Chapter 14: 'Powers'?

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Sarah POV

I flicked my wrist to throw the bat-shaped blade at the moving obstacle, but it missed. I guess I was only good at hitting non-moving things. "Try again." He ordered. I threw another and once again, it missed. He went behind me and put my arm in position. "Use your arm and wrist. If you're throwing vertically, bend your elbow and wrist back then when you throw it forward, flick your wrist forward. That's what gets it far, and how fast it can go." He helped. "Okay, elbow, wrist, flick." I said as I followed the steps.

I threw it and it hit a obstacle in the arm. I got overexcited when Batman just stood there, emotionless. "Are you always this tense when you're... the Bat?" I ask. "Yes." He answers pressing another button. More obstacles appeared and he told me to fight them, without the blades. I shrugged my shoulders as they started moving. I ran through the obstacles, punching, kicking, and some even breaking. I was hit a couple times and surprisingly, my bad arm never gave out. I escaped the obstacles and back to center of the Batcave.

"How was that?" I asked, breathing heavily. He answered, "Okay." I looked at my arms and legs and nodded as I saw mini bruises, but they didn't really hurt me. "How's that arm?" He asks sitting and typing something at his computer. "Great. It stopped hurting yesterday." I answered happily. "You know what my nickname for you is now that I know the truth?" I added leaning my elbow on his shoulder. He was silent telling me he didn't want to hear it but I told him anyways. "Batsy." "No." He replied sternly and demandingly, not even looking at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What are you typing anyways?" I asked. "Any clues of where they could be." "They- ugh!" I stopped as a bad headache struck. I fell to the floor, and grabbed my head as usual with both of my hands.

Bruce/Batman POV

I ran over to Sarah and bent down next to her. I picked her up and placed her on the table. I stood in front of her, cautiously. She opened her eyes and they were black, then when she blinked again, they were back to hazel. "Sarah, your-" Then I looked at her arms and legs. "What?" She asked softly as her headache started to leave. "Number one, your eyes turned black, and two, your bruises are gone," I say. She looked at herself, and her eyes widened. I started to unwrap her arm, and when I did, her deep cut was completely healed.

"What-" Sarah said in shock as she looked at her arm. "What's wrong with me?" I took a sample of her blood from a needle and started to analyze it. "The reason why you have those headaches is because your body is trying to heal all of your injuries at once." I predict. "But why?" She asked. "I think you possess an unnatural ability to heal yourself." I answer, walking towards her. I looked deep into her eyes. "How are you feeling?" I ask. "Normal?"She answered as if she wasn't sure. "That is why your eyes are hazel. When do you usually get angry?"

She shrugged her shoulders. I got closer to her and kept my eyes on hers. Her eyes started to kind of fade into another color. "How are you feeling now?" I ask. "I- I don't know." She claimed. "Tell the truth." I commanded. "A little nervous." She told. I knew because her eyes turned to a dark violet color. Her shoulders started to be less stiff, and her face became a little more, warm. Something urged and forced me to kiss her, something strong and tense. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I held her tightly in my arms, protectively.

I pulled away and looked at her eyes again. They were a faded pink. She looked beautiful. "Your eyes are pink." She blinked a couple times and they seemed to literally glow. "Embarrassed?" I asked. "Kind of." She claimed, cheeks blushing. "Don't be embarrassed." I say. She smiled. "So, what now?" "Well, you obviously have powers-" I started but she asked, "From where though?" "I don't know. There's been nothing like this before, in all existence." I answer. "So this is what they want from me? My quote on quote 'powers'?"She asked knowingly, getting from the table. "Maybe."

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