Chapter 16

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*I decided to skip the chapter when Lucius Fox visited so I wouldn't have multiple unnecessary chapters, so here's a summary of what happened when he visited and how things are now; Lucius Fox met Sarah for the first time and they really hit it off. He offered Bruce some more help with equipment if he needed it for Joker and Dent. He accepted so Fox will be back later. The manor is almost fixed as well. Anyways, Joker, Dent and their team started rampaging through Gotham again. Sarah is ready to fight Joker and Dent while Bruce forbids, claiming she isn't ready to fight all of them. Sarah is getting fed up with it. ~Batmanfan101*

Sarah POV


I made my way down into the cave to train, again. I met Bruce, and I took a sip of my water before we got started. I got into my fighting position, and he did as well. I made the first move as usual. He ducked my swing and I jumped over his foot. I tried to kick him, but he dodged it normally. I was getting a little bored with the routine we had. After about a week ago, our trainings became silent, unless Bruce gave advice. After he had knocked the air out of me with a kick in my stomach, I tripped him as my patience grew thin.

When we were finished I took my water bottle and started to leave the room. "Sarah," Bruce started, gently grabbing my wrist to stop me. "What?" I say, taking my wrist back with annoyance. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. "Nothing, Bruce." I lie, starting to walk out again until he stopped me again. "You've been distant for the past few weeks now, what's wrong?" "What am I doing wrong?" I ask, plopping on the metal table in the Cave. He was silent. "When can I go out there Bruce?!" I yell. "You're not ready, Sarah." He says again. Anger boiled in me. I knew my eyes changed colors after Bruce's facial expression changed for a slight second.

"Fine, let them terrorize Gotham. Hell with it, I'm done trying." I say, getting from the metal table to go to the elevator. He scooped me up and as I tried to get out of his grip, he just held me tighter. I huffed and crossed my arms as he placed me on the table again. "Alfred will watch you while I'm on patrol tonight." He claims. I roll my eyes, and I knew my eyes had to be flaming red. "I don't know what makes you so damn stubborn, Bruce, but it's not going to hold me back. I'm not going to let the city go down and you with it, just because of me. Hell, you don't know what they're capable of!" I yell. "I've fought them before." He replies sternly. "Not all of them at once." I say tightly, looking away from him.

"I have plans, and when Fox completes it with the new equipment, I will." He says. I roll my eyes, still keeping them away. "But it's me they want." I continue to argue. "That's why I don't want you out there." He says. I shake my head and move him out of the way so I could get from the table. "I need you to stop looking at me as a child and see that I can handle myself!" I snap. "I don't see you as a child. I don't need for you to get hurt right now. Just stay here for this one last patrol, please." He says. I knew he stared at me. I sighed, a little calmer. I turned to him and said, "Fine. Just this last one. After this, I'm either coming with you, or plain out leaving."

He gives a small smile and gently grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. As hard as it was, I managed to pull away before things could go any further. I left the Cave through the elevator, alone.

The manor was almost fixed and so I could finally walk near the front. I made my way outside and onto the lot of the manor. I laid on my back and took a deep breath. I looked up at the starry sky which was usually uncommon in Gotham. I heard the door open and I tilted my head to see who it was. Alfred came and sat beside me. "Hey," I greet, looking at him. "Beautiful, aren't they?" He says dazing at the stars. After a silent pause he sighed. "You know Bruce is just trying to protect you, Sarah." I sit up and face away from him. I replied in a tight sigh. "Does everyone think I can't take care of myself?"

"No, dear. We just don't want you to get hurt." He answers, placing a hand on my shoulder. "So you expect me to get hurt?" I ask tight, anger and annoyance mixing together in my body. "We're not expecting you to have nothing wrong with you if you fight, Sarah." He answers gently. I sigh and shake my head. "I already promised I wouldn't leave while he was on patrol tonight. So don't worry. But next time, I'm leaving." I warn softly, laying back down on my back. "Fair enough, Ms. White. Have a nice evening. I'll be checking in on you, every now and then." He says, standing. I nod and continue to look at the sky.

Batman POV


"Where's Sarah?" I asked Alfred as I exited the cave in my suit. "She's been outside. Last time I checked on her was about an our ago." He answered pointing to the front that was almost finished being built. I walk outside and see redhead sleeping on the green grass. I gently picked her up and walked back into the house. She stirred in my arms a bit, but kept her eyes closed. I went upstairs to the guest bedroom, which was pretty much officially hers. I placed her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Her eyes smoothly opened as if she was awoke the entire time. "Be careful." She said tiredly. I laid a kiss upon her forehead and left the room.

After I was out the house and back into Gotham with the Batmobile. I needed to find out what Dent's next move was. If anyone I knew who could find out was Gordon, so I drove to the Gotham City Police Department Building.

I entered Gordon's office secretly before he entered the room himself. He jumped at the sight of me. "Batman, you have to stop doing that." He say, placing his hand on his chest and sitting down. I was silent, but I moved into the light. "Okay, you must be here for the Joker and Dent case. " He starts with a sigh. He opens a cabinet revealing multiple folders in alphabetical order. "We call it the JD case now. Nothing like we've seen before. Gotham PD can hardly keep up." He says with a blown expression.

He placed the file on his desk and I grabbed it. "How did they get out of Arkham?" I ask roguishly. He shrugged his shoulders. "It was like magic." He answers then continued, "We should have saw the signs. All the mysterious clues." He slammed the desk with his fist in frustration. "Mysterious clues." I repeated. "What mysterious clues?" I asked. He reached in his drawer and handed me a bag with some type of invitation. I opened and grabbed it. It read; Where the buildings are the lowest, Behold your greatest fear. We're all coming, Gotham. You'll be hearing zombie shrieks, while we all ring with cheer.

"Gotham PD checked east side of Gotham, where the buildings weren't as tall, but they were nowhere to be found." He said. Zombie shrieks, the cemetery. The building near the cemetery was only one story, which would make it the lowest building, not buildings. I left the room without another word. I knew where they were at, and the reason why they chose the cemetery, is yet unknown.

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