Chapter 2

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Sarah POV:

"So," I start, swallowing a piece of steak, "Why did you invite a reporter to speak over dinner at your own house?" "I wanted to speak somewhere less quiet, and I didn't want to think of it as a date." Bruce said. I couldn't help but shed a smile.

"Well, any questions for the news?" He asks. "Well, yea." I say wiping my mouth and getting out a notebook and pen. "Is there anything new at Wayne Enterprises, or will there be?"

"Not at the moment, no." He answers, "But they are planning on creating something called the Quadrio." He starts to cut his steak. "OK, now, what will that do?" I ask, getting ready to write again. "I'm not positively sure, but I know it's classified." He says biting into a biscuit. "Now how does Bruce Wayne, the owner of Wayne Enterprises, not know how it works?" I smile. He says, "They don't tell me much. The main thing they tell me is how the ratings are and how can we can," He shrugs, "Bump it up."

"OK, anything new about Bruce Wayne?" I ask with a fake microphone in my hand, pointing it out to him. "No, not much." He answers. I drop my arm, roll my eyes, smile, and continue eating.

Bruce POV:

As we finish dinner, I lead her to the door. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Wayne. Thank Alfred for me too." She says shaking my hand again. I smile and nod, "No problem. Any time." She smiles and flip her red hair as she turned for the door.

She waved goodbye as she walked out. I noticed there was no car out in the driveway. I heard Alfred come into the room behind me. I looked back and Alfred gestured towards Sarah with his head. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Sarah?" I start, then she looks back, "Do you need a ride?" I spit out. "Oh, no, I'll just get a taxi." She answers. "Are you sure? It won't be much of a problem," I say with a smile. Then she smiles. I look back, "Alfred."

He nods and grabs the car keys. I grab my jacket and head out the door. Alfred locks it behind me. We get into the limo. She looks around, amazed. "You seem to love decor, Ms. White." Alfred says from the front seat, putting on his drivers' hat.

"I just haven't seen things like this before, or been in things like this before, you know, as a child." She says with a bright smile at the end. As the limo pulls out of the driveway, I say, "Now where do you live?"

"The East side of Gotham," She answers. "Why the 'rough' side of Gotham?" I answer, putting finger quotes around rough. "I wasn't really sure what all of Gotham looked like, including, I'm in a foundation that helps the people that are having a hard time down there," She shrugs her shoulders, "Plus, I'm new to Gotham, so." She looks out the window.

"You're new to Gotham City?" I ask in confusion and shock, "It seemed like you already knew the place." "Well, that is how a reporter is supposed to act, right?" She says looking at me. I nod in agreement.

We reach her area and the poor life here has gotten worst. I understand that she tries to help these people, but I don't think she can help all of them. We pull up to her apartment. "Its not really that bad on the inside," She says as she notices my confused glare as I look at the old building.

I quickly turn my head away from the building to her and give a quick smile. Alfred gets out the car to open the door for Sarah. As she walks around the car towards my window I nod and say, "Have a goodnight." "You too, Mr. Wayne, Alfred. And thank you again for the lovely night." As Alfred nods and smiles she turns and heads to her apartment door.

As Alfred starts to pull off, I see him glance at me through the mirror. I sent him a glare that meant ~ What?~ then I looked out the window.

We returned to the manor. Alfred puts the key in and it opens as if it was never locked. He turns around towards me. "I could've swore I locked the door, sir." He says. "I know, Alfred." I say roguishly as I walk pass him, entering the house. I take off my jacket and hang it on the hanger. As I head towards my room, I see that the door to the guest room is wide open. As I go to close it, I also notice that the t.v is on and turned to the News channel. I grab the remote, which seemed not to let me change channels.

"Alfred?" I say, keeping my eyes on the television set in confusion

"Yes, Master Bruce" He answers from down the hall. "Did you leave the t.v on?" I ask. "Why, no, sir, I strictly turned off all of the-" He stopped as he entered the room. "How did that turn on?" He asked. I put my finger up to hush him. I turned up the t.v. ~Oh, the volume wants to work but not the channels.~ I think. I sit on the bed in front of the television.

As Alfred sat next to me, the news anchor said, "Breaking news, not much long ago, officers found out that the devious Harley Quinn has escaped Blackgate Penitentiary, armed and dangerous."

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