn't spill, but Sarah prevented him by placing a hand on his shoulder. Batman let his grip go of the goon and the clown fell harshly on the ground.

They forgot all about the victim who was shot in the leg and had his life threatened by the thug. He sat holding his leg tightly, but maintaining eye contact with the action-packed scene. Sirens began to be heard and with the turn of the man's head, Sarah and Batman disappeared.

Then again, the Batpod begin to follow the Tumbler.


Then into Arkham...

Hey, guys! Keep reading because they finally get their hands on Joker and everyone gets a glimpse of the new Sarah.


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