Chapter 11: Back Together

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Sarah POV

I only had about a block to get to Wayne Manor. I finally reach the bridge to see GCPD there again. I started to run, eager to see Alfred and Bruce. I finally made it up the small hill and to the packed driveway. I squished through officers and managed to reach the steps. I skipped a couple and ran through the door. Alfred spoke to Commissioner Gordon. I ran towards Alfred, cutting the Commissioner off. "Alfred!" I say happily, "You're okay!" "Why yes Ms. White. Am I'm ecstatic you're okay as well." He hugged me back. "Sorry for the interruption, Commissioner." I say letting go of Alfred and shaking Gordon's hand again. "No problem Ms. White, um, mind if we ask you any questions?" He said as we let each others hands go. "Sorry, G', but I need to find Bruce right now, where is he?" I refused then looked at Alfred.

Alfred sort of hesitated to tell me but then told me where he was. I kissed him on the cheek and thanked and hugged him again. I ran down the hall and turned to the steps. I ran upstairs and knocked on his bed room door. I was a little shocked he wasn't downstairs. There was a reply and Bruce turned as I busted through the door with joy. I ran over to him and hugged him. "You're okay!" I say hugging him tightly. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I'm glad you're okay, too!" He said laying his chin above my head. I let go of him and looked out the window. "I was wrong, I shouldn't have let you go out there, Sarah," He started. "No, I shouldn't have came here in the first place and got you involved in any of this." I say looking from the window to Bruce.

"No, I'm glad you did. I'm glad I met someone as fun and beautiful as you, Sarah." He said smoothly wiping a tear from my left cheek. I sat on the bed and bit my lip. "Is there something wrong?" He asked, "What's worrying you?" "Nothing, someone just told me the Joker's games isn't over. That kind of scares me knowing I'm going to be involved." I answer. He sits next to me and says, "That won't be anytime soon, okay? Gotham may be going halfway crazy, but I'm sure someone will get it under control. Promise." He says, reaching for my hand. I chuckle and raise my eyebrow "You've promised a lot of things to me, before, remember?" He smiles and nods.

I laugh and shove him softly with my shoulders. "Promise."

"Pinky swear?" I joke putting my pinky up. He laughs and pinky swears. "Gordon already wants me to answer some questions, seems like everyone's eager for me to have an entire interview with them." I say tightly. "Of course the news would want to know, but you maybe should tell Gordon first, he might be able to help you." Bruce claimed. I nodded. "Thanks Bruce." I sigh. "Stop, don't do that." He warns. "Do what?" I say looking deep into his eyes. "Stop saying thank you!" I smile and say, "I'm sorry." We laugh and I smile and look at the clock. 5am. I wasn't even tired. After all this shit that just happened, I'm not looking forward to going back to sleep.

Bruce POV

I plopped on the bed and she laid her hand and head on my chest. "Bruce," She starts. "Yeah," I respond. "I'm glad we're all back together. I really did miss you." She says. I stare at at the ceiling and say, "I missed you too. You don't know how worried I was after I didn't hear from you." She chuckled. "Did you know, when you were around, all those hallucinations I saw were gone, but when you left they appeared again?" She explained. I shook my head. She stood up and told me the conversation she had with Batman.

"What did I tell you about thinking about stuff like that, Sarah?" I say starting to stand again. She nodded and explained, "I thought I lost you. and I told you, I couldn't live without you." I raise her chin to look at me. "You wont lose me Sarah." She smiled as we came closer and closer. Our lips met, and my hand automatically wrapped around her waist. She got on her tippy toes and her arms reached up and made their around my neck, and I squeezed her tighter.

"Ms. White! Ms. White!" Alfred called from downstairs. She let go but I still held her waist. She laughed looking at the ground. When she looked back up, she smiled and said, "I guess I should go answer some questions now." I chuckled and nodded in agreement. I let her go and she stopped at the door, "Not coming?" I smiled and followed. We made it downstairs as news crews arrived at the manor. Another major overdramatic scene. Sarah spoke with Gordon.

"Now, Ms. White, where did the Joker take you?" Gordon started.

"Somewhere in Arkham. I don't know the details though." She answered.

"Did he threaten to do anything?"

"What the hell do you think, Commissioner?" She retorted.

"I'll take that as a yes," He murmured and continued to ask and write, "What did he threaten?"

"Um, to cut me, kill me, hurt people."

"Typical," Gordon said looking at me then back to Sarah, "What did he want from you?"

"I don't know." She answered. I sent her a look that told her to tell the truth. She sighed then answered honestly, "He wanted me to steal things from here, and do something else, and I honestly didn't know what it was, he never told me because I completely refused, and that was last time you were here."

Gordon nodded and wrote things on a small journal. "That's it, well, social media is going to want to no more than that, but that's all Gotham PD needs, for now." Gordon explained clicking his pen and placing it in his shirt pocket. He nodded and started to talk to the officers.

Sarah POV

I turned to Bruce and Alfred and signed. "This is too much to be doing at 6 in the morning." Then I turned to Bruce with a smirk on my face and an eyebrow raised, "And don't you have work in an hour?" He smiled and wiped his face with his hand and nodded, "Yeah. But I can take some time off again-" But I interrupted, "No, you need to go to work tomorrow, you don't want to get fired." I turned him around and shoved him towards the steps. "I don't have to-" He started again but I said, "No, Bruce. You need some sleep because you will be waking up in an hour for your job. So goodnight."

"More like good morning." He joked. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I pushed him up the stairs. "Me and Alfred will take care of everything that's happening downstairs, okay?" I explain. He nodded and placed the palm of his hand on my cheek. He gently kissed me and after a moment, I finally pulled away. "Now go to sleep Bruce. I'll be here perfectly fine when you get back. Promise." I claim. He nods and sheds a small smile as he turns to head to his room. Then I made my way back down stairs to Alfred, Gordon, Gotham PD, and news crews.

"Ms. White, would you like to answer some of the social media's questions now?" Alfred asked. I sighed a yes, and Gordon lead me to the door. He opened it to what seemed like thousands of people yelling at me to answer questions and million flashes of light blinded me. "Ms. Sarah White! Ms. White!" The nearest reporter called. He had brown hair and dashing blue eyes. I looked at him and he started away with a recorder in his hand. "Ms. White, why did the Joker take you?"

I shrugged and answered honestly, "Because I refused an offer." Then I moved onto another reporter. "Weren't you formally on Gotham News Verdict at 5?" "Yes, I was a formal reporter there." Another lady reporter yelled, "How did you escape the Joker's kidnappings?" "I had help from a friend." Then millions of the same question just knocked me over.

"Who was your friend?!" They screamed, cameras, microphones, recorders, and any other recording type of device out towards me.

My eyes widened.


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