Chapter 3

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Dom's POV

I was inside the venue rushing around stressing out. I realize that my TVs weren't in the right places and not everything was set up correctly. I was gonna go outside to try and calm down and thought I would get the TVs and put them on stage.

I walk outside hours before my show to get some more instruments. I look over as I hear someone yelling.

"OH MY GOD THATS HIM!" A girl says. I walk over because I figure they were here for my show.

"I'm Dom! I heard you guys and thought I would come say hi." I say as I get over there.

"Hi. Oh my god. I'm Reese and I'm such a big fan of yours. Oh my god. I don't even know what to say." She says Turing a bit red I'm guessing of embarrassment.

"I'm Kilee and I love your music too!" Kilee says shaking my hand.

"Well since you guys are here and it's pretty cold out... why don't you come inside and watch the sounds check. You can even come backstage and meet everyone!" I say excited that some of my fans are at my show 3 hours early.

"Are you being serious?" Reese says in the most excited voice ever making me smile.

"I was actually just about to go get us food because Reese and I haven't eaten today but that also sounds amazing. What should I do?" Kilee says starting to get a little sad.

That made me sad because I want to please my fans as best as possible. "I'll give your name to the bouncer ms he'll let you in when you get back. I'll also make sure he lets you in with any food you have." I say watching a smile grow on her face.

"Omg. Thank you so much!" Kilee says as she runs off.

I lead Reese inside and introduce her to the guys. Adam and Michael say hi and shake her hand.

We head to my dressing room and start hanging out when Kilee got back with food for everyone. Adam leaves to shows Kilee where the bathroom and Michael leaves just because I guess. We have the room to ourselves and I must say. Reese is a gorgeous girl and even if I don't usually become friends with fans, I might be friends with her and Kilee.

Reese and I start talking and it was really cool. I've never really talked to a girl that easily. I always start getting hyper because of my ADHD and it makes girls uncomfortable. It's really not fun. I've only had one girlfriend and she broke up with me because of my hyper-ness.

As we continue to talk I find out that she is 20 years old, same age as me! "Give me your phone." I say with a straight face.

"Umm... okay.." she says very hesitantly handing me her unlocked phone.

I put my contact in her phone and hand it back. "There! Now you can text me whenever needed. Text me me now so I get your number too!"

"You don't have to do that you know." She says as she texts me.

"I know but I want to. This way we both have someone to talk to if we ever need it." I say looking at her calmly.

I start to get ready and Reese sits on the couch in my dressing room waiting for me to be done. I turn to her and say "Take of your shirt."

"What?" She says with a very shocked facial expression.

"Take of your shirt." I say handing her one of my pink and black striped shirts. "I've never given a fan, or anyone actually, one of these shirts. So you should feel very special!" I say as her face lights up.

"Are you giving me this?" She says in shock.

"Absolutely! Damn. It looks great on you. Maybe even better than on me." I say making both of us laugh.

"Impossible. Everything looks astounding on you!" Reese says making me blush slightly.

She tells me to get ready for my show. And as I do she sits there watching me get ready and I blush a little bit. I jump up and down as my ADHD kicks in when I'm dressed. "Are you ready for this show?" I ask with insane energy.

"Honestly, I don't really know." She says laughing "I'm so happy to be here I feel like I'm not even going to remember it."

"I'm sure you will. You have my number and my shirt to remember it by. You might even get some more stuff." I say winking at her.

"Are you being serious?" She says in a very excited tone.

"Of coarse! I always give my friends things." I say to her and her face lights up.

"I'm your friend?" She asks me.

"Yeah, man, you're so fun to talk to and I think you're a fuckin' awesome girl." I say as I see her start to blush.

"Thank you! I love talking to you too! But I think you should get ready to perform now." Reese tells me as I nod my head in agreement. She follows me and meet with Kilee in the front and center of the stage.

As I'm getting on stage. She yell at me for something.

"Good luck! You're gonna do amazing but don't hurt your leg more." She says joking about my moon boot.

"I won't! Haha. Don't forget to come say bye to guys and I before you guys leave!" I say to her as I get ready to perform.

•during the show•

I was jumping around the stage so much and I was getting tired. I was so sweaty my hair was sticking to my face. I get my beer, take a big sip and then spit it up onto my own head. While I was singing California, Igor my water and spit it on everyone like I do at most of my shows.

I was about half way through my set and singing Medication. I look down at Reese and wink at her. She blows me a kiss back and I almost trip because I got distracted. The show ends with me singing Die For The Hype and I run off stage jumping around. I quickly change into my pink YB hoodie and my pink Birkenstocks. I see that Reese and Kilee are at the end of merch line so I stay behind the booth to take pictures with everyone. I wait for them to get there and then say hi.

Since they were last in line and everyone else had already left I have both of them a free BHC hoodie, a huge hug and some great quality pictures. Before they left I took them backstage to say bye to everyone. I even introduced them to Spencer and he took some pictures of us together to post.

Thank you so much for reading everyone. Hope you enjoy the story!

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