Chapter 10: The Jokers Game

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Sarah POV

I was emptied out of the truck and harshly grabbed by the arm, forced to stand and walk. Tape still lied upon my mouth and around my wrists. The Joker pushed my shoulder down, forcing me to sit on the floor painfully. I grunted as he bent down next to me and grabbed my chin. "We all know your Bat-boyfriend is coming, and we've come prepared for that," paused to lick his lips, and he placed his cheek upon mine, "See, we're going to set off a couple fireworks, hell, you're not a child, they're bombs," He laughed then continued again, "You'll see everything explode before your eyes, you precious city, you precious home, and your precious family." He pulled out a screen and there was a picture of Wayne Manor.

I figured out it was a live video. My eyes started to water as at least 15 to 20 men in clown masks with large guns walked onto the property. Alfred and Bruce. "Oh, and if you think we can't get in the house, well we have plan B for that." And he showed me a detonator device. I looked down as tears overwhelmed me and I started bawling. I shook my head then he got a good grip on my face again and softly brushed his red lips against the tape where my mouth would have been. His hand made its way to my face and painfully ripped the tape off.

The pain sizzled and echoed from my lips all the way down my neck. As soon as they were free I fired.

"You bastard! I hate you! Why are you doing this to me?! What do you want from me?! Why are you tormenting me?! Leave me alone! Leave them alone! Please! You monster!"

Tears choked me as he said softly, "A little too late. You should've took my offer in the old manor." He smiled and looked at his watch again. My eyes closed trying to stop the tears but they managed to push out my shut eyelids. This was all my fault, this was all my fault. I should have never came to Bruce in the first place! It's all my fault. A second later, I heard a loud engine noise as if someone was pressing down on the gas pedal of a sports car. I looked up at the Joker whom smiled past me. The noise stopped as there were multiple sounds of explosions. My heart sunk into stomach as I saw the Joker's thumb lying on the red square button.

That was my only way of getting out, only help I would've have got to get me out. But then I stopped thinking of Batman, then thought of the manor. Tears were rushing down my cheeks and I felt nauseous and anxious. I didn't want to breathe anymore. Then my sight went blurry and I fell to the my side on the black street, unconscious.

Batman POV

When I entered Arkham City, I headed for the address Harley gave me. I was only about 2 blocks away as large explosions went off causing some of Arkham's tallest skyscrapers to collapse. A large piece of a building flew in front of the car, and I pushed on the brakes. As the car jerked to a stop, I got out knowing I would have to go by foot because the large piece of building blocked the road. I ran a half a block then stopped as I saw the truck the Joker disappeared in.

The street was a little foggy and I calmly walked through it. I started to see the Joker's figure and his hand was pointed out. I reached for a bat-er-rang and through it into the gun he held. It was only him, Sarah, and a clown so I knew I had enough bat-er-rangs if they had more guns. I didn't completely show myself but I could see a figure lying on the ground. When I made myself visible, the Joker laughed and tried to think of an excuse, "Look...see...I was trying to... It was just... A little joke..." He put his hands behind his back and I swiftly held up two bat-er-rangs in one hand. "I can throw these faster than you can pull out that 9x19 mm Walther P99, German Semi-Automatic Pistol behind your back, so drop it." I say sternly. He puts his hand up in a surrendering position after throwing the gun on the ground.

"Hell with it, just hurry up. I'm going to break out again, so just do your job then I'll do mines." He says putting his arms out towards me expecting handcuffs. I placed them on around both arms, locking him with the street pole, and he wore them happily. His clown did the same after the Joker told him to. "Oh and just to let you know, half of Gotham is probably gone, so, no biggy." I hurried and took Sarah back to the car as I heard Arkham police cars arrive.

We went probably triple the speed limit to reach Gotham again. I felt her pulse as I drove. Her heart was still beating, so I stepped on the gas again.

As we entered Gotham, it seemed that the city went insane. Only one building was engulfed in flames, and the city went crazy and I wanted to know why. Something else must be happening, but right now, I had too much things on my hands. I had to get Sarah conscious again. I passed the bridge towards the manor. It seemed to be intact. As I entered the gates I made the batmobile camouflage so no one could see it, even though there wouldn't be anyone around.

I walked into the mansion carrying Sarah in my arms. "Al-" I was stunned. Alfred stood there breathing heavily with a large gun in his hand and clown masked people at our feet. He dropped the gun to make a loud bang and managed to say, "Bruce, I'm so glad you're okay, what happened to Sarah?" "No time." I say heading to the secret elevator to lead to the Cave. Alfred followed. "What happened here?" I asked as I still held the unconscious Sarah in my arms, in the elevator. "No time." Alfred smirked as the elevator doors opened. He went to press a button on the computer keyboard to have a table rise from the ground. I walked over to it and gently laid Sarah on it.

"I shouldn't be here when she wakes up Master Bruce, I'll be calling Gordon." Alfred says starting to enter the elevator again. I nod as I start to get a serum to wake her up. I stick it in her arm and push the top of it to push the serum into her vein. She stirred, and her eyes slowly fluttered open. She sat up and felt her head then narrowed her eyes looking towards me. I can tell she still didn't see right until her eyes widen as she saw me. She looked around the cave then back at me. I can tell she wanted to react, she just didn't know how.

"Thank you." She said tightly. I looked at her, not appreciating her tone. "I'm sorry, I just, I don't know. I didn't want to be saved." She said with her head down.

"Never say that." I reply.

"Why shouldn't I? I'm almost pretty sure you know all about me, you are Batman after all, and you should know I just lost the two people I cared most about. Did you know that? And it's all because of that son of a bitch, Joker."

I walk over to her because her eyes seemed to have fire in them, literally. "You're going to be fine." I say. "What makes you think that? Wayne Manor exploded! They're dead!" She yells. "It didn't explode, nothing happened." I say. "How do you know?" She says crossing her arms and wiping a tear from her cheek. "The social media would have said something about the billionaire's house collapsing or him being dead. They would be the first one's to find out, besides me." I say sternly then continue, "What did the Joker want from you?"

"First time, he said he wanted me to do something as a reporter and steal from Bruce Wayne, but I refused, then he tried to kill me. You probably know of that, though." She answered. "How did he find out about you?" I continued to ask. "What's with all these questions?" She asked back. "I need to know to see what the Joker's plan is because he surrendered. There is more to his game." I answer with slight annoyance. "I don't know!" She finally said, then added, "But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with conquering Gotham and killing you." "Neither one of those is going to happen." I say roguishly.

"You won't regret me saving you either Ms. White." I say, scrolling my chair back to the computer screen. "Yea, sure." She says getting from the chair. I send her a glare. She reacts by looking at the floor.

"Well, how the hell do you get out of here so I can go back to the manor. I need to see them." She demands breaking the silence, which was usual. The batmobile was still invisibly parked on the side of the manor so no one could see it or run into so I had to take the motor cycle instead. We zoomed out of the cave and I took her about half a block away from the manor so I could go back and be Bruce again.

So next chapter is when romance begins so keep reading!


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