Chapter 12: Fight of Our Life

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Bruce POV

An hour later I heavily woke up, and just sat on the edge of the bed. My eyes widened as I remembered all of yesterday. I took my phone and called my job, "Hey, Sally. It's Bruce. Tell them I'm going to be a bit late. I over slept." She responded, "You know damn well Joe's not going to be happy." Her tone told me she was laughing. "Yeah, well if you haven't seen already, I've got a lot of stuff to check on before I leave, so just a heads up." I chuckled. She sighed and said okay. I hung up and took a shower, then headed downstairs. It was quiet but it was probably because everyone was sleep.

I made my way into the kitchen to see Sarah looking out the kitchen window. "Sarah," I say, slightly concerned. She turned to me and smiled. She had small bags under her eyes, and I could tell she was depressed but she didn't want to show it. "You've been up all this time?" I say as she walks towards me nodding. She buttoned up my top button and started to tie my tie. "Yeah, Alfred crashed after Gotham PD left." She claims. "What were you doing all morning?" I asked, still worried.

"Cleaning up I guess. Watching the news and stuff. Have to say, I look good on TV." She joked. I smiled and said, "You should get some sleep. You look exhausted." She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I am. But you should be going to work, I know you're already late." She finished my tie and just started to tighten it. "I called in, they know I'll be late." I say. "Well, you shouldn't be any later, you should be on your way." She says leading me out the kitchen. I stopped as I grabbed my suitcase and looked at her. "I promise I'll be okay, Bruce. I'll be here when you get back, like I said, before."

I bent down and gave her a little kiss on her cheek and then she shoved me out the door with a smile. "I'll be checking in every couple hours okay, and you better answer." I smile, opening the garage door with a button. She smiled and said, "I will, Bruce." And I got in the red Charger. She waved as I backed out of the driveway. I waved goodbye as she closed the door and then I drove off.


Batman POV

I figured out why the city seemed to go crazy. Two-Face was mysteriously back in Gotham, terrorizing people again. How it didn't end up on media until now, I have no idea. Dent managed to stay out the path of them, I guess. Sarah still thought I was at work, so I had time to go back into Gotham. I checked in with Sarah about every two hours, while I actually was at work.

Alfred called as I was on my way to Downtown Gotham to find Two-Face. "Alfred, is everything alright?" I asked. "I'm afraid not, sir. Sarah has left the house-" He starts but I cut him off again, "Why?!" "Please let me finish, Bruce! She's looking for Batman!" He yelled. "For what?" I ask tightly. "She claimed she needed to speak to you about something." Alfred answered. "Probably the Joker." I say, "Do you know where she went?" "Downtown." Alfred answers. I pressed on the gas and dodged cars on the road. The no reply made Alfred ask what's wrong. "Two-Face is downtown."

I raced downtown, eager to find Sarah before she got in anymore trouble. I entered deep into the skyscrapers, searching for any sign of Sarah or Dent. The streets were on rampages and were completely wild. Where have I been? I asked myself in my own thoughts. It was dark, and I needed to hurry. Everyone in the city knew Sarah always seemed to get caught up in the "villain's" plans. After the Joker, she was saw as the one who escaped, but non of us has, not yet. I turned a corner slowly and cautiously. I slammed on the brakes as a mob of people ran from an alley in fright. I knew Dent was near.

I turned down that alley, hoping I wouldn't hit anyone rampaging on the streets. I turned the corner, and I saw what everyone was running from. My eyes widened. There was everyone about a block away levitating on the vines of Poison Ivy. I shot three missiles at it and they froze in mid-air. I watched the missiles fall.Completely frozen! I looked up at them with confusion but seriousness.

"Ah, Batman. Right on time as usual. You remember De-" Joker started but Dent interrupted, "Two-Face." Joker laughed and said, "Two-Face, and your old friend, Mr. Freeze?" I stood silently. How was I supposed to fight all of them?! It was Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, the Joker, Two-Face, Mr. Freeze, and multiple clowns helping them. I turned around as I heard the noise of loud people yelling. It was the news and Gotham City Police Department. Gordon ran next to me, pointing his gun at them. "Don't waste your bullets. There's a forcefield covering them that's going to freeze anything you throw at them." I inform angrily.

"Then what are we supposed to use?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of the group. As I was about to answer I heard my name come from multiple reporters. I turned around and I'm glad I did. I saw the redhead with hazel eyes I was looking for. She struggled to get through the crowd, but she managed. She passed the officers as reporters started saying her name as well. She made it to me and Gordon. "Ms. White-" Gordon started but she motioned for him to stop talking. "It's me they want." She said.

Sarah POV

"This is then woman you spoke of?" Two-Face asked, slightly impressed. "Pretty, right?" Joker emphasized. " Beautiful." He smiled. "Let them come to us." I whispered to Gordon and Batman. I was going to have to be really bold and confident for what I planned on doing next. I took a deep breath and said, "Am I what you want?!" "Yes. You do not know why, and I'm not planning on telling you with everyone here." Two-Face smirked. I took a step forward boldly. "Then come get me. Take your shield away and fight!" I yelled. They laughed as if it wasn't a difficult task.

They all came to the ground and stopped a good distance away. Batman grabbed my forearm and whispered, "What are are you doing?" "Just stick with me."

"Are you sure you want to do this, I mean, all you have to do is come with us, and all these extra people can leave." The Joker said, but Two-Face put his hand up to hush him. "I like them feisty." I narrowed my eyes, "Come see how feisty I really am." He laughed and I spitted, "Try me." Next thing I know, we're fighting.

Sadly, we recognized we were loosing. I was deeply cut in my arm, Cat's whips left bruises and so did Poison Ivy's thorns and vines. I still stayed strong though. If I was going to die, it was going to be for protecting something I loved and cared for. Gotham. As everyone started retreating including Gordon and Batman, my foot was froze onto the ground by Mr. Freeze. Batman ran towards me and picked me up, breaking the ice as easy as breaking a toothpick.

Blood dripped from my arm rapidly, and my sight got blurry again. I shook my head to stay on point and sharp, but my body seemed to be dizzy. I blinked wildly trying to stay awoke. No! I can't fall asleep, not now! No not now! I was determined to stay awoke.

And I did as I promised myself. I managed to make it to the Batcave with Batman. He slipped needle in my good arm, and I honestly didn't care. I knew he was helping me. My sight came back to normal and I felt less dizzy. "Don't move your arm." He demanded, cleaning it and starting to wrap it with cloth. At the worst possible time, a headache came on. I couldn't help but hold my head with both arms. I yelled from the pain coming from my head and my arm. He grabbed my arm to straighten it out again, and continued wrapping it. "Sorry," I said as the headache started to fade away. "What was that back there?" He asked, continuing to wrap. "Guts." I answer with a smirk. He didn't even smile. Wow, tough crowd. I just then realized all the crazy shit I just did moments before.

"I don't know about you but it was the fight of my life." I say looking at my arm that he finished wrapping. He looked at me and said, "Since they didn't get what they wanted, I doubt that was our last fight."

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