Phil's POV
Dan sighed as he lay down. "So... Do you wanna tell me what happened??"
" okay so... I went to get a snack from the fridge as you know and you were whining at me about it because you were cooking so I decided to go and do some gardening. so I went to unlock the shed door and someone pushes me into it. I turn round and I see my old friend, Chris. I could see the knife in his pocket, but I just thought he was joking around with me so I was like 'hey wassup man' then he just looks at me laughs and pins me to the... Car... I could have moved maybe but I was terrified... And he wasn't using his hands to pin me down he was just pressing his body close to mine... And the smirk on his face reminded me of my daddy dearest so I think I like passed out I don't really remember but then I woke up while he hit me over the head a few times and eventually I ended up in the floor begging him to stop and he did but I couldn't move... Then he told me that you guys hooked up after our wedding... And that you told him you had only stayed with me all these years because you didn't want me to like to insane or like end up in a coma or some shit... and said that from the moment we met you hated me and I just stress you out and that I'm needy as fuck and -" I started crying and Dan held me. "And he told me that at PJs funeral you kissed him..." Dan went pale. " you did didn't you! When? " I cried.
"Phil listen, he kissed me but I pushed him away...okay...And This all happened when you passed out for a while at the wake..."
" why didn't you tell me? " I whispered.
"I didn't think I should waste my precious time with you talking about someone so pathetic" he smiled. I loved this man.
" Anyway what happened then... " he asked.
" Oh urm, he said you told him you wanted to divorce me for him but you didn't have the guts to then he stabbed me a few times and when he finished he said something like 'now he can be all mine'"
"Eww... Such a brainless eejit" I laughed at his statement.
"What? He is" he laughed.
"You are actually the love of my life"
"Well I'd hope so... And you at mine, of course" he smiled and leant over to kiss me.
" let's sleep " I yawned.
"You're no fun" Dan sulked.
" i 'd love to fuck you but I can not physically do that "
"I love it when you are so forward Philly" i laughed .
"Go to sleep you spoon, and turn the light off and cuddle me forever!"
" on it, he said getting out of bed "

The single dad || phan
Fanfiction[completed] Daniel Howell is a single dad of a 6 month old named Lucy. After her mother's death, Dan got left with her, even though he did not know he had a child in the first place. Phil is a patient at the hospital Dan works at...