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Reese's POV

For the last five years, Dom and I have been VERY happy. Like the happiest I've ever been in my life. He's gone on tour after tour and I go to every single show. I've had a blast the last 5 years. Dom and I had my dream wedding, it went perfectly, like a dream come true.

Dom and is taking a break from touring so we are just in our London home. It is now 5 in the morning and I am tired as hell, but I can't sleep. I've been thinking a lot lately. About Dom and I. We are perfect together so don't get me wrong, I defiantly don't want to break up with him or get a divorce. No.... I want kids. I think Dominic would be an amazing father and I really want to be a mom.

I felt Dom stir a little and I think he's waking up. "Baby? Why are you up so early?" He asks groggily.

"I was just thinking..." I say calmly.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Dom says, chuckling at what he says.

I laugh a little at how proud he is for his 'joke.'

"I'm thinking about us. And our future." I say smiling at him.

"What exactly are you think about then?" Dom asks starting to sound a little worried.

"I want....." I trail off and don't finish the sentence. Nervous as if he's get mad.

"Babe... you can tell me."

I sigh and nod my head. "I know. I know. I'm just.... nervous I guess."

"You don't have to be nervous to tell me anything, I'll love you forever and always." Dom says smiling his adorable, big, teethy smile. I love his smile and his eyes. And every little thing about him.

"Okay, here it goes... I want to have kids." I say looking down.

Dom lifts my chin up so I'm looking him in the eye. He is smiling even bigger than before and I can't help but smile too. He kisses me passionately and smiles into the kiss.

"I want to have kids too!" I smile even bigger then before. I didn't even know I could smile that big. Dom quickly kisses me again. That kiss leads to more and next thing I know I'm laying in bed very out of breath.

•1 and 1/2 months later•

Dom runs into the bathroom as I'm puking my guts out. He quickly grabs my hair and starts rubbing circle on my back. This has happened for the last week or so. Every morning.

As soon as that thought went through my mind... you probably know what I'm thinking. FUCK!! Finally!

"Baby? Should we go to the doctor? This has been happening for a week." Dom asks nervously.

"Yes, but not for the reason you think." He looks at me weird but just nods his head slowly. "Now get out and let me get ready!" I push him out the the bathroom and I hear him knock right away.

"C'mon babe, I've seen you get ready and shit before." I could sense the smirk on his face, even just knowing he had a smirk, not even seeing it, made me melt.

"You want to see me throw my lungs into the toilet?" I ask while laughing. I hear Dom fake gag and then walk away.

"Just because its obvious you don't like me enough to be near me." He whines from the bedroom.

I walk out of the bathroom twenty minutes later and smile. "C'mon baby! Let's go to the doctors!" I say. Dom looks at me weird. Really weird.

"Why are you excited to go to the doctor?" He asks skeptically.

"Because of I'm right about something, we'll both be very happy." I run outside and get into the front seat of Dom's car.

"So we don't get to talk about whose driving?" He laughs as he gets in the driver seat.

"Nope!" I say happily.

•at the doctor•

"Hey doc!" I say as he walks in. He stares at me awkwardly before responding.

"Hi... what brings you in today?" He asks. I motion for him to come over to me. I whisper to him.

"I don't want Dom to know Incase I'm wrong but I think I might be pregnant!" The doctor nods his head.

"So you've been feeling sick a lot and throwing up in the morning?" He asks, obviously playing along for me.

I nod my head as Dom looks at us both weirdly.

"Okay... I'm gonna need you to pee in this cup.... and then you can go home and I'll send the results to your house." He hands me a cup and I happily get up and walk into the bathroom.

•1 week later•

I notice that Dom is outside. I guess he went to get the mail. He looks at a certain envelope and runs inside quickly after reading who sent it.

"BABE! IT'S FROM THE DOCTOR!" He screams as he gets inside. Panting a little bit.

I quickly snatch it from his hand. I tear it open and scream in happiness. Dom grabs the envelope put my hands and just looks at me love in his eyes before he picks me up and spins me around.

•7 1/2 months later•

I'm laying in a hospital bed, dripping with sweat but smiling my mouth off my face. If that makes any sense at all. I hold an adorable little baby in my arms. I hear the baby giggle after it stops crying. I smile at the thought of being a mom with Dom being a dad. I hand Dom the child Nd he smiles just as big as I did. He leans down to me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Josh?" Dom asks.

"No.... too basic. I want something unique for my baby boy." I smile.

"Liam." I say after a few minutes of silence. "Liam McKay Harrison."

"It's perfect." Dom says. He smiles softly at me and I can't help but laugh. I'm not sure why. It may be because I finally have my perfect family that's complete with my baby boy, and my angel. My two angels now actually.


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