Chapter 5

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Sarah POV

I woke up to the smell of delicious food, as usual. Alfred must be cooking again. I look at the clock, 8:32 am. I was surprised. I thought I would have slept til the afternoon. My arms stretches out, covered in new bruises and cuts. I stand and quietly open the door.

I remember where the kitchen door was from my last encounter here. I make my way into the kitchen where I see Alfred flipping a pancake with the pan. Bruce sits at the island in the middle of the kitchen, secretly about steal a piece of bacon. I give a fake cough, and they shot their looks at me. "Well, good morning, Ms. White." Alfred greets, looking back at the pan. I sit next to the bacon thief. I raise my eyebrow, keeping my eyes on Bruce, "Good morning, Alfred." I say with a smirk.

Bruce puts his finger to his lips as his other hand reach for the bacon again, "Alfred," I say loudly. "Yes, Ms. White?" "Shh!" Bruce hushes. "You can't steal bacon!" I whisper. He rolled his eyes and kept reaching. "It looks like someone," I say to Alfred, but pause as Bruce silently hushes me again. "You can't steal bacon," I pause again to give a big smile, "unless I can steal one too." He smiles as we take pieces of bacon. "Yes, Ms. White." Alfred said, waiting for me to say something. "Looks like someone knows how to cook!" I finally reply looking at the bacon in shock.

We hide the bacon as Alfred turns our way to place a stack of pancakes on the island. I chuckle as Alfred doesn't notice and starts putting dishes in the sink to wash for later. I stand as we start taking the plates to the dining room. I start setting the table.

Alfred POV

Sarah starts to set the table as Bruce and I walk into the dining room with the plates of food. "Ms. White, there is no need to set the table, I can do-" I start but was cut off by her saying, "Please, Alfred. I want to help with something. At least setting the table." She smiles and continue. Bruce and I exchanged the same looks of confusion. Bruce shrugs as we place the trays of food on the glass table.

Sarah neatly puts her napkin over her lap. "How was your first stay at the manor, Ms. White?" I ask as everyone starts to eat in awkward silence. "Besides remembering things," She glances at Bruce then continues, "And getting jumped by 4 people, pretty good." She smiles and continues cutting her pancake. "So what's going to be your next move?" Bruce asks gulping down some orange juice.

She rubs her head harshly. "Are you ok?" Bruce says, worriedly. "I don't know, that headache is back. Ugh!" She answered, grabbing her head with both hands this time. She started to stand. Bruce gently helped her up and walked back to her room.

Bruce POV

I helped Sarah up to her room to help her with her headaches. "Here," I say letting her gently plop onto the bed. She still holds her head, but only with one hand. I walk out the door and close it. "Alfred!" I yell down the hall. "Yes, Master Wayne," I hear Alfred answer from the kitchen. "Bring me an ice pack!" I yell. "Yes, right away." He answers. I walk back into the room. "Sorry, I didn't want to scream in your ear and make your headache worst." I say placing the back of my hand softly against her forehead.

"Am I coming down with something?" She asks, worriedly. "You don't have a fever. You just have headaches? Nothing more?" I ask, examining her face. She shakes her head. "Those headaches are just on and off-" She starts as Alfred enters the room with an ice pack. He handed it to me and I place it on her forehead. She grabs the handle and holds it herself. "Thank you." She says closing her eyes to the ice cold pack. Alfred nods, and exits the room. "How long have you had those headaches?" I ask. "Ever since that fight." She answers. Minutes later, she takes ice pack away from her head and smile. "I didn't finish eating my breakfast." She laughed. I smiled and shook my head. I looked over at the clock, 1:13.

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