Chapter 22: The Iceberg Lounge

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Sarah POV

I followed Batman into Arkham and we stopped in front a fancy blue building. "Where are we?" I asked as I got off of the Batpod. "Iceberg Lounge." He answered and we headed for the roof. He cut piece of the ceiling, then we steadily dropped onto another platform. We were above a vent. He started to cut the vent with his laser then we looked into the Iceberg Lounge. It was a fancy place and freezing. I was surprised there were dancers halfway stripped naked roaming the club when it was that cold inside.

Batman pointed to a large but short man in a tux with a monocle covering his left eye sitting in a large chair in front of a table. "That's Penguin. One of Joker's allies." He informed and I continued to observe. "So you want to get him out first?" I asked looking back to him. "He's going to be the easiest," He relied. I smirked then looked back down into the hole. I saw the Joker walk in with a dancer next to him.

My blood boiled as he sat across from Penguin with his smile on his face. I was about jump through the hole but Batman grabbed my arm. I looked at him and he told me to wait. I sighed and looked back down in the hole.

"So, you seem to be promising a lot of people their own, Joker." Penguin said grabbing a raw fish. Joker smiled and nodded, "I plan to have everything under control and trust me, everyone will have their share. The City Sirens, Dent and I, of course, Freeze-man, Crow, Riddle-boy , and you." " Where are you even going to find her?" Penguin asked. "Don't worry," Joker's smile got deeper, "She'll show up."

When I heard that my hair blew out motioning I was furious. I did the exact same thing when we were in the argument in the Cave. Batman was too late to grab me again when I jumped through the opening. He came after me as I smoothly landed on my heels. He landed next to me as Penguin and Joker got up from their seats. The dancers and their costumers slightly backed away. "Who's this, just another replacement for Robin again?" Joker asked and Batman's fists clenched. Joker smiled and suddenly, Penguin ran with three dancers following him. "I've got Joker." I whispered and before he could refuse I ran towards Joker.

As I approached the Joker, he pulled out a gun. I grabbed the side of it, pointing it to the left of me and making the bullet go through the wall other than my head. I punched him in the stomach then kicked him in the face. My heels made him begin to bleed and he wiped his nose with a smile.

We managed to make our way to the back of the room and I kicked him through the emergency exit door. His back hit the brick wall across the alley in front of the door, and I pinned him to it. "Oh, Batman's trained you good, huh. Oh, and by the way, I like the makeover, Little Red." He smiled, struggling to get out of my grip. Little Red. That's what my parents used to call me. "How-" I start but he interrupted, "Do I know your name?" He licked his lips and smiled, "I was there. I was in my early 20's, you were about 16, um, I was taking from my father's side." My grip got tighter.

"Oh, yeah and that's something else we have in common, our dad's were, um, a little.... coo-coo." He laughed and I was disgusted but I continued to listen. His hands began to move and I immediately said, "I wouldn't even try reaching for that knife." He smiled and nodded, "Okay, okay, like I was saying. Our father's were the same. Same reason why we both left them." "What are you getting at?" I spitted with anger in my tone. "Destiny brought us together." He smiled and my grip was officially choking him. "My father didn't just go crazy like yours. Mine was drugged." I snapped. "Who do you think drugged him?" He smirked. My hand began to tingle and I put it to his neck, "You were in the mob who drugged then killed my father." I say, snapping my mask off to show him my blazing red eyes. "No, no, I was the boss of that mob." He corrected then I heard a slash, then I grunted. My grip loosened and I stumbled back.

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