Chapter 3

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Alfred POV:

I know Bruce has heard enough. He turns to walk out the room, but stops in the process. There was a piece of paper on the dresser that we didn't notice before until now. He grabs it as I stand. After he reads it he slams it onto the dresser angrily.

As he leaves the entrance of the room, he says, "Alfred, lock up everything, tonight. Now." I nod ,"Right away, sir." As I pass the dresser to leave the room, I took a glimpse at the note. I didn't read it, but I saw that it was signed ~Harley Q❤'

My eyebrows rose as I saw that. But, I continued going to lock up.

Bruce POV:

There was a note left from Harley Quinn on the dresser in the guest room. The note read, 'Well, hello, Mister Wayne. Nice night isn't it? Well, guess what. I'm back in Gotham. Yup, that old prison you put me in, couldn't keep me contained. But you probably already know if you watched the channel I turned it to. Sorry I missed you, I'll pay another visit soon. But me and Mister J, gotta' lot of things to do. So see ya' next time, sugar.~Harley Q❤'.

That means she was in the Manor. I did a patrol of the house but found nothing to be suspicious of. I ran into Alfred, almost punching him in the chest. I sighed in relief that I didn't, "Alfred, what did I tell you about sneaking up on me like that?"

"My fault, sir. The windows are patched and the doors are locked, Master Bruce." He informed. I nod and head to my room to get some sleep. It was already 12:56.

In the morning, I went into the kitchen to see Alfred making breakfast. "Well, good morning Master Bruce. Did you sleep well?" He welcomed. I rub my face and say, "Yes, Alfred. You?" "Delightfully, sir." He answers with a smile.

"Would you be delighted to have your favorite smoothie as well, Master Wayne?" He asks as he starts to wash dishes. "Sure." I answer walking out if the kitchen to get dressed.

I take a quick shower and put on a white T-shirt with grey sweats. I returned and there was a beautiful pink smoothie on the island in the middle of the kitchen. Alfred looked at me as he started putting the dry dishes into the cabinet.

I sat down and started drinking my smoothie. As I gulped down some, I said, "Did you read the note?" Alfred shook his head, "But I did see it was from Harley, sir." I nod, "She was in the manor, Alfred. We need a better security system." Alfred laughs at the thought and continues.

"And she says her and Joker are up to something." I mention, slightly angry. "He wasn't on the news though." Alfred adds. "I know, it was only Harley," I pause to take another gulp of my smoothie,"I'm thinking that Harley is going to either break the Joker out, again," I put emphasis on 'again', then continue, "Or he is already out." Alfred looks at me with a slight of confusion.

"But I thought they locked him away for life, Bruce." He finally says. I shrug my shoulders not knowing what to say. I waited for the question I knew Alfred was going to ask. He finally said it, "What will the Batman do?"

I send him a glare and roll my eyes. "I'll patrol Gotham tonight." I say, drinking the last sip of smoothie. "And what if you see something, Bruce. You remember what happened last time Harley Quinn was out. She had a couple of friends with her." Alfred says looking at me seriously. "I won't let them ambush me again, Alfred. I know better now. And that was years ago. I don't even know if they are still friends," I pause to wipe the straw through my mouth, "Plus, they might still be in prison or if anything, completely out of Gotham." Alfred raises an eyebrow.

"Are you positively sure?" "Absolutely." I assure, yet lie. I gave Alfred my empty smoothie cup. "I would do some research before going out there tonight, Bruce." He says as I start to walk out the door. In the meanwhile, I had free time, so I got started on some files from work.

Later on that night I went down into the Cave to change and gear up. I pressed a button and a secret closet appeared with my suit in it. After I put it on, I pressed another button releasing a large, metal box containing all of my weapons. I fill my utility belt of what I needed or was probably going to need. Alfred met me in the cave as I started doing my research, just as Alfred informed me to do.

"There has been no sign of anyone other than Harley Quinn escaping Blackgate." I say with my Batman voice turned on. "Have you found out where Harley is now?" Alfred asks, looking at the large screen. "Roaming Gotham. That's why I have to patrol it tonight." I answer getting up from my seat. "Be careful, just remember, you don't know what could be out there, and what could be up that maniac's sleeve." Alfred says, walking me to my Bat Car. I hop in and zoom off out of the Cave.

I hide my car as usual as I patrol the streets of Gotham. I stand on buildings and look on the streets and sometimes I glide over the city. I come to see something mysterious moving on an empty, abandoned street. I decide to check it out. I get closer, but stay in the night's shadow. I couldn't see its face because it wore all black. I approached from behind so I couldn't get a good glimpse of the face either. ~Probably another robber again.~ I think to myself.

I jump to a building to stay in front of it. It seems to be carrying nothing at all.

I decide to get a closer look and I jump onto the street without making any noise. I look from a distance, but I can tell by its body shape, it was a woman. She dressed in all black leather, and wore a black mask. I step from the darkness and into the streetlight. She gasps in the sight of me again. Her shocked look turns into a flirtatious, yet evil smile.

"Ah, Batman, I thought we'd never see each other again." She smiles reaching behind her back. She pulls out a long, leather, black whip. I reply, "I was hoping we wouldn't, Catwoman."

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