Chapter 22

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Reese's POV

One day later, we were on the road again. We were headed to Austin, Texas. I've never been to Texas so I'm super excited. Hopefully ready for the best that is apparently there. This weekend Dom also plays in ACL. I cannot wait for that. It's gonna be so much fucking fun. My flight is tonight. I go to England to try out for the women's pro team.

"Hey baby, you should take a small nap." Dom says running his fingers through my hair. I love it when he does that.

"I will and I promise I'll be back by your show tomorrow night." I rest my head on his lap and close my eyes.

Apparently I was asleep for hours because when I woke up we already in Texas. Not Austin yet but a few hours away. I shot up quickly and scared Dom.

"How long was I asleep?" I say scratching my head and yawning.

"About 8 hours." Dom says as I look at him shocked.

"Well, now it's your turn to sleep." I say as I pat my lap motioning for him to lay down.

"No! I don't wanna go to bed!" Dom says laughing. "I'm not even tiredddddddd."

"Okay. But you're probably going to regret this later." I say carrying on the joke. We talked a lot that trip. "OH MY GOD. I forgot to record any of that. I was going to record some of the bus ride for my videos. God ducking dammit." I say leaning my head in my hands.

"Why not just start now? We still have like 3 hours according to the gps." Adam says who is now driving.

"You're kidding?" Mikey says frowning.

"Nope. Sadly." Adam says. I notice Spencer laying on some seats and go to look at him. He passed out. Like a dead body laying there.

"I'll start recording now!" I say as I get my phone out start zooming in on Spencer face while he's asleep. I laugh and end it.

"Can we please stop?" Mikey says begging. I'm recording again because this is going to be funny.

"No we cannot stop yet. We have too long to go." Adam says looking back at Mikey.

"But..... pleaseeeeeeee." Mikey says whining. I start to laugh and they both stare at me.

"This is a serious topic. It is not a laughing matter." Mikey says crossing his arms.

"Okay. Damn." I say continuing to record.

"Adammm please. If I were Annie you would stop in a heartbeat." Michael says sounding like a kid complaining about how long the car ride is.

"That is correct but Annie is Annie and you are not. You are Mikey. Annie is amazing. She is perfect. She is sweet and kind and the love of my life. You.... you are simply.... Mikey." Adam says ass I see the hurt fill Mikey's eyes.

"I cannot believe you would say such a thing to him! Mikey is perfect and sweet and kind as well!" I add sorta butting in.

"Thank you! I really needed that." Mikey says smiling at me.

"Whenever you need me Mikey. I'm here." I say. As I'm about to end this part of the video.

"Thank you!" Mikey says running over giving me a hug while jumping on Dom.

"Watch it asshat!" Dom says as he jumps a little.

"Heyyyyyy. That's not nice. What do you say?" I look at Dom seriously and pointing my finger acting as if I were his mum.

"Ok fine. I'm sorry Mikey you're not an asshat." Dom says in a snarky way. As Dom is saying that I realize we are pulling into a parking lot.

"Are we finally stopping?" Mikey asks getting excited.

"We aren't technically stopping, we are here!" Adam says with a sigh of relief. I laugh as I stand up to stretch and walk off the bus. Finally some air that I don't smell boys and sweat.

•at the festival•

I realize that I need to go. My flight is in 2 hours and you have to get to the airport early. I run and find Dom and he gets the boys so we can go to the airport together. We drive there and I hug them super tight saying bye. "I'll see you guys tomorrow night. Love you tons."

•at the stadium•
I walk in and I'm shocked. The field is so pretty. The grass is perfect and I'm in absolute shock. I see someone walking towards me and I start to get scared.

"You must be Reese McKay! I'm Phil Neville. It's so nice to meet you!" The coach says to me walking over.

"Yeah I am. I am so happy to even have the chance to be here. I appreciate it so much!" I say embarrassing myself.

"Practice doesn't start for another half hour but since you're here would you like to warm up a bit and show me what you can do. I'll get some of the other girls to come take some shots."

"Yeah That sounds great! Where could I change?" I ask.

"Right over there. You go down that hall way and take the first left."

"Thank you! I say as I grab my bag from the ground and walk away.

5 minutes later I walk back out and I see Kelley Smith. She is their top scorer. I'm scared not gonna lie at all. I'm very scared.

"Hey! I'm Reese! It's so nice to meet you!" I say shaking her hand.

"I'm Kelley! I'm super happy I get to be the one to test you out." Kelley says laughing. I go into the goal and do a little thing to warm myself up. I jump up and down a few times and do quick sprints to get my blood pumping.

"I'm ready whenever!" I say placing my hands properly. Kelley takes a few steps back runs up to the ball. She kicks it into the top right corner. I didn't think I was going to get that one but I just barely got a finger on it. It was enough to push it up and over the cross bar.

"Damn girl! You are good. That's the shot I get most of my goals with!" Kelley says running over giving me a high five. "A few more?"

"Absolutely!" I say excitedly. I might actually be able to do this.

Thanks so much for reading. I love all of you who read this story. Thanks for the support!

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