Chapter 11

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Dom's POV

We get on the bus and start driving from Portland to Canada. Michael is driving and since we just had a show he has upbeat music on so that he stays awake. I look down to see a sleeping Reese laying with her head on my lap. I could live like this forever if I wanted to. She looks so peaceful and happy when she sleeps. It's adorable.

"Hey Dom, can you pass me some water." I hear Reese whisper and yawns as she puts her head down again.

"Yeah of coarse." I say handing her a bottle of water.

"Want some?" She offers showing me the bottle.

"Not right now. But I'll keep it near us just incase." I say putting in a cup holder close to me. I play with her hair as she falls asleep again. I can't believe how beautiful my possible girlfriend is. She's flawless.

I fall asleep sitting with her still on my lap. I wake up a few hours later to find that she was leaning against the window and laid my head on her lap. I look up and she looks down smiling.

"Hey sleepyhead." She says as I street hi my back a bit.

"Good morning." I say smiling at her. She is so gorgeous. It's not even fair to the other girls in this world.

"Now that everyone's awake!" Adam yells " how about we go get food?"

"Sounds great to me!" Michael says.

"Same." Spencer adds.

"It's a yes from both Reese and I." I say as I looks at her nod her head.

"I'll take the next exit and hope there's a good restaurant there." Michael's says.

We near an exit and I see Michael turn the blinker on. We pull off and I immediately see Weinhard Grill. It's supposedly one of the best places to eat in Oregon.

"There's a restaurant right there. To the left." I say pointing to it.

"Alright. We're going there." Michael says trying into the parking lot.

After we eat and get back in the bus Spencer starts driving again. We start blasting some good music to wake us all up a little bit more. Even though eating mostly did that by itself.

"Hey Dom. Why don't you ever drive the bus?" Reese asks.

"Well, that's a long story. Wanna hear if?" I say.

"Is it embarrassing? Or funny?" She says.

"Very much of both." I say and see her smile.

"Then I absolutely want to hear it!" Reese says making me laugh.

"Well. I was the first one who drove the bus. At the very beginning of the tour. We were on our way to the Phoenix, Arizona show from the San Diego show. That day we all learned that I'm not good at driving large vehicle. I almost crashed the bus a total of 4 maybe 5 times and we all agreed that I shouldn't drive this anymore. It's pretty funny actually." I say laughing. I hear Adam, Micheal and Spencer laugh too once they realize what story I was telling.

"I saw my life flash before my eyes multiple times." Michael says laughing.

"I thought I did die." Spencer adds.

"I thought we were all lucky to come out of that experience alive!" Adam says making Reese laugh a lot.

"Wow guys. Thanks so much. I really feel the love."
I say as we all laugh harder.

•a day later•

We finally got to Vancouver. It only took about 12 hours. Maybe a little less. When we got to the venue we were all so tired that we just walked inside and started setting up. I walked back outside to go say hi and then I realized there was 6 hours until the show so no one was here.

I walk inside with my clothes for the show and head to my dressing room. I see Reese as I walk by and she comes with me to my room. This is it. I'm gonna do it.

"Hey Dom! I'm really excited for tonight's show but I was wondering if you could order me an Uber to go see my family?" She asks her face lighting up. How could I say no.

"Yeah of coarse. Tell me where you want me send it after it picks you up." I say realizing that I should wait until she gets back.

She tells me the address and about 15 minutes later I get a text from her saying that she made it there and is with her family.

Reese's POV

I can't believe I finally get to see my family. It's been like a year since I last saw them. I get out of the Uber and text Dom. I tell him that I am safe and got to my aunt's house.

I go up to the door and ring the doorbell. When my aunt answers the door, she is totally shocked. I didn't tell her I was coming on purpose so I could see the look on her face. It was priceless to see how happy she was.

I spent most of the day with them until they gave me a ride back to the venue at around 6:15. I give my aunt and uncle and cousins huge hugs and tell them that I'll come and visit more if I can. I walk up to the bouncer and tell him my name. For some reason he wouldn't let me in. He said my name wasn't on the list. What? Since when?

I call Dom confused.

"Hey Dom can you come to the front door of the venue?" I ask shyly.

"Why? What happened?" He asks sounding worried.

"The bouncer said my name isn't on the list and won't let me in." I say getting a frown.

"Yeah of coarse. I'll be right there." Dom says and I can already hear him walking over.

"Hey what's up man?" He says to the bouncer. "Is there a problem?"

"This Girl is trying to get in. She says she knows you." The bouncer says seriously.

"It's ok man. She does know me. She's supposed to be here early. She was just spending some time with her family." Dom says as he grabs my hand guiding me inside.

"Thank you." I say as I follow Dom to his dressing room.

Please keep reading! I love writing these

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