Chapter 8

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Bruce POV

Sarah was still a little paranoid from what happened yesterday. Alfred and I went into the Cave to see what was messing with Sarah. I took some of the blood and analyzed it. She was injected with some type of serum to make her have those hallucinations.

I study the serum to see what was in it. Alfred helped me create a medicine to get it out of her system. We put the medicine in another needle. "She's not going to like this, Alfred." I say showing him the needle. He chuckled and said, "She's just going to have to deal with it, sir." I nodded and took my gloves off. I start to put everything back as Alfred left the Cave. I went back upstairs, back into the manor, with the needle When I got out of the elevater, Alfred awaited. I left the room, and headed up one more story of the house to get to Sarah's room.

I knocked on the door softly, then there was a soft answer. I walked in to see Sarah staring at the ceiling. I sat on bed and looked at her face. She looked terrible and scared. "Are you okay?" I ask. She looks at me with dark circles around her eyes and her deep cheeks and nose red. She shook her head. She only moved her head. "Can you get out of bed? Alfred will make some lunch." I say with a small smile. She did nothing but shake her head. Her red hair was splattered on the pillow and her entire body was covered with the blanket. She started to stare at the ceiling again.

"Nope, you're getting up." I say, standing, about to force her to get up. She shook her head. She sat up, but still grabbed onto the blanket, not showing any skin pass her neck. "What's going on?" I asked, curiously. "Can you please just leave?" She asked, not making eye contact. I looked at her with confusion. I knew she was hiding something. She scooted to the side of the bed, leaning on the wall, farther away from me. "It's okay." I comfort starting to lift the blanket. "No, Bruce. I wouldn't-" She started but it was too late. I already saw what she was hiding.

There were new cuts all over her, from her legs all the way to her shoulders. "What happened to you?!" I yelled in shock, still looking at the cuts and the bloody bed. "It was him. The real him, wasn't it?" I say, angrily. She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She said quietly, trying to cover herself with the blanket again. "How the hell do you not know?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry-" She starts but my rage gets the best of me. "Why didn't you yell ?! Why the hell didn't you call me?! Why did you let him do this to you ?!"

She was silent, and she looked at me with shock and sadness. "I'm sorry, Bruce." She chokes. I sigh and rub my face with my hand. "No, I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up. But first, you need this to get rid of those hallucinations so you know if you see him, its the real thing." I say, taking the needle off of the coffee table at the end of the bed. "That's what he used to do this to me." She said seriously. Rage filled her eyes. "I'm tired of this, Bruce."

"What are you talking about?" I ask. "I'm tired of feeling pain. I'm tired of trying but always ending up hurting myself and someone else. I can't take it anymore. " She says getting up from the bed and walking out the room. "What are you doing?" I ask her, following her out the room and down the steps. She went into the kitchen and started going through the drawers. "What-" I start until she grabbed a knife out of the kitchen drawer. "I'm tired of it, Bruce." She says as a tear falls down her cheek. I run over to her, and snatch the knife from her hand. I slam it on the island behind me.

"Are you crazy?!" I yell. "No." She whispered sassily, looking at the tile floor. "You were about to commit suicide, Sarah!" She wipes her face and say, "See this is what happens every time I try to do something that I think it right, someone gets angry at me." "That wasn't the right thing to do! You would have made it look like I murdered you!" I yell as she walks away from me, out of the kitchen. She crosses her arms as she leaves. When I walked out, Alfred stood in shock. I went back to Sarah's room. "I think it's time for me to go, seriously this time." She says grabbing her two bags.

"I agree." I say angrily leaving her room without another word.

Alfred POV

I'm not sure what happened between Sarah and Bruce, but it's pretty tense. I didn't think it was a good idea to leave the manor and I know Bruce felt the same way.

I saw her scars and cuts and my eyes widened. She noticed and she removed her shirt. She wore a sports bra, thank God. She put a long sleeved black hoodie on. "Excuse me, Alfred," She said, motioning for me to turn around. I turned back and she wore long black leggings and black gym shoes. "Do you really think it's a good idea-" I say but was cut off by her saying, "Yes." She pulled her purse strap over her shoulder and grabbed her other bag. She took a deep breath before she took the needle and put it in her bag then walked over next to me. She hugged me and thanked me. "Tell Bruce, I said goodbye." She says, and "And thank you again. Everything you bought me is still here, so I'm all ready. Goodbye, Alfred." She says walking down the stairs and heading to the front door.

"May I ask will we see you again?" I ask as she steps outside, right when the sun started making its descent out of the sky."Maybe, but I can't make any promises." She smiles a little and waves goodbye.

Sarah POV

"Can I give you a ride somewhere?" Alfred tries. "No thank you, Alfred. I'll be fine. Hopefully." I smile, as I looked back at him on the steps. I looked up to the indigo sky and looked back to Alfred. I started to walk out the drive way and down the street. I hailed a taxi pass the bridge. And he dropped me off back at my old apartment.

I handed him the money and grabbed my bags. As he drove off, I walked up to my door and started jiggling with the lock with the old key. It unlocked and I walked in. It was cold and dark. I walked in my room and turned on the lights. I saw men standing against the wall, with large guns leaning against their legs. They wore black and clown masks. I tried not to panic because I thought they were illusions. They picked up their guns and one asked, "Sarah?" I took out the needle and was about to stick it in my arm when another yelled at me. "You wanna do this the hard way or the easy way?" One says calmly.

"I'm not going to him." I refuse, again. "Hard way then." One says. The door slams shut and I hurry and stick the needle in my arm then snatch it out and throw the empty container on the floor. I move out the way as one came behind me and tries to grab me. I swing my heavy bags into another's head. One swings and I drop, dodging the hit. He punched another by accident and I tried to get out of the room. I hear a gun cock back and I ran out the room. A hole was made in the wooden door and I ran out of the apartment building.

I ran down the street as the clowns came out the apartment. "Come on! Don't let her get away!" One says, pointing towards me. I turned into an alley which was a mistake. Clowns were on both sides of me. I was trapped in between two buildings and clowns. It was getting pretty dark outside. The clowns laughed as they started to walk closer to me. Some started to unbuckle their belts. Then a voice comes from the roof of a building.

"Mistah J won't like it ya' do that."

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